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Up: wrsmanual
Previous: Bibliography
- .ac line
- .ac Line
- .adc line
- .adc Line
- .check line
- .check, .checkall, .monte, and
| Operating Range Analysis
- .checkall line
- .check, .checkall, .monte, and
- .control line
- .exec, .control, .postrun, and
- .dc line
- .dc Line
- .defmod
- Default Models
- .disto line
- .disto Line
- .elif line
- .if, .elif, .else, and
- .else line
- .if, .elif, .else, and
- .end line
- .end Line
- .endc line
- .exec, .control, .postrun, and
| Operating Range Analysis
- .endif line
- .if, .elif, .else, and
- .endl line
- .lib Line
- .ends line
- .ends Line
- .endv line
- .verilog, .endv Lines
- .exec line
- .exec, .control, .postrun, and
- .four line
- .four Line
- .global line
- .global Line
- .ic line
- .ic Line
- .if line
- .if, .elif, .else, and
- .inc line
- .include or .inc Line
- .include line
- .include or .inc Line
- .lib line
- .lib Line
- .model
- Device Models
- .monte line
- .check, .checkall, .monte, and
| Operating Range Analysis
| Monte Carlo Analysis
- .mosmap line
- .mosmap Line
- .mozyrc file
- .mozyrc File
- .newjob line
- .newjob Line
- .nodeset line
- .nodeset Line
- .noexec line
- .check, .checkall, .monte, and
- .noise line
- .noise Line
- .op line
- .op Line
- .options line
- .options Line
| Simulation Options
- .param line
- .param Line
- .plot line
- .plot Line
- .postrun line
- .exec, .control, .postrun, and
- .print line
- .print Line
- .probe line
- .save Line
- .pz line
- .pz Line
- .save line
- .save Line
- .sens line
- .sens Line
- .spinclude line
- .include or .inc Line
- .splib line
- .lib Line
- .subckt line
- .subckt Line
- .table line
- .table Line
- .temp line
- .temp Line
- .tf line
- .tf Line
- .title line
- .title Line
- .tran line
- .tran Line
- .verilog line
- .verilog, .endv Lines
- .wrspiceinit file
- Initialization Files
- /measure line
- .measure Line
- /stop line
- .stop Line
- /width line
- .width Line
- @delta vector
- .tran Line
- abs function
- Math Functions
- abstol variable
- Real-Valued Parameters
- ac analysis
- Types of Analysis
| .ac Line
- ac command
- The ac Command
- acct variable
- Batch Mode Option Variables
- acos function
- Math Functions
- acosh function
- Math Functions
- agauss function
- HSPICE Compatibility Functions
- alias command
- The alias Command
- alias substitution
- Alias Substitution
- alter command
- The alter Command
- alterf command
- The alterf Command
- am specification
- Amplitude Modulation
- am tran function
- Amplitude Modulation
- analysis
- Types of Analysis
- ac
- Types of Analysis
| .ac Line
- dc
- Types of Analysis
| .dc Line
- distortion
- Types of Analysis
| .disto Line
- looping
- Types of Analysis
- Monte Carlo
- Types of Analysis
- noise
- Types of Analysis
| .noise Line
- operating range
- Types of Analysis
- pole-zero
- Types of Analysis
| .pz Line
- sensitivity
- Types of Analysis
| .sens Line
- transfer function
- Types of Analysis
| .tf Line
- transient
- Types of Analysis
| .tran Line
- appendwrite variable
- Command-Specific Variables
- area parameter
- Semiconductor Devices
- argc variable
- Shell Variables
- argv variable
- Shell Variables
- asciiplot command
- The asciiplot Command
- asin function
- Math Functions
- asinh function
- Math Functions
- aspice command
- The aspice Command
- atan function
- Math Functions
- atanh function
- Math Functions
- aunif function
- HSPICE Compatibility Functions
- backquote substitution
- Back-Quoting, Command Evaluation
- backslash quoting
- Single-Character Quoting
- batch mode
- Starting WRspice
| Batch Mode
- beta function
- Statistical Functions
- binomial function
- Statistical Functions
- bipolar transistor instance
- Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs)
- bipolar transistor model
- BJT Models (both NPN
- break statement
- Control Structures
- bug command
- The bug Command
- bypass variable
- Integer-Valued Parameters
- cache command
- The cache Command
- capacitor
- Capacitors
- capacitor model
- Capacitor Model
- case sensitivity
- Case Sensitivity
| Starting WRspice
- cbrt function
- Math Functions
- Current-Controlled Current Sources
- Current-Controlled Voltage Sources
- cd command
- The cd Command
- cdump command
- The cdump Command
- ceil function
- Math Functions
- chained analysis
- Chained Sweep Analysis
- check command
- The check Command
| Operating Range Analysis
- variables
- The check Command
- vectors
- The check Command
- checkiterate variable
- Command-Specific Variables
| Operating Range Analysis
- chgtol variable
- Real-Valued Parameters
- chisq function
- Statistical Functions
- Circuits tool
- Introduction to Interactive Simulation
| The Tool Control Window
| The Circuits Tool
- cktvars variable
- Shell Variables
- codeblock command
- The codeblock Command
- colorN
- Text String Selection
- colorN variable
- Plot Variables
- Colors tool
- The Tool Control Window
- colors, setting
- Initialization Files
- combine command
- The combine Command
- combplot variable
- Plot Variables
- command completion
- Command Completion
- command editing
