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Measurement Functions

These functions are exported from the measure command and provide the same measurement capability in post-processing.

Each function takes three arguments. The first argument is a simulation result vector. The second two arguments are scalar values of the vector's scale that define the measurement range (effectively the trigger and target points). These are clipped to the actual vector scale if out of range. The return value is a real scalar.

mavg(vec, start, end)
Compute the average value of vec over the range start to end.

mmax(vec, start, end)
Find the maximum value of vec over the range start to end.

mmin(vec, start, end)
Find the minimum value of vec over the range start to end.

mpp(vec, start, end)
Find the peak to peak (maximum minus minimum) value of vec over the range start to end.

mpw(vec, start, end)
Find the full-width half-maximum pulse width of vec over the range start to end. The start and end are assumed to frame a single pulse. The maximum and minimum values are found, and the first two crossings of the average of these values provide the result.

mrft(vec, start, end)
Find the 10% to 90% rise or fall duration for an edge assumed to be framed by start and end.

mrft2(vec, start, end, firstval, secondval)
This is identical to mrft, except that two additional real valued variables provide the measurement thresholds rather than being fixed an 0.1 and 0.9. This will find the rise or fall duration (time between threshold crossings) for an edge assumed to be framed by start and end.

mrms(vec, start, end)
Compute the root mean square (RMS) value of vec over the range start to end.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29