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.mozyrc File

The help system looks for a file named ``.mozyrc'' in the user's home directory, which contains keywords which define the default behavior of many of the commands and features of the help window. This is used only in UNIX/Linux releases. It is necessary to install this file if one wants alternate selections from the help window, for example different fonts, to be persistent.

A sample .mozyrc file listing is provided below. The file can be found in the startup directory in the installation tree, under the name ``mozyrc''. To install, edit the file if necessary, then move it to your home directory under the name ``.mozyrc''.

# This is the startup file which sets defaults for the mozy web browser
# and the Xic/WRspice HTML viewer.  It should be installed as ".mozyrc"
# in the user's home directory, should the user wish to change the
# defaults.

# --- DISPLAY ATTRIBUTES -------------------------------------------------

# Background color used for pages that don't have a <body> tag,
# such as help text (default #e8e8f0)
DefaultBgColor #e8e8f0

# Background image URL to use for pages that don't have a <body> tag
# (no default)
#DefaultBgImage /some/dir/pretty_picture.jpg

# Text color to use for pages that don't have a <body> tag
# (default black)
DefaultFgText black

# Color to use for links in pages without a <body> tag
# (default blue)
DefaultFgLink blue

# How to handle images:
#  0 Don't display images that require downloading
#  1 Download images when encountered in document
#  2 Download images after document is displayed
#  3 Display images progressively after document is displayed (the default)
ImageLoadMode 3

# How to underline anchors when underlining is enabled
#  0 No underline
#  1 Single solid underline (default)
#  2 Double solid underline
#  3 Single dashed underline
#  4 Double dashed underline
AnchorUnderline 1

# If this is set to one (the default) anchors are shown as buttons.  If set
# to zero, anchors use the underlining style
AnchorButtons 0

# If set to one (the default) anchors will be highlighted when the pointer
# passes over them.  If zero, there will be no highlighting
AnchorHighlight 1

# The default font families.  This is the XLFD family name with "-size"
# appended.  Defaults:  adobe-times-normal-p-14   misc-fixed-normal-c-14
FontFamily adobe-times-normal-p-14
FixedFontFamily misc-fixed-normal-*-14

# If set to one, animations are frozen.  If zero (the default) animations
# will be shown normally
FreezeAnimations 0

# --- COMMUNICATIONS -----------------------------------------------------

# Time in seconds allowed for a response from a message (0 for no timeout,
# to 600, default 15)
Timeout 15

# Number of times to retry a message after a timeout (0 to 10, default 4)
Retries 4

# The port number used for HTTP communications (1 to 65536, default 80)
HTTP_Port 80

# The port number used for FTP communications (1 to 65536, default 21)
FTP_Port 21

# --- GENERAL ------------------------------------------------------------

# Number of cache files to save (2 to 4096, default 64)
CacheSize 64

# Set to one to disable disk cache, 0 (the default) enables cache
NoCache 0

# Set to one to disable sending and receiving cookies
NoCookies 0

# --- DEBUGGING ----------------------------------------------------------

# Set this to one to print extended status messages on terminal screen
# (default 0)
DebugMode 0

# Set this to one to print transaction headers to terminal screen
# (default 0)
PrintTransact 0

# Debugging mode for images
#  0 Disable debugging mode (the default)
#  1 Load local images after document is displayed
#  2 Display local images progressively after document is displayed
LocalImageTestMode 0

# Issue warnings about bad HTML syntax to terminal (1) or not (0, the default)
BadHTMLwarnings 0

Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29