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Data Manipulation Commands

The following commands perform various operations on vectors, which are the basic data structures of WRspice. Vectors from the current plot can be referenced by name. A listing of the vectors for the current plot is obtained by typing the let or display commands without arguments, or pressing the Vectors button in the Tools menu. Vectors for other than the current plot are referenced by plotname.vecname, for example, tran2.v(1). The current plot can be changed with the setplot command, or from the panel brought up by the Plots button in the Tools menu. See 3.16 for more information about vectors.

Vectors can be created and manipulated in many ways. For example, typing

let diff = v(1) - v(2)
creates a new vector diff. All vectors can be printed, plotted, or used in expressions. They can be deleted with the unlet command.

Data Manipulation Commands
compose Create vector
cross Vector cross operation
define Define a macro function
deftype Define a data type
diff Compare plots and vectors
display Print vector list
fourier Perform spectral analysis
let Create or assign vectors
linearize Linearize vector data
pick Create vector from reduced data
seed Seed random number generator
setdim Set current plot dimensions
setplot Set current plot
setscale Assign scale to vector
settype Assign type to vector
spec Perform spectral analysis
undefine Undefine macro function
unlet Undefine vector
vastep Advance Verilog simulator

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29