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The iplot Command

The iplot command adds an incremental plot to the ``runop'' list. While a simulation is running, the plots will be generated, allowing immediate feedback as to whether the simulation is producing the ``right'' results.

iplot plotargs
The plotargs are vectors or expressions to be plotted, as with the plot command. The variables which control plotting also apply to iplots. These are set with the set command, or with the Plot Options tool in the Tools menu of the Tool Control window.

The argument list can not be empty. Similar to the plot command, if the argument list contains a token consisting of a single period (``.''), this is replaced with the vector list found in the first .plot tran line from the input file. For example, if the input file contains

.plot tran v(1) v(2)
then one can type ``iplot .'' as a short cut for ``iplot v(1) v(2)''.

The related syntax .@N is also recognized, where N is an integer representing the N'th matching .plot tran line. The count is 1-based, but N=0 is equivalent to N=1. The token is effectively replaced by the vector list from the specified .plot tran line found in the circuit deck.

The iplots can be deleted with the delete command, and can also be specified and deleted using the panel brought up by the Trace button in the Tools menu. The status command will list the runops, including iplots.

If an iplot command is given at the prompt in interactive mode, it is placed in a global list, and activity will persist until deleted (with the delete command or with the Trace tool). If the command is given in a file, the command will be added to a list for the current circuit, and will apply only to that circuit. Thus, for example, a WRspice file can contain lines like

*# iplot v(1)
and the iplot will be performed as that circuit is run, but the ``iplot v(1)'' directive will not apply to other circuits.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29