- Command Line Editing
- command interpretation
- Commands and Scripts
- command line options
- Starting WRspice to Starting WRspice
- -class
- Starting WRspice
- -name
- Starting WRspice
- -no-xshm
- Starting WRspice
- -sync
- Starting WRspice
- -v
- Starting WRspice
- -vb
- Starting WRspice
- -vv
- Starting WRspice
- -b
- Starting WRspice
- -c
- Starting WRspice
- -d
- Starting WRspice
- -dnone
- Starting WRspice
- -i
- Starting WRspice
- -j
- Starting WRspice
- -m
- Starting WRspice
- -mnone
- Starting WRspice
- -n
- Starting WRspice
- -o
- Starting WRspice
- -p
- Starting WRspice
- -q
- Starting WRspice
- -r
- Starting WRspice
- -s
- Starting WRspice
- -t
- Starting WRspice
- -x
- Starting WRspice
- Command Options panel
- Command Options Panel
- command scripts
- Commands and Scripts
- Commands tool
- The Tool Control Window
- comment line
- Comments
- compose command
- The compose Command
- concatenation character
- Circuit Description
- constants plot
- The constants Plot
- continue statement
- Control Structures
- control blocks
- .exec, .control, .postrun, and
| Scripts and Batch Mode
- control structures
- Control Structures
- convergence
- Types of Analysis
| .nodeset Line
- cos function
- Math Functions
- cosh function
- Math Functions
- cptime variable
- Unused Option Variables
- cross command
- The cross Command
- CSDF file format
- The write Command
- csvtoraw program
- The csvtoraw Utility: CSV
- Ctrl-D
- Introduction to Interactive Simulation
- curanalysis variable
- Plot Variables
- curplot variable
- Plot Variables
- curplotdate variable
- Plot Variables
- curplotname variable
- Plot Variables
- curplottitle variable
- Plot Variables
- current circuit
- Introduction to Interactive Simulation
- current flow convention
- Circuit Elements
- current plot
- Plots and Vectors
- current source
- Voltage and Current Sources
- daemon, wrspiced
- The WRspice Daemon and
- db function
- Math Functions
- dc analysis
- Types of Analysis
| .dc Line
- dc analysis, chained
- Analysis Specification
- dc command
- The dc Command
- dcmu variable
- Real-Valued Parameters
- dcoddstep variable
- Boolean Parameters
- Debug Options panel
- Debug Options
- Debug tool
- The Tool Control Window
- debug variable
- Debugging Variables
- defad variable
- Real-Valued Parameters
- defas variable
- Real-Valued Parameters
- default models
- Default Models
- define command
- The define Command
- defl variable
- Real-Valued Parameters
- deftype command
- The deftype Command
- defw variable
- Real-Valued Parameters
- delete command
- The delete Command
- delmin variable
- Real-Valued Parameters
- dependent source
- Dependent Sources
- deriv function
- Math Functions
- destroy command
- The destroy Command
- dev variable
- Batch Mode Option Variables
- devcnt command
- The devcnt Command
- device expressions
- Device Expressions
- device library
- WRspice Overview
| Circuit Elements
- device models
- Device Models
- devload command
- The devload Command
- devls command
- The devls Command
- devmod command
- The devmod Command
- diff command
- The diff Command
- diff_abstol variable
- Command-Specific Variables
- diff_reltol variable
- Command-Specific Variables
- diff_vntol variable
- Command-Specific Variables
- dimensions, vectors
- Vector Characteristics
- diode instance
- Junction Diodes
- diode model
- Diode Model
- display command
- The display Command
- DISPLAY environment variable
- Starting WRspice
| WRspice Environment Variables
| Graphical Interface
- display variable
- Debugging Variables
- disto command
- The disto Command
- distortion analysis
- Types of Analysis
| .disto Line
- dollarcmt variable
- Command-Specific Variables
- dontplot variable
- Debugging Variables
- double quoting
- Single and Double Quoting
- dowhile block
- Control Structures
- dphimax variable
- Real-Valued Parameters
- dpolydegree variable
- Math Functions
| Command-Specific Variables
- drag and drop
- The Tool Control Window
| The File Manager
- dump command
- The dump Command
- dumpnodes command
- The dumpnodes Command
- echo command
- The echo Command
- echof command
- The echof Command
| Monte Carlo Analysis
- edit command
- Introduction to Interactive Simulation
| The edit Command
- EDITOR environment variable
- WRspice Environment Variables
- editor variable
- Command-Specific Variables
- end statement
- Control Structures
- environment
- WRspice Environment Variables
- WRspice Environment Variables
- WRspice Environment Variables
- environment variables
- Environment Variables to WRspice Environment Variables
- WRspice Environment Variables
- WRspice Environment Variables
- WRspice Environment Variables
- setting
- Unix/Linux
- WRspice Environment Variables
- WRspice Environment Variables
- WRspice Environment Variables
- WRspice Environment Variables
- WRspice Environment Variables
- WRspice Environment Variables
- WRspice Environment Variables
- WRspice Environment Variables
- WRspice Environment Variables
- WRspice Environment Variables
- WRspice Environment Variables
- WRspice Environment Variables
- WRspice Environment Variables
