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The cache Command

This function provides a control interface to the subcircuit/model cache.

cache [keyword] [tagname]

The subcircuit/model cache contains representations of blocks of input lines that were enclosed in .cache and .endcache lines. These representations are used instead of the actual lines of input, reducing setup time.

The command can have the following forms, the first argument is a keyword (or letter). additional arguments are tag names (the names that follow ``.cache'' in SPICE input).

cache h[elp]
Print command usage information.
cache l[ist]
Print a list of the tag names currently in the cache. The cache command with no arguments does the same thing.
cache d[ump] [tagname...]
This will dump the lines saved in the cache, for each tagname given, or for all names if no tagname is given. Presently, .param lines are listed as comments; the actual parameters are in an internal representation and not explicitly listed.
cache r[emove] tagname [tagname ...]
This will remove the cached data associated with each tagname given. The given names will no longer be in the cache.
cache c[lear]
This will clear all data from the cache.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29