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The delete Command

The delete command is used to remove ``runops'' (traces or breakpoints) from the runop list.

delete [[in]active] [all | save | trace | iplot | measure | stop | number] ...]
With no arguments, a list of existing runops is printed, and the user is prompted for one to delete. The status command also prints a list of runops. Runopss can also be controlled with the panel brought up with the Trace button in the Tools menu.

If the inactive/active keyword is given, breakpoints listed to the right but before another (in)active keyword are deleted only if they are inactive/active. Otherwise, they are deleted unconditionally. If one of stop, measure, trace, iplot, or save is given, runops of that type only are deleted. These keywords can appear in combination.

Each runop is assigned a unique number, which is available through the status command. This number can also be entered on the command line causing that runop to be deleted (if the activity matches the inactive keyword, if given). A range of numbers can be given, for example ``2-6''. There must be no white space in the range token.


Delete all traces and iplots:
delete trace iplot

Delete all inactive runops:
delete inactive all

Delete all traces and inactive iplots:
delete traces inactive iplots

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29