- WRspice Environment Variables
- WRspice Environment Variables
- WRspice Environment Variables
- WRspice Environment Variables
- WRspice Environment Variables
- WRspice Environment Variables
- WRspice Environment Variables
- WRspice Environment Variables
- WRspice Environment Variables
- erf function
- Math Functions
- erfc function
- Math Functions
- erlang function
- Statistical Functions
- errorlog variable
- Command-Specific Variables
- example run
- Introduction to Interactive Simulation
- exec plot
- .exec, .control, .postrun, and
| Plots and Vectors
- executable comments
- .exec, .control, .postrun, and
- exp function
- Math Functions
- exp tran function
- Exponential
- exponential function
- Statistical Functions
- exponential specification
- Exponential
- expression list
- Expression Lists
- expression substitution
- Variables and Variable Substitution
- extprec variable
- Boolean Parameters
- fft function
- Math Functions
- fifo
- The FIFO
- file formats
- File Formats
- CSV file
- Comma Separated Value (CSV)
| Common Simulation Data File
- help files
- Help Database Files
- rawfile
- Rawfile Format
- file manager
- The File Manager
- File Selection window
- The File Manager
- Files tool
- The Tool Control Window
| The Files Tool
- filetype variable
- Command-Specific Variables
- findlower command
- The findlower Command
- findrange command
- The findrange Command
- findupper command
- The findupper Command
- floor function
- Math Functions
- Fonts tool
- The Tool Control Window
| The Fonts Tool
- forcegmin variable
- Boolean Parameters
- foreach block
- Control Structures
- format string
- The print Command
- fourgridsize variable
- Command-Specific Variables
- fourier command
- The fourier Command
- fpemode variable
- Integer-Valued Parameters
- free command
- The free Command
- FreeBSD
- WRspice Overview
- gamma function
- Math Functions
- gauss function
- HSPICE Compatibility Functions
- gauss tran function
- Gaussian Random
- gaussian pulse specification
- Gaussian Pulse
- Gaussian random specification
- Gaussian Random
- global nodes
- .global Line
- global return value
- Variables and Variable Substitution
| String Comparison and Global
- global substitution
- Global Substitution
- gmax variable
- Real-Valued Parameters
- gmin variable
- Real-Valued Parameters
- gminfirst variable
- Boolean Parameters
- gminsteps variable
- Integer-Valued Parameters
- goto statement
- Control Structures
- gpulse tran function
- Gaussian Pulse
- gridsize variable
- Plot Variables
- gridstyle keyword
- lingrid
- Plot Variables
- loglog
- Plot Variables
- polar
- Plot Variables
- smith
- Plot Variables
- smithgrid
- Plot Variables
- xlog
- Plot Variables
- ylog
- Plot Variables
- gridstyle variable
- Plot Variables
- group variable
- Plot Variables
- hardcopy command
- The hardcopy Command
- hardcopy drivers
- Plot Variables
- hardcopy panel
- Best Fit
- The Print Control Panel
- hcopycommand variable
- Plot Variables
- hcopydriver variable
- Plot Variables
- hcopyheight variable
- Plot Variables
- hcopylandscape variable
- Plot Variables
- hcopyresol variable
- Plot Variables
- hcopyrmdelay variable
- Plot Variables
- hcopywidth variable
- Plot Variables
- hcopyxoff variable
- Plot Variables
- hcopyyoff variable
- Plot Variables
- height variable
- Shell Variables
- help command
- The help Command
- help database
- The Help Database
- help files
- Help Database Files
- Help menu
- The Tool Control Window
- help system
- Program Control
| The WRspice Help System
- help viewer
- .mozyrc file
- The HTML Viewer
- Anchor Buttons
- The HTML Viewer
- Anchor Highlight
- The HTML Viewer
- Anchor Plain
- The HTML Viewer
- anchor styles
- The HTML Viewer
- Anchor Underline
- The HTML Viewer
| The HTML Viewer
- back
- The HTML Viewer
- Bad HTML Warnings
- The HTML Viewer
- Clear Cache
- The HTML Viewer
- cookies
- The HTML Viewer
- Default Colors
- The HTML Viewer
- Delayed Images
- The HTML Viewer
- disk cache
- The HTML Viewer
- Don't Cache
- The HTML Viewer
- Find Text
- The HTML Viewer
- forward
- The HTML Viewer
- Freeze Animations
- The HTML Viewer
- image formats
- The HTML Viewer
- Log Transactions
- The HTML Viewer
- Make FIFO
- The HTML Viewer
- No Images
- The HTML Viewer
- Old Charset
- The HTML Viewer
- Open
- The HTML Viewer
- Open File
- The HTML Viewer
- Print
- The HTML Viewer
- Progressive Images
- The HTML Viewer
- Quit
- The HTML Viewer
- Reload
- The HTML Viewer
- Reload Cache
- The HTML Viewer
- Save
- The HTML Viewer
- Save Config
- The HTML Viewer
- Search Database
- The HTML Viewer
- Set Font
- The HTML Viewer
- Set Proxy
- The HTML Viewer
- Show Cache
- The HTML Viewer
- stop
- The HTML Viewer
- Sync Images
- The HTML Viewer
- helpinitxpos variable
- Command-Specific Variables
- helpinitypos variable
- Command-Specific Variables
- helppath variable
- Command-Specific Variables
- helpreset command
- The helpreset Command
- history command
- The history Command
- history substitution
- History Substitution
- history variable
- Shell Variables
- HOME environment variable
- WRspice Environment Variables
