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The aspice Command

The aspice command allows simulation jobs to be run in the background on the present machine.

aspice infile [outfile]
This command will run a simulation asynchronously with infile as an input circuit. If outfile is given, the output is saved in this file, otherwise a temporary file is used. After this command is issued, the job is started in the background, and one may continue using WRspice interactively. When the job is finished, the rawfile is loaded and becomes the current plot, and any output generated is printed. Specifically, WRspice forks off a new process with the standard input set to infile, and which writes the standard output to outfile. The forked program is expected to create a rawfile with name given by a -r command line option. The forked command is effectively ``program -S -r rawfile <infile >outfile, where program is the spicepath variable (which defaults to calling WRspice), rawfile is a temporary file name, and outfile is the file given, or a temporary file name. Although the aspice command is designed for use with WRspice, it may be used with other simulators capable of emulating the WRspice server mode protocol. One may specify the pathname of the program to be run with the spicepath variable, or by setting an environment variable.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29