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Example Operating Range Analysis Control File

The listing that follows is an operating range analysis control file for a Josephson binary counter circuit.

    3 stage Josephson counter, operating range analysis
    # Margins of a Josephson binary counter
    # This is an example of an operating range analysis input file
    # After sourcing the file, optionally enter "mplot -on" to see results
    # graphically, then "check" to initiate run.  The results will be left
    # in a file.
    compose checkPNTS values 50p 135p 185p 235p 285p 335p 385p 435p 485p
    checkFAIL = 0
    # above two lines are required in header, the rest are optional
    # central value of first variable, number of evaluation steps above and
    # below, step delta:
    checkVAL1 = 13
    checkSTP1 = 5
    checkDEL1 = .5
    # same thing for second variable
    checkVAL2 = 38
    checkSTP2 = 5
    checkDEL2 = 1
    # one can define other initialized constants here as well
    failthres = 1
    # end of header
    # The following code is evaluated just after the time variable exceeds
    # each one of the checkPNTS
    if time > checkPNTS[0]
            if time < checkPNTS[1]
    # time is 50p, set quiescent phase differences.  Uninitialized variables
    # do not require declaration in header
                    p0 = v(200) - v(201)
                    p1 = v(300) - v(301)
                    p2 = v(400) - v(401)
                    checkFAIL = 0
    # echo "tp1" to screen
                    echo tp1
    if time > checkPNTS[1]
            if time < checkPNTS[2]
    # time = 135p, state should be '001'. if not set checkFAIL to 1
    # pi and the other variables in the 'constants' plot are known
                    if abs(v(200) - v(201) + p0 - 2*pi) > failthres
                            checkFAIL = 1;
                    if abs(v(300) - v(301) - p1) > failthres
                            checkFAIL = 1;
                    if abs(v(400) - v(401) - p2) > failthres
                            checkFAIL = 1;
                    echo tp2
    if time > checkPNTS[2]
            if time < checkPNTS[3]
    # time = 185p, state should be '010'. if not set checkFAIL to 1
                    if abs(v(200) - v(201) - p0) > failthres
                            checkFAIL = 1;
                    if abs(v(300) - v(301) + p1 - 2*pi) > failthres
                            checkFAIL = 1;
                    if abs(v(400) - v(401) - p2) > failthres
                            checkFAIL = 1;
                    echo tp3
    if time > checkPNTS[3]
            if time < checkPNTS[4]
    # time = 235p, state should be '011'. if not set checkFAIL to 1
                    if abs(v(200) - v(201) + p0 - 2*pi) > failthres
                            checkFAIL = 1;
                    if abs(v(300) - v(301) + p1 - 2*pi) > failthres
                            checkFAIL = 1;
                    if abs(v(400) - v(401) - p2) > failthres
                            checkFAIL = 1;
                    echo tp4
    if time > checkPNTS[4]
            if time < checkPNTS[5]
    # time = 285p, state should be '100'. if not set checkFAIL to 1
                    if abs(v(200) - v(201) - p0) > failthres
                            checkFAIL = 1;
                    if abs(v(300) - v(301) - p1) > failthres
                            checkFAIL = 1;
                    if abs(v(400) - v(401) + p2 - 2*pi) > failthres
                            checkFAIL = 1;
                    echo tp5
    if time > checkPNTS[5]
            if time < checkPNTS[6]
    # time = 335p, state should be '101'. if not set checkFAIL to 1
                    if abs(v(200) - v(201) + p0 - 2*pi) > failthres
                            checkFAIL = 1;
                    if abs(v(300) - v(301) - p1) > failthres
                            checkFAIL = 1;
                    if abs(v(400) - v(401) + p2 - 2*pi) > failthres
                            checkFAIL = 1;
                    echo tp6
    if time > checkPNTS[6]
            if time < checkPNTS[7]
    # time = 385p, state should be '110'. if not set checkFAIL to 1
                    if abs(v(200) - v(201) - p0) > failthres
                            checkFAIL = 1;
                    if abs(v(300) - v(301) + p1 - 2*pi) > failthres
                            checkFAIL = 1;
                    if abs(v(400) - v(401) + p2 - 2*pi) > failthres
                            checkFAIL = 1;
                    echo tp7
    if time > checkPNTS[7]
            if time < checkPNTS[8]
    # time = 435p, state should be '111'. if not set checkFAIL to 1
                    if abs(v(200) - v(201) + p0 - 2*pi) > failthres
                            checkFAIL = 1;
                    if abs(v(300) - v(301) + p1 - 2*pi) > failthres
                            checkFAIL = 1;
                    if abs(v(400) - v(401) + p2 - 2*pi) > failthres
                            checkFAIL = 1;
    # end of pass/fail logic
    .tran 1p 500p uic
    .subckt count 1 4 5 6 7
    c1 4 0 3.2p
    r1 3 8 .4
    r2 4 9 1.1
    b1 3 0 6 jj1
    b2 5 0 7 jj1
    l1 3 4 2.0p
    l2 4 5 2.0p
    l3 1 2 2.0p
    l4 2 0 2.0p
    l5 8 0 1.4p
    l6 9 0 .1p
    k1 l1 l3 .99
    k2 l2 l4 .99
    .ends count
    r1 17 2 50
    r2 1 6 50
    r3 1 10 50
    r4 1 14 50
    r5 3 18 50
    r6 7 13 50
    r7 11 13 50
    r8 15 13 50
    r9 3 20 50
    r10 4 5 .43
    r11 8 9 .43
    r12 12 19 .43
    r13 16 30 .5
    l1 5 6 2.1p
    l2 9 10 2.1p
    l3 19 14 2.1p
    l4 30 0 2p
    x1 3 2 4 100 101 count
    x2 7 6 8 200 201 count
    x3 11 10 12 300 301 count
    x4 15 14 16 400 401 count
    * These are the sources which vary
    * In general, the $value1 or $value2 symbols can replace any numerical
    * parameter in the circuit description.  No checking is done as to whether
    * the substitution makes sense.
    *flux bias
    v1 13 0 pulse(0 $value1%m 10p 10p)
    *gate bias
    v2 1 0 pulse(0 $value2%m 10p 10p)
    v3 20 0 pwl(0 0	70p 0
    + 75p  15m 90p  15m 100p -15m 115p -15m 
    + 125p 15m 140p 15m 150p -15m 165p -15m
    + 175p 15m 190p 15m 200p -15m 215p -15m
    + 225p 15m 240p 15m 250p -15m 265p -15m
    + 275p 15m 290p 15m 300p -15m 315p -15m
    + 325p 15m 340p 15m 350p -15m 365p -15m
    + 375p 15m 390p 15m 400p -15m 415p -15m
    + 425p 15m 440p 15m 450p -15m 465p -15m 500p -15m)
    * flux bias first stage
    v4 18 0 pulse(0 13m 10p 10p)
    *gate bias first stage
    v5 17 0 pulse(0 39m 8p 10p)
    *Nb 3000 A/cm2   area = 20 square microns
    .model jj1 jj(rtype=1,cct=1,icon=10m,vg=2.8m,delv=0.08m,
    + icrit=0.6m,r0=49.999998,rn=2.745098,cap=0.777093p)

Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29