- HSPICE functions
- HSPICE Compatibility Functions
- HSPICE simulator
- History of WRspice
- hspice variable
- Boolean Parameters
- if block
- Control Structures
- ifft function
- Math Functions
- ignoreeof variable
- Shell Variables
- im function
- Math Functions
- implicit source
- Implicit Source
- IMSAVE_PATH environment variable
- Print Drivers
- independent source
- Voltage and Current Sources
- inductor
- Inductors
- inductor model
- Inductor Model
- initialization files
- Initialization Files
- input format
- Input Format
- insideADMS
- The ``insideADMS'' define
- int function
- Math Functions
- integ function
- Math Functions
- interactive simulation
- Introduction to Interactive Simulation
- interp tran function
- Interpolation
- interplev variable
- Integer-Valued Parameters
- interpolate function
- Math Functions
- interpolation specification
- Interpolation
- io redirection
- I/O Redirection
- iplot command
- The iplot Command
- itl1 variable
- Integer-Valued Parameters
- itl2 variable
- Integer-Valued Parameters
- itl2gmin variable
- Integer-Valued Parameters
- itl2src variable
- Integer-Valued Parameters
- itl3 variable
- Unused Option Variables
- itl4 variable
- Integer-Valued Parameters
- itl5 variable
- Unused Option Variables
- j function
- Math Functions
- j0 function
- Math Functions
- j1 function
- Math Functions
- JFET instance
- Junction Field-Effect Transistors (JFETs)
- JFET model
- JFET Models (both N
- jjaccel variable
- Boolean Parameters
- jn function
- Math Functions
- jobs command
- The jobs Command
- Josephson junction instance
- Josephson Junctions
- Josephson junction model
- Josephson Junction Model
- KLU plug-in
- Sparse Matrix Package
- label statement
- Control Structures
- length function
- Math Functions
- let command
- Introduction to Interactive Simulation
| Vector Creation and Assignment
| The let Command
- limit function
- HSPICE Compatibility Functions
- limpts variable
- Unused Option Variables
- limtim variable
- Unused Option Variables
- linearize command
- The linearize Command
- lingrid variable
- Plot Variables
- linplot variable
- Plot Variables
- list variable
- Batch Mode Option Variables
- listing command
- The listing Command
- ln function
- Math Functions
- load command
- The load Command
- loadable device modules
- Loadable Device Modules
| The devload Command
- loadthrds variable
- Integer-Valued Parameters
- log function
- Math Functions
- log10 function
- Math Functions
- loglog variable
- Plot Variables
- loop command
- The sweep Command
- loopthrds variable
- Integer-Valued Parameters
- LTRA model
- Transmission Line Model
- lvlcod variable
- Unused Option Variables
- lvltim variable
- Unused Option Variables
- mag function
- Math Functions
- mail window
- The Mail Client
- The Mail Client
- mapkey command
- The mapkey Command
- margin analysis
- .check, .checkall, .monte, and
- math functions
- Math Functions
- mavg function
- Measurement Functions
- maxdata variable
- Analysis Specification
| Real-Valued Parameters
- maxord variable
- Integer-Valued Parameters
- mctrial command
- The mctrial Command
- mean function
- Math Functions
- measure command
- The measure Command
- measurement
- Post-Processing and Run Control
- measurement functions
- Measurement Functions
- measurement interval
- Point and Interval Specification
- measurement types
- Measurements
- measurements, chained
- Post-Measurement Commands
- measurements, source reference
- Referencing Results in Sources
- memory management
- WRspice Environment Variables
- memory statistics
- The Tool Control Window
- memory use
- Types of Analysis
- MESFET instance
- MESFET model
- MESFET Models (both N
- method variable
- String Parameters
- minbreak variable
- Real-Valued Parameters
- mmax function
- Measurement Functions
- mmin function
- Measurement Functions
- mmjco program
- The mmjco Utility: Tunnel
- mod variable
- Batch Mode Option Variables
- modelcard variable
- Syntax Control Variables
- modpath variable
- Command-Specific Variables
- Monte Carlo analysis
- Types of Analysis
| Operating Range Analysis
| Monte Carlo Analysis
- example
- Example Monte Carlo Analysis
- MOSFET binning
- MOS Model Binning
- MOSFET defaults
- MOS Default Values
- MOSFET instance
- MOSFET L/W selection
- MOS Model Binning
- MOSFET levels
- Imported MOS Models
- MOSFET model
- MOSFET Models (both N
- mplot command
- The mplot Command
| Monte Carlo Analysis
- mplot window
- The Mplot Panel
- mplot_cur variable
- Command-Specific Variables
- mpp function
- Measurement Functions
- mpw function
- Measurement Functions
- mrft function
- Measurement Functions
- mrft2 function
- Measurement Functions
- mrms function
- Measurement Functions
- multi variable
- Plot Variables
- multi-threads
- Multi-threading
- multidec program
- The multidec Utility: Coupled
- multidimensional vectors
- Vector Characteristics
- mutual inductor
- Coupled (Mutual) Inductors
- name field
- Input Format
- named pipe
- The FIFO
- nfreqs variable
- Command-Specific Variables
- noadjoint variable
- Boolean Parameters
- noasciiplotvalue variable
