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Graphical Output Commands

The following commands display the output of simulations graphically, either on-screen or on a printing device. Many take as input a list of vectors or expressions to plot, and in some cases ambiguities may arise. An example would be

plot v(1) -v(2)
which would be interpreted as a plot of the difference between the vectors (1 trace) rather than two traces. To resolve such ambiguities, double quotes may be used, as in
plot v(1) "-v(2)"
which enforses interpretation as separate expressions. Additional parentheses may also be used to the same effect.

In the expression list, a ``.'' token is replaced with the vector list found in a .plot line from the file with the same analysis type as the current plot. For example, if the input file contained

.tran .1u 10u
.plot tran v(1) v(2)
then one can type ``run'', then ``plot .'' to plot v(1) and v(2).

Graphical Output Commands
asciiplot Generate line printer plot
combine Combine plots
hardcopy Send plot to printer
iplot Plot during simulation
mplot Plot range analysis output
plot Plot simulation results
plotwin Pop down and destroy plot windows
xgraph Plot simulation results using xgraph

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29