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The trace Command

The trace command will add a ``runop'' which prints the value of the expression(s) at each user analysis point.

trace expr [...]
At each time point, the expressions on the command line will be evaluated, and their values printed on the standard output.

If a trace command is given at the prompt in interactive mode, it is placed in a global list, and activity will persist until deleted (with the delete command). If the command is given in a file, the command will be added to a list for the current circuit, and will apply only to that circuit. Thus, for example, a WRspice file can contain lines like

*# trace v(1)
and the trace will be performed as that circuit is run, but the ``trace v(1)'' directive will not apply to other circuits.

The traces in effect can be listed with the status command, deleted with the delete command, and otherwise manipulated from the panel brought up with the Trace button in the Tools menu.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29