- Plot Variables
- noaskquit variable
- Shell Variables
- nobjthack variable
- Syntax Control Variables
- nobreak variable
- Plot Variables
- nocc variable
- Shell Variables
- noclobber variable
- Shell Variables
- node names
- Input Format
- node variable
- Batch Mode Option Variables
- noedit variable
- Shell Variables
- noeditwin variable
- Command-Specific Variables
- noerrwin variable
- Shell Variables
- noglob variable
- Shell Variables
- nogrid variable
- Plot Variables
- nointerp variable
- Plot Variables
- noise analysis
- Types of Analysis
| .noise Line
- noise command
- The noise Command
- noiter variable
- Boolean Parameters
- nojjtp variable
- Boolean Parameters
- noklu variable
- Boolean Parameters
- nomatsort variable
- Boolean Parameters
- nomod variable
- Unused Option Variables
- nomodload variable
- Command-Specific Variables
- nomoremode variable
- Shell Variables
- nonomatch variable
- Shell Variables
- noopiter variable
- Boolean Parameters
- nopadding variable
- Command-Specific Variables
- nopage variable
- Command-Specific Variables
- noplotlogo variable
- Plot Variables
- noprintscale variable
- Command-Specific Variables
- noprtitle variable
- Command-Specific Variables
- norm function
- Math Functions
- noshellopts variable
- Boolean Parameters
- nosort variable
- Shell Variables
- nosubckt variable
- Debugging Variables
- notrapcheck variable
- Boolean Parameters
- number field
- Numeric Values
- numdgt variable
- Command-Specific Variables
- off parameter
- Types of Analysis
| Semiconductor Devices
- ogauss function
- Statistical Functions
- oldlimit variable
- Boolean Parameters
- oldsteplim variable
- Boolean Parameters
- op command
- The op Command
- operating range analysis
- Types of Analysis
| Operating Range Analysis
- checkDEL1
- Operating Range Analysis
- checkDEL2
- Operating Range Analysis
- checkFAIL
- Operating Range Analysis
- checkiterate
- Operating Range Analysis
- checkN1
- Operating Range Analysis
- checkN2
- Operating Range Analysis
- checkPNTS
- Operating Range Analysis
- checkSTP1
- Operating Range Analysis
- checkSTP2
- Operating Range Analysis
- checkVAL1
- Operating Range Analysis
- checkVAL2
- Operating Range Analysis
- example
- Example Operating Range Analysis
- file format
- Operating Range Analysis File
- finding endpoints
- Operating Range Analysis
- opmax1
- Operating Range Analysis
- opmax2
- Operating Range Analysis
- opmin1
- Operating Range Analysis
- opmin2
- Operating Range Analysis
- r_scale
- Operating Range Analysis
- range
- Operating Range Analysis
- value
- Operating Range Analysis
- value1
- Operating Range Analysis
- value2
- Operating Range Analysis
- operating range files
- Operating Range Analysis
- operators
- Operators in Expressions
- option character
- Starting WRspice
- options
- .options Line
| Simulation Options
- optmerge variable
- String Parameters
- opts variable
- Batch Mode Option Variables
- p pseudo-function
- Analysis Vectors and Access
- parhier variable
- Subcircuit Parameters
| String Parameters
- pattern specification
- Pattern Generation
- pause command
- The pause Command
- Print Drivers
- pedigree
- WRspice Overview
- pexnodes variable
- Syntax Control Variables
- ph function
- Math Functions
- phase-mode DC
- Phase-Mode DC Analysis
- pick command
- The pick Command
- pivrel variable
- Real-Valued Parameters
- pivtol variable
- Real-Valued Parameters
- platforms
- WRspice Overview
- Plot Colors panel
- Plot Colors Panel
- plot command
- Introduction to Interactive Simulation
| The plot Command
- plot description
- Plots, Vectors and Expressions
- Plot Options panel
- Plot Options Panel
- Plot Options tool
- The Tool Control Window
- plot panel
- The Plot Panel
- plot text editing
- Text String Selection
- plot text selection
- Text String Selection
- plot to file
- The Print Control Panel
- plot window
- The Plot Panel
- plot zoom in
- Zooming in
- plot_catchar variable
- Syntax Control Variables
- plotgeom variable
- Plot Variables
- plotposn variable
- Plot Variables
- plots
- Introduction to Interactive Simulation
- Plots tool
- The Tool Control Window
| The Plots Tool
- plots variable
- Plot Variables
- plotstyle keyword
- combplot
- Plot Variables
- lineplot
- Plot Variables
- pointplot
- Plot Variables
- plotstyle variable
- Plot Variables
- plotting
- Post-Processing and Run Control
- plotwin command
- The plotwin Command
- pointchars variable
- Plot Variables
- pointplot variable
- Plot Variables
- poisson function
- Statistical Functions
- polar variable
- Plot Variables
- pole-zero analysis
- Types of Analysis
| .pz Line
- poly keyword
- Capacitors
| Inductors
| Resistors
- poly specification
- POLY Expressions
- polydegree variable
- Plot Variables
- polysteps variable
- Plot Variables
- pos function
- Math Functions
- post variable
- Batch Mode Option Variables
- post-measurement commands
- Post-Measurement Commands
- Postscript
- Print Drivers
- pow function
- HSPICE Compatibility Functions
- present variable
- Plot Variables
- print command
- Introduction to Interactive Simulation
