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The plotwin Command

The plotwin command provides an interface for destroying plot windows, most useful in scripts. It applies in graphical mode only. There are two forms:

plotwin [id]

Given without an argument, or with literal ``id'' (only the first letter is significant, case insensitive), the identification number of the most recently created plot window is printed. Every plot window has a unique running identification number, which can be used as a ``handle'' to the window.

plotwin k[ill] [idarg]

This form is used to destroy plot windows. The first token is a word starting with `k', case insensitive. The idarg is a number. If not given or zero, the most recently created plot is destroyed. If idarg is positive, the plot window with that identification number is destroyed. If idarg is negative, the plot window relative to the most recently created plot window is destroyed. For example, -1 destroys the plot before the most recent, -2 the one before that, etc. The idarg can also be a word starting with `a' (for ``all'') in which case all plot windows are destroyed.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29