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The setscale Command

The setscale command is used to set the vector used as a scale when plotting other vectors.

setscale [plot or vector] [vectors ...]
Each plot has a default scale, which can be set with this command. Each vector has a scale variable, which if set will override the default scale of the plot. These also can be set with this command. This command takes as input the names of a plot and a new scale vector in that plot, or the names of vectors from the current plot. The wildcard forms using ``all'' and the plot prefix form plot.vector are not allowed in this command. If only one argument is given, i.e.
setscale vector
then vector is assigned as the default scale of the current plot. The vector must already exist in the current plot.

If two arguments are given, the first argument is initially interpreted as the name of a plot, and the second argument is the name of a vector in that plot to use as the scale. The plot has names like ``tran1'' or ``ac2'' and the vector must exist in that plot.

If the first argument is not a plot name, or there are more than two arguments, the arguments are expected to be vectors in the current plot, and the last vector will be assigned as the scale for the other listed vectors.

The scales assigned to vectors can be removed by assigning the vector that is the current default scale for the plot, or the scale vector name given can have the special names ``none'' or ``default''. The scale for plots can't be removed, since a plot must always have a default scale (if any vectors are defined).

The let command without arguments lists the vectors and will show the scales, if any.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29