| The print Command
- print help text
- The HTML Viewer
- print panel
- The Print Control Panel
- printautowidth variable
- Command-Specific Variables
- printf command
- The printf Command
- printnoheader variable
- Command-Specific Variables
- printnoindex variable
- Command-Specific Variables
- printnopageheader variable
- Command-Specific Variables
- printnoscale variable
- Command-Specific Variables
- printtoraw program
- The printtoraw Utility: Print
- proc2mod program
- The proc2mod Utility: BSIM1
- program variable
- Debugging Variables
- prompt variable
- Shell Variables
- PSF file format
- The write Command
- pulse specification
- Pulse
- pulse tran function
- Pulse
- pwd command
- The pwd Command
- PWL specification
- Piecewise Linear
- pwl tran function
- Piecewise Linear
- pwr function
- HSPICE Compatibility Functions
- pz command
- The pz Command
- qhelp command
- The qhelp Command
- quit command
- The quit Command
- quoting
- Quoting
- backquote
- Back-Quoting, Command Evaluation
- backslash
- Single-Character Quoting
- double
- Single and Double Quoting
- single
- Single and Double Quoting
- rampup variable
- Real-Valued Parameters
- random variable
- Command-Specific Variables
- rawfile
- Introduction to Interactive Simulation
- rawfile ASCII format
- Rawfile Format
- rawfile binary format
- Rawfile Format
- rawfile options
- Rawfile Format
- rawfile variable
- Command-Specific Variables
- rawfile variables
- Rawfile Format
- rawfileprec variable
- Command-Specific Variables
- re function
- Math Functions
- rehash command
- The rehash Command
- reltol variable
- Real-Valued Parameters
- renumber variable
- Boolean Parameters
- repeat block
- Control Structures
- reset command
- The reset Command
- resistor
- Resistors
- resistor model
- Resistor Model
- resmin variable
- Real-Valued Parameters
- resume command
- The resume Command
- return command
- The return Command
- retval command
- The retval Command
- revertmode variable
- Shell Variables
- rhost command
- The rhost Command
- rhost variable
- Command-Specific Variables
- rms function
- Math Functions
- rnd function
- Statistical Functions
- rprogram variable
- Command-Specific Variables
- RSJ model
- Josephson Junction Model (RSJ
- rspice command
- The rspice Command
- run command
- Introduction to Interactive Simulation
| The run Command
- runops
- Simulation Control Commands
- Runops tool
- The Tool Control Window
| The Runops Tool
- rusage command
- The rusage Command
- accept
- Integer Valued Database Entries
- cvchktime
- Real Valued Database Entries
- elapsed
- The rusage Command
- equations
- Integer Valued Database Entries
- faults
- The rusage Command
- fillin
- Integer Valued Database Entries
- involcxswitch
- Integer Valued Database Entries
- loadthrds
- Integer Valued Database Entries
- loadtime
- Real Valued Database Entries
- loopthrds
- Integer Valued Database Entries
- lutime
- Real Valued Database Entries
- matsize
- Integer Valued Database Entries
- nonzero
- Integer Valued Database Entries
- pagefaults
- Integer Valued Database Entries
- rejected
- Integer Valued Database Entries
- reordertime
- Real Valued Database Entries
- solvetime
- Real Valued Database Entries
- space
- The rusage Command
- time
- Real Valued Database Entries
- totaltime
- The rusage Command
- totiter
- Integer Valued Database Entries
- trancuriters
- Integer Valued Database Entries
- traniter
- Integer Valued Database Entries
- tranitercut
- Integer Valued Database Entries
- tranlutime
- Real Valued Database Entries
- tranouttime
- Real Valued Database Entries
- tranpoints
- Integer Valued Database Entries
- transolvetime
- Real Valued Database Entries
- trantime
- Real Valued Database Entries
- trantrapcut
- Integer Valued Database Entries
- trantstime
- Real Valued Database Entries
- volcxswitch
- Integer Valued Database Entries
- save command
- The save Command
- save help text
- The HTML Viewer
- savecurrent variable
- Boolean Parameters
- scale factors
- Numeric Values
- scaletype keyword
- group
- Plot Variables
- multi
- Plot Variables
- single
- Plot Variables
- scaletype variable
- Plot Variables
- sced command
- The sced Command
- script comments
- Commands and Scripts
- scripts
- Post-Processing and Run Control
| Commands and Scripts
| Batch Mode
- search help database
- The HTML Viewer
- seed command
- The seed Command
- semicolon termination
- Semicolon Termination
- sens command
- The sens Command
- sensitivity analysis
- Types of Analysis
| .sens Line
- server mode
- Batch Mode
- set and let
- Set and Let
- set command
- Introduction to Interactive Simulation
| The set Command
- setcase command
- The setcase Command
- setcirc command
- Introduction to Interactive Simulation
| The setcirc Command
- setdim command
- The setdim Command
- setfont command
- The setfont Command
- setplot command
- The setplot Command
- setrdb command
- The setrdb Command
- setscale command
- The setscale Command
- settype command
- The settype Command
- sffm tran function
- Single-Frequency FM
- sgn function
- Math Functions
- shell
- Post-Processing and Run Control
