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.save Line

General Form:
.save [output] vector vector ...
.save i(vin) v(3)
.save @m1[id] vm(3,2)

When a rawfile is produced, the vectors listed in the .save line are recorded in the rawfile. The standard vector names are accepted; for the form v(a, b), the vectors v(a) and v(b) are saved (not the difference vector). The voltage vector(s) are saved for each of the forms vm, vp, vr, vi, and vdb. Similarly, the branch current is saved on mention of any of the corresponding i forms. A token without parenthesis is interpreted as a node name, e.g. , ``1'' implies v(1) is saved.

If no .save line is given or no entries are found, then all vectors produced by the analysis are saved. If .save lines are given, only those vectors specified are saved. The keyword ``output'' specifies that the vector names found in all .print, .plot, and .four lines are to be saved, in addition to any vectors listed on the .save lines.

In WRspice release 3.2.11 and later, the keyword .probe is a synonym for .save. This is for rough compatibility with other simulators.

There is an analogous save command available within WRspice.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29