The help viewer windows provide access to the help system topics, and can display general HTML and image files.
There are three colored buttons in the menu bar of the viewer. The left-facing arrow button (back) will return to the previous topic shown in the window. The right-facing arrow button (forward) will advance to the next topic, if the back button has been used. The Stop button will stop HTTP transfers in progress.
There are four drop-down menus in the menu bar: File, which contains basic commands for loading and printing, Options, which contains commands for setting display attributes, Bookmarks, which allows saving frequently used references, and Help which provides documentation.
The File menu contains the following command buttons.
The feature was developed for use in the stand-alone mozy program, for use as a HTML viewer for the mutt mail client. If an HTML MIME attachment is ``saved'' to the FIFO file, it will be displayed in the viewer.
The FIFO will be destroyed if this toggle button is pressed a second time, or when the help window exist normally. If the program crashes, the FIFO may be left behind and require manual removal.
The Options menu presents a number of configuration and visual attribute choices to the user. These are described below.
The $HOME/.wrproxy file contains a single line giving the internet url of the proxy server. The proxy server will be used to relay internet transactions such as checking for program updates, obtaining data or input files via http or ftp transport, and general internet access.
One can create a .wrproxy file by hand with a text editor. The general form is
http://username:password@ format must be http, https is not supported at present. The username and password if needed are specified as shown, using the colon `:' and at-sign `@' as separators. The address can be a numeric ip quad, or a standard internet address. The port number is appended following a colon. No white space is allowed within the text.
When the menu button is pressed, a pop-up appears that solicits the proxy address. Here, the address is the complete token, as described above, but possibly without the port. The port number can be passed as a trailing number separated by white space, if it is not already given (separated by a colon). If no port number is given, the system will assume use of port number 80.
If the entry area is empty, any existing .wrproxy file will be moved to ``.wrproxy.bak'' in the user's home directory, effectively disabling use of a proxy. The behavior will be identical if the address consists of a hyphen `-'. An existing .wrproxy.bak file will be overwritten. If the hyphen is followed by some non-space characters, the .wrproxy file will be moved to a new file where the given characters serve as a suffix following a period. For example, if -ZZ is given, the new file would be ``.wrproxy.ZZ'' in the user's home directory. An existing file of that name will be overwritten.
If the argument consists of only a plus sign `+', if a file named ``.wrproxy.bak'' exists in the user's home directory, it will be moved to .wrproxy. An existing .wrproxy will be overwritten. If the `+' is followed by some non-space characters, the command will look for a file where the characters are used as a suffix, as above, and if found the file will be moved to .wrproxy.
Only the .wrproxy file will provide a proxy url, the other files are ignored. The renamed files provide convenient storage, for quickly switching between proxys, or no proxy.
Otherwise, if an address is given, the first argument must start with ``http:'' or an error will result.
The color entries can take a color name, as listed in the listing brought up with the Colors button, or a numerical RGB entry in any common format. The entries are the following:
The Colors button brings up a panel which lists available named colors. Clicking on a name in this panel selects it, and enters the name into the system clipboard. The ``paste'' operation can then be used to enter the color name into an entry area. This may vary between systems, typically clicking on an entry area with the middle mouse button will paste text from the clipboard.
Pressing the Apply button will apply the new colors to the viewer window. Pressing Dismiss or otherwise retiring the panel without pressing Apply will discard changes. Changes made will not be persistent unless the Save Config button has been used to create a .mozyrc file, as mentioned above.
A page will not be downloaded if it exists in the cache, unless the modification time of the page is newer than the modification time of the cache file.
The Don't Cache button in the Options menu will disable caching of downloaded pages and images.
The Clear Cache button in the Options menu will clear the internal references to the cache. The files, however, are not cleared.
The Reload Cache button in the Options menu will clear and reload the internal cache references from the files that presently exist in the cache directory.
The Show Cache button in the Options menu brings up a listing of the URLs in the internal cache. Clicking on one of the URLs in the listing will load that page or image into the viewer. This is particularly useful on a system that is not continuously on-line. One can access the pages while on-line, then read them later, from cache, without being on-line.
The Bookmarks menu contains entries to add and delete entries, plus a list of entries. The entries, previously added by the user, are help keywords, file names, or URLs that can be accessed by selecting the entry. Thus, frequently accessed pages can be saved for convenient access. Pressing the Add button will add the page currently displayed in the viewer to the list. The next time the Bookmarks menu is displayed, the topic should appear in the menu. To remove a topic, the Delete button is pressed. Then, the menu is brought up again, and the item to delete is selected. This will remove the item from the menu. Selecting any of the other items in the menu will display the item in the viewer. The bookmark entries are saved in a file named ``bookmarks'' which is located in the same directory containing the cache files.