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Debugging Variables

These variables turn on debugging modes and otherwise provide debugging utility. Most of these variables can be set indirectly from the Debug OPtions tool from the Debug button in the Tools menu of the Tool Control window.

This variable may be a boolean (i.e., set to nothing), in which case all debugging is turned on, a string token from the list below, in which case the string specifies which part of the program to enable debugging for, or a list of these strings, which enables any combination. The possible values are:

async The aspice and rspice code
control The control structure code
cshpar The C-shell pre-processor and parser
eval The expression evaluation routines
ginterface Graphics package interface routines
helpsys The help system
plot The plotting routines
parser The parser for expressions
siminterface The interface to the simulator
vecdb The vector database

This variable contains the display name for X used by the graphics system, generally of the form host:number. This variable is read-only.

This variable disables the plotting system for debugging purposes. When this variable is set, and a plot command is given, no graphical operations are performed.

This variable disables the expansion of subcircuits when set, for debugging purposes. A circuit with subcircuits cannot be parsed if this is set.

This variable contains the full path name of the program.

This can take integer values 0-2, a value 0 is the same as if unset. When set to 1 or 2, a message is printed at every internal time point during transient analysis, providing information about the predicted and used time step, integration order, convergence testing results, and breakpoints. The value 2 is more verbose than 1.

Also, for values 1 and 2 equivalently, the operating point analysis is traced, with iteration counts, step values and other information printed. This is done for any operating point analysis, for transient analysis or not.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29