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The setcase Command

Syntax: setcase [flags]

This command sets or reports the case sensitivity of various name classes in WRspice. These classes are:

Function names.
User-defined function names.
Vector names.
.PARAM names.
Codeblock names.
Node and device names.

The flags is a word consisting of letters, each letter corresponds to a class from the list above. If lower-case, the class will be case-sensitive. If upper-case, the class will be case-insensitive.

The letters are f, u, v, p, c, and n corresponding to the classes listed above. By default, all WRspice identifiers are case-insensitive, which corresponds to the string ``FUVPCN''. Letters can appear in any order, and unrecognized characters are ignored. Not all letters need be included, only those seen will be used.

If given an argument string as described above, and called from a startup file, the case sensitivities will be set. This can not be done from the WRspice prompt. Case sensitivity can also be set from the command line by using the -c option.

If no argument, a report of the case sensitivity status is printed. This can be done from the WRspice prompt.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29