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Interactive mmjco Commands

The following are the interactive commands which can be entered after starting mmjco with no arguments.

cd[ata] [-t temp] [-d| -d1| -d2 delta] [-s smooth] [-x nx] [-f filename] [-r| -rr| -rd]
Create TCA data, save internally and to a file. See below for an explanation of the options.

Tunnel current amplitude and smoothing options:
-t The assumed temperature follows, in Kelvin. Default 4.2.
-d This will set both d1 and d2, the pair breaking energy in milli-electron volts, of the two superconducting banks. The default is 1.4 mev.
-d1,-d2 Like -d, but apply to only one of the banks. The final occurrence of d,d1,d2 will have precedence.
-s This provides the smoothing parameter as used in MiTMoJCo. the accepted range is 0.0 - 0.099. The default is 0.008. If less than 0.001, 0 is assumed. When 0, no smoothing is done and raw BCS tunnel amplitudes are generated.
-x The number of points used to create the tunnel current amplitudes. The range of sweep of voltage normalized to the gap voltage (d1+d2) extends from 0.001 through 2.0. The default point count is 500.
-f A name for the TCA amplitude file. If not given, a default is used, described below.
-r Output file is a complex-valued rawfile.
-rr Output file is a real-valued rawfile.
-rd Output file simple data file. If none of -r,-rr,-rd options is set, the format will be -rr if the program was built for XicTools, -rd otherwise.

cf[it] [-n terms] [-h thr] [-ff filename]
Create fit parameters for TCA data currently in memory from cd or ld commands. This is saved internally and to a file. See below for an explanation of the options.

Fitting table options:
-n The size of the table, defaults to 8. Larger tables are more accurate but take more time to generate and process. A maximum of 20 is enforced.
-h The ratio of the absolute to relative tolerances, used in compression, the default is 0.2.
-ff A name for the fitting parameter table. If not given, a default is used, described below.

cm[odel] [-h thr] [-fm [filename]] [-r| -rr| -rd]
Create a model for TCA data using fitting parameters currently in memory, compute the residual, and optionally save to a file. If -fm is given without a filename, a file name will be generated internally. If -fm is not given, the model will not be saved to a file, but used only to compute the residual. The printed residual number is an indication of the fit quality, smaller values indicate better matching.

If one of -r, -rr, -rd is given when a TCA file is being generated, it overrides the default type for file to produce.

-r complex-valued rawfile
-rr real-valued rawfile
-rd simple data file
The default file type is -rr when built for XicTools, or the simple data file format otherwise.

The model files are saved in the current directory (unless a path is given explicitly).

cs[weep] Tstrt Tend [Tdelta] arguments
Create a temperature sweep file, which involves creating sequential records of fit parameters for temperatures starting with Tstrt and ending at at or near Tend, spaced in temperature by Tdelta. These are real numbers in Kelvin. If the third number Tdelta does not appear, 0.1K is assumed. The arguments are those that can be given to the cd or cf commands.

ct[ab] T1 T2 [... TN] arguments
Create a temperature table file. The first two temperatures T1 and T2 are required, and these can be followed by an arbitrary number of additional temperatures. The temperatures are real numbers in Kelvin. The arguments are those that can be given to the cd or cf commands. The file will contain fit parameters for each temperature given.

d[ir] directory_path
Give a path to a directory where all amplitude and fit files will be stored and loaded from, if a rooted path is not given with the file names. When built for XicTools, the default location is a subdirectory ``.mmjco'' in the user's home directory, otherwise the current directory is assumed.

g[ap] [-tc Tc] [-td Td] [T1 T2...]
Compute and print the superconducting energy gap at temperatures. The -tc specifies the superconducting transition temperature, and -td specifies the Debye temperature, both Kelvin. If not given, the defaults are for Niobium: Tc = 9.26K and Td = 276K. There can be zero to 10 real number arguments representing temperatures in Kelvin. If zero, print the gap for temperatures from 0 to Tc at 0.1K increments. If two numbers, print the gap for the smaller to the larger in 0.1K increments. Otherwise, print the gap at the given temperatures.

ld[ata] filename
Load the internal TCA data register from a TCA data file whose name must be given. This understands all supported file formats.

lf[it] filename
Load the internal fit parameters register from a fit parameter file given.

ls[weep] -fs filename temp
Load the internal fit register from a sweep file, interpolating to temperature temp.

h[elp] | v[ersion] | ?
Print help and the running mmjco release number.

q[uit] | e[xit]
Exit mmjco.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29