| The WRspice Shell
- shell comand
- The shell Command
- shell commands
- Shell Commands
- Shell Options panel
- Shell Options Panel
- shell scripts
- Commands and Scripts
- Shell tool
- The Tool Control Window
- shell variable expansion
- Variable Expansion in Input
- shell variables
- Variables and Variable Substitution
- shift command
- The shift Command
- show command
- The show Command
- sign function
- HSPICE Compatibility Functions
- Simulation Options panel
- Simulation Options Panel
- Simulation Options tool
- The Tool Control Window
- sin function
- Math Functions
- sin tran function
- Sinusoidal
- sine pulse specification
- Sinusoidal Pulse
- sine specification
- Sinusoidal
- single frequency FM specification
- Single-Frequency FM
- single quoted expressions
- Single-Quoted Expressions
- single quoting
- Single and Double Quoting
- single variable
- Plot Variables
- single-quote expansion
- Variable Expansion in Input
- single-quoted expressions
- Variable Expansion in Input
- sinh function
- Math Functions
- smith variable
- Plot Variables
- smithgrid variable
- Plot Variables
- source
- Voltage and Current Sources
- source command
- Introduction to Interactive Simulation
| The source Command
- source expressions
- Device Expressions
- source, implicit
- Implicit Source
- sourcepath variable
- The Files Tool
| Shell Variables
- sparse matrix package
- Sparse Matrix Package
- spec command
- The spec Command
- spec_catchar variable
- Syntax Control Variables
- spectrace variable
- The spec Command
| Command-Specific Variables
- specwindow variable
- The spec Command
| Command-Specific Variables
- specwindoworder variable
- The spec Command
| Command-Specific Variables
- spice options
- .options Line
| Simulation Options
- spice3 variable
- Boolean Parameters
- SPICE_ASCIIRAWFILE environment variable
- WRspice Environment Variables
- SPICE_BUGADDR environment variable
- WRspice Environment Variables
- SPICE_DAEMONLOG environment variable
- WRspice Environment Variables
- SPICE_EDITOR environment variable
- WRspice Environment Variables
- SPICE_EXEC_DIR environment variable
- WRspice Environment Variables
- SPICE_HLP_PATH environment variable
- WRspice Environment Variables
- SPICE_HOST environment variable
- WRspice Environment Variables
- SPICE_INP_PATH environment variable
- WRspice Environment Variables
- SPICE_LIB_DIR environment variable
- WRspice Environment Variables
- SPICE_NEWS_FILE environment variable
- WRspice Environment Variables
- SPICE_OPTCHAR environment variable
- Starting WRspice
| WRspice Environment Variables
- SPICE_PATH environment variable
- WRspice Environment Variables
- SPICE_TMP_DIR environment variable
- WRspice Environment Variables
- SPICENOMAIL environment variable
- WRspice Environment Variables
- spicepath variable
- Command-Specific Variables
- sprint command
- The sprint Command
- spulse tran function
- Sinusoidal Pulse
- sqrt function
- Math Functions
- srcsteps variable
- Integer-Valued Parameters
- startup file
- Initialization Files
| The tbsetup Command
- state command
- The state Command
- statistical database
- The rusage Command
- statistical functions
- Statistical Functions
- stats command
- The stats Command
- status command
- The status Command
- step command
- The step Command
- steptype variable
- String Parameters
- stop command
- The stop Command
- strcicmp command
- The strcicmp Command
- strciprefix command
- The strciprefix Command
- strcmp command
- The strcmp Command
- strictnumparse variable
- Syntax Control Variables
- string comparison
- String Comparison and Global
- strprefix command
- The strprefix Command
- subc_catchar variable
- Subcircuit Expansion
| Syntax Control Variables
- subc_catmode variable
- Subcircuit Expansion
| Syntax Control Variables
- subcircuit call
- Subcircuit Calls
- subcircuit declaration
- .subckt Line
- subcircuit expansion
- Subcircuit Expansion
- subcircuit/model cache
- Subcircuit/Model Cache
- subcircuits
- Subcircuits
- subend variable
- Syntax Control Variables
- subinvoke variable
- Syntax Control Variables
- submaps variable
- Syntax Control Variables
- substart variable
- Syntax Control Variables
- sum function
- Math Functions
- sweep analysis
- Chained Sweep Analysis
- sweep command
- The sweep Command
- switch
- Switches
- switch model
- Switch Model
- table reference specification
- Table Reference
- table tran function
- Table Reference
- tan function
- Math Functions
- tanh function
- Math Functions
- tbsetup command
- The tbsetup Command
- tbupdate command
- The tbsetup Command
| The tbupdate Command
- tdist function
- Statistical Functions
- temp variable
- Analysis at Different Temperatures
| Real-Valued Parameters
- temper variable
- Special Vectors
- temperature
- Analysis at Different Temperatures
- coefficient
- Analysis at Different Temperatures
- text editor
- The Text Editor
- text entry windows
- Text Entry Windows
- text-mode interface
- Program Control
- tf command
- The tf Command
- tgauss tran function
- Gaussian Random
- threads
- Multi-threading
- ticmarks variable
- Plot Variables
