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The free Command

The free command is used to free memory used by circuit and plot structures.

free [c[ircuit]] [p[lot]] [a[ll]] [y[es]]
This command releases the memory used to store plot and circuit structures for reuse by WRspice. The virtual memory space used by plots in particular can grow quite large. If free is given without an argument, the user is queried as to whether to delete the current plot and circuit structures (independently). If the argument all is given, the user is queried as to whether to delete all plot and circuit structures. If the argument circuit is given, only circuits will be acted on. Similarly, if the argument plot is given, only plots will be acted on. If neither circuit or plot is given, both circuits and plots will be acted on. If the argument yes is given, the user prompting is skipped, and the action performed. Only the first letter of the keywords is needed. Plots can also be freed from the panel brought up by the Plots button in the Tools menu, and circuits can be freed from the panel brought up with the Circuits button. The destroy command can also be used to free plots.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29