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Trace Drag and Drop

In plots, the traces can be moved by dragging with mouse button 1, either within a plot or between plot windows. Thus, the order of the traces can be changed. Traces can be ``grabbed'' by pressing button 1 near the trace legend, but not over the legend text itself. A square wave marker is attached to the pointer when a trace is being dragged.

Traces can be dropped within the legend area of another trace, in which case the dragged trace occupies the drop trace location, and the drop trace and below are shifted down. Traces can be dropped in the legend area but below all existing legends to move a trace to the end.

Traces can also be dropped on the file cabinet icon in the upper left corner of the plot window. This will remove the dragged trace from the display, if the trace is from the same plot window as the icon. If the trace is from a different plot window, a copy of the trace is added to the icon storage. Traces that have been dragged into the file cabinet can be dragged out again in first-in last-out order, and can be dropped among the existing trace legends to make them visible again.

Dragging trace data between plots is an an easy way to see differences between simulation runs. The trace data are copied and interpolated to the new scale. If the new scale is not compatible, the operation will fail.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29