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The rspice Command

The rspice command is used to initiate simulation runs on a remote machine.

rspice inputfile

rspice [-h host][-p program][-f inputfile] [analysis]
This command initiates a remove WRspice job, using the inputfile as input, or the current circuit if no inputfile is given. If the -h option is not used, the default host can be specified in the environment before WRspice is started with the SPICE_HOST environment variable, or with the rhost variable. In addition, a list of hosts which are nominally available for remote runs can be generated with the rhost command. The default host used is the host known to WRspice that has the fewest active submissions, or which appears last on the list (hosts are added to the front of the list). If the -p option is not used, WRspice will use the program found in the rprogram variable, and if not set will use the same program as the aspice command. If the -f option is not used, the current circuit is submitted, otherwise inputfile is submitted. If there is no analysis specification, there must be an analysis specified in inputfile. If the current circuit is being submitted, there must be an analysis specification given on the command line.

Once the job is submitted, WRspice returns to interactive mode. When the job is complete, the standard output of the job, if any, is printed, and the rawfile generated becomes the current plot.

Remote runs can only be performed on machines which have the wrspiced daemon operating, and have permission to execute the target program.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29