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Real Valued Database Entries

Print the time spent checking for convergence in the most recent dc or transient analysis (including operating point).

If given, print the time spent loading the matrix in the last simulation run. This includes the time spent in computation of device characteristics.

The lutime keyword will print the time spent in LU factorization of the matrix during the last simulation run.

Print the time spent reordering the matrix for numerical stability in the most recent simulation.

This will print the time spent solving the matrix equations, after LU decomposition, in the last simulation run.

This keyword will print the time used by the last simulation run.

The time spent LU factoring the matrix in the most recent transient analysis, not including the dc operating point calculation.

Print the time spent saving output in the most recent transient analysis.

This keyword prints the matrix solution time required by the last transient analysis, not including the operating point calculation.

This keyword will print the total time spent in transient analysis in the last transient analysis, not including the operating point calculation.

Report the time spent computing the next timestep in the most recent transient analysis.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29