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Integer-Valued Parameters

When bypassing is enabled, which is the default, semiconductor devices will skip certain computations when terminal voltages are relatively static. This is a speed optimization. This variable can be set as an integer to a value of 0 (zero) to disable bypassing. This can perhaps increase accuracy, at the expense of speed. When set to a nonzero value, or to no value, there is no effect as bypassing is enabled by default.

Default Min Value Max Value Set From
1 0 1 Simulation Options/Devices

The fpemode variable can be set to an integer which controls how the program responds to a floating-point exception, such as divide by zero or overflow. The accepted values are

0 (default)
Halt computation if an error is detected. In many cases, the computation will be retried, after going to a smaller step size in simulation (for example), so the halt does not necessarily mean simulatiuon failure.

Ignore floating-point errors and just continue. This is what most other simulators do.

This is for debugging. A floating-point error will cause a signal to be emitted, that when caught will terminate the program. Under control of a debugger, the expression causing the exception can be located easily, but this is not likely to be useful for the general user.

In releases prior to 4.1.6, there were two ``signaling'' modes, that attempted to return to the running program. This is no longer possible and these would instead hang the program if used.

If set as an option, e.g. ``.options fpemode=1'' then the mode applies only when the circuit is running a simulation.

Default Min Value Max Value Set From
0 0 2 Simulation Options/General

This variable controls the gmin stepping used in operating point analysis (see 2.7.6). The values are integers in the range -1 through 20, with the default being 0. If -1, no gmin stepping will be attempted. If set to 0 (the default) the dynamic gmin stepping algorithm is used. This will use variable-sized steps, reattempting with a smaller step after failure. If positive, the Berkeley SPICE3 gmin stepping algorithm will be used, with a fixed number of steps as given.

Default Min Value Max Value Set From
0 -1 20 Simulation Options/Convergence

In transient analysis, in the default steptype mode, internal timepoint data are interpolated onto the external (user supplied) time points. Only the interpolated data are saved. This variable sets the polynomial degree of interpolation, in the range 1-3. The default is 1 (linear interpolation).

Default Min Value Max Value Set From
1 1 3 Simulation Options/Timestep

The itl1 variable sets the dc iteration limit before convergence failure is indicated.

Default Min Value Max Value Set From
400 10 1000 Simulation Options/Convergence

The itl2 variable sets the dc transfer curve iteration limit before convergence failure is indicated.

Default Min Value Max Value Set From
100 4 500 Simulation Options/Convergence

The itl2gmin variable sets the maximum number of iterations to allow per step during gmin stepping when finding the dc operating point.

Default Min Value Max Value Set From
20 4 500 Simulation Options/Convergence

The itl2src variable sets the maximum number of iterations to allow per step during dynamic source stepping when finding the dc operating point.

Default Min Value Max Value Set From
20 4 500 Simulation Options/Convergence

This variable sets the number of timepoint iterations in transient analysis above which convergence failure is indicated.

Default Min Value Max Value Set From
20 4 100 Simulation Options/Convergence

WRspice currently supports multi-threaded matrix loading on all supported platforms. The concept is to use otherwise unused processor cores to evaluate device model code in parallel, thus reducing simulation time. This is experimental, and applies to dc (including operating point) and transient analysis only.

The load function is the function that evaluates all of the device model code, and sets up the circuit matrix and right-hand side vector, for subsequent LU factorization and solution. This dominates circuit simulation time in some circuits, particularly when using complex device models such as BSIM.

This variable sets the number of helper threads that will be created to assist the main thread in evaluating device code. If 0 or not set, no helper threads are used. It has a corresponding entry in the General page of the Simulation Options panel.

Multiple threads will not necessarily make simulations run faster and in fact can have the opposite effect. The latter is sadly true in Josephson circuits tested thus far. The problem is that multi-threading adds a small amount of overhead, and the load function may be called hundreds of thousands of times in these simulations. The model calculation for JJs runs very quickly, and the overhead becomes significant. The same is true for other simple devices. Work to improve this situation is ongoing.

On the other hand, if there is a lot of computation in the device model, this will dominate the overhead and we see shorter load times. This is true for BSIM MOS models, in circuits with more than about 20 transistors. Such simulations can run 2-3 times faster than a single thread. One should experiment with the value of the loadthrds variable. Most likely for best performance, the value plus the main thread should equal the number of available hardware threads, which is usually twice the number of available CPU cores.

Default Min Value Max Value Set From
0 0 31 Simulation Options/Beneral

WRspice currently supports multi-threaded simulation runs when performing chained-dc analysis (see 1.4). Most analysis types allow dc analysis chaining. That is, the basic analysis specification is followed by a dc analysis specification involving one or two sources or device parameters in the circuit, and the analysis is run at each dc bias condition. The result will be a family of multi-dimensional vectors, one dimension per bias condition.

In this release, the dc-point analyses may be run using multiple threads. All supported operating systems provide multi-threading, however parallel runs require multiple cores or CPUs. Multiple threads will be used automatically if:

  1. The loopthrds variable is set to an integer 1 or larger. This option variable indicates the number of ``helper'' threads to use. It can be set to an integer in the range 0 through 31, with 0 being the same as not set (single threading). The ``best'' value can be found experimentally, but the value plus the main thread probably equals twice the number of available CPU cores.

  2. The analysis specification supports multi-threading. Presently the following analyses can be multi-threaded:
    tran, without scrolling, segmenting, and with the ``nousertp'' mode not set.

Concurrent threads in loop/Monte Carlo analysis is not yet available, but will be be provided in a future release. These analysis require a rebuild of the circuit object for each trial.

Hint: If your requirements can be met with chained dc analysis instead of loop analysis, overhead can be minimized. Chained dc can be used in many instances, since a source voltage can be used in an expression for a component value, for example.

In chained dc analysis, the same circuit object is re-used multiple times. In loop analysis, the circuit object must be recreated for each trial run, since the deck after shell substitution will have changed.

The loopthrds and loadthrds can be used together. One should experiment to find the fastest settings.

Default Min Value Max Value Set From
0 0 31 Simulation Options/Beneral

This variable sets the maximum order of the integration method used. Setting this to 1 will always use rectangular integration. If unset, the value taken is 2, which is the maximum order for the default trapezoidal integration. If Gear integration is used, the maximum order is 6.

Default Min Value Max Value Set From
2 1 6 Simulation Options/Timestep

This variable controls the source stepping used in operating point analysis (see 2.7.6). The values are integers in the range -1 through 20, with the default being 0. If -1, no source stepping will be attempted. If set to 0 (the default) the dynamic source stepping algorithm is used. This will use variable-sized steps, reattempting with a smaller step after failure. If positive, the Berkeley SPICE3 source stepping algorithm will be used, with a fixed number of steps as given.

Default Min Value Max Value Set From
0 -1 20 Simulation Options/Convergence

This option applies when a .verilog block is present, and the Verilog simulation is run in parallel with transient analysis. Precisely how this occurs is controlled by this option. The value is an unsigned integer.

The Verilog simulation is advanced by calling the vastep command, likely through a callback function called from a .stop line.

1 (the default)
The Verilog simulation is advanced at each transient analysis time step.

X (positive integer greater than 1)
The Verilog simulation is advanced after X transient time steps.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29