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The setdim Command

The setdim command allows the dimensions of the current plot to be changed.

setdim [numdims [dim ...]]

If given without arguments, the length and dimensions of the scale vector of the current plot are printed. Otherwise, all arguments are non-negative numbers. There should be numdims-1 ``dims'' given. The numdims is the new dimensionality of the plot. Values of 0-8 are allowed. The sub-dimensions that follow are integers 2 or larger.

The dimension list must be compatible with the existing plot dimensions in that the total number of points must remain the same, and the size of the basic vector (scale period) remains the same.

There is a special case where the numdims is the same as the vector length. The plot will become multidimensional, with each dimension having one point. There is no limit to the number of dimensions in this case. Such vectors plot as collections of multi-colored points. This type of plot is generated normally by, for example, use of the loop command to repeat op analysis. Additional argumens to the command are ignored.

Giving numdims a value of 0 or 1 will set to ``no'' dimensionality, the status of a regualar vector.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29