- title line
- Title Line
- title variable
- Plot Variables
- Josephson Tunnel Junction Model
- tjm_path variable
- String Parameters
- TMPDIR environment variable
- WRspice Environment Variables
- tnom variable
- Analysis at Different Temperatures
| Real-Valued Parameters
- tool control window
- Program Control
| The Tool Control Window
- Tools menu
- The Tool Control Window
- TRA model
- Transmission Line Model
- trace command
- The trace Command
- tracing
- Post-Processing and Run Control
- tran command
- The tran Command
- tran functions
- Tran Functions
- tran functions, in expressions
- Tran Functions
- transfer function analysis
- Types of Analysis
| .tf Line
- transient analysis
- Types of Analysis
| .tran Line
- translate variable
- Boolean Parameters
- transmission line
- Transmission Lines (General)
- transmission line, lumped
- Uniform RC Line
- trantrace variable
- Debugging Variables
- trapcheck variable
- Boolean Parameters
- trapratio variable
- Real-Valued Parameters
- trtol variable
- Real-Valued Parameters
- trytocompact variable
- Boolean Parameters
- uic keyword
- Circuit Elements
- unalias command
- The unalias Command
- undefine command
- The undefine Command
- unicode
- GTK Text Input Key
- unif function
- HSPICE Compatibility Functions
- units field
- Units
- units variable
- Command-Specific Variables
- units_catchar variable
- Syntax Control Variables
- units_sepchar variable
- Syntax Control Variables
- unitvec function
- Math Functions
- unixcom variable
- Shell Variables
- unlet command
- The unlet Command
- unset command
- The unset Command
- Update Tools button
- The tbsetup Command
- updating XicTools
- XicTools Update
- urc
- Uniform RC Line
- URC model
- Uniform Distributed RC Model
- useadjoint variable
- Boolean Parameters
- user interface setup commands
- User Interface Setup Commands
- user-defined functions
- Tran Functions
- usrset command
- The usrset Command
- var_catchar variable
- Syntax Control Variables
- variable expansion
- Variables and Variable Substitution
- variable substitution
- Variable Expansion in Input
| .exec, .control, .postrun, and
| Variables and Variable Substitution
- variable types
- Variables and Variable Substitution
- Variables tool
- The Tool Control Window
| The Variables Tool
| Variables and Variable Substitution
- variables, shell
- Variables and Variable Substitution
- vasilent variable
- Boolean Parameters
- vastep command
- The vastep Command
- vastep variable
- Integer-Valued Parameters
- Voltage-Controlled Current Sources
- Voltage-Controlled Voltage Sources
- vector description
- Plots, Vectors and Expressions
- vector function
- Math Functions
- vector indexing
- Vector Characteristics
- vector substitution
- Variables and Variable Substitution
| Vector Expressions
- vectors
- Introduction to Interactive Simulation
- Vectors tool
- Introduction to Interactive Simulation
| The Tool Control Window
| The Vectors Tool
- vectors, dimension
- Chained Sweep Analysis
- vectors, dimensions
- Vector Characteristics
- Verilog
- Post-Processing and Run Control
- Verilog blocks
- .verilog, .endv Lines
- Verilog interface
- .adc Line
- Verilog-A
- Creating Loadable Modules from
- version command
- The version Command
- virtual memory use
- Types of Analysis
- vntol variable
- Real-Valued Parameters
- voltage source
- Voltage and Current Sources
- Werthamer model
- Josephson Tunnel Junction Model
- where command
- The where Command
- while block
- Control Structures
- WR button
- The Tool Control Window
- write command
- The write Command
- wrsfifo
- The FIFO
- wrspiced daemon
- The WRspice Daemon and
- wrspiced program
- The wrspiced Daemon: Remote
- wrspiceinit file
- Initialization Files
- wrupdate command
- The wrupdate Command
- X resources
- Initialization Files
- xcompress variable
- Plot Variables
- xdelta variable
- Plot Variables
- xeditor command
- The xeditor Command
- xglinewidth variable
- Plot Variables
- xgmarkers variable
- Plot Variables
- xgraph command
- The xgraph Command
- Xic
- WRspice Overview
| Introduction to Interactive Simulation
- xindices variable
- Plot Variables
- xlabel variable
- Plot Variables
- xlimit variable
- Plot Variables
- xlog variable
- Plot Variables
- xmu variable
- Real-Valued Parameters
- XT_GUI_COMPACT environment variable
- WRspice Environment Variables
- XT_HOMEDIR environment variable
- WRspice Environment Variables
- XT_KLU_PATH environment variable
- WRspice Environment Variables
- XT_LOCAL_MALLOC environment variable
- WRspice Environment Variables
- XT_PREFIX environment variable
- WRspice Environment Variables
- XT_SYSTEM_MALLOC environment variable
- WRspice Environment Variables
- XTNETDEBUG environment variable
- WRspice Environment Variables
- XTNOMAIL environment variable
- WRspice Environment Variables
- y0 function
- Math Functions
- y1 function
- Math Functions
- ydelta variable
- Plot Variables
- ylabel variable
- Plot Variables
- ylimit variable
- Plot Variables
- ylog variable
- Plot Variables
- yn function
- Math Functions
- ysep variable
- Plot Variables
Stephen R. Whiteley