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The Vectors Tool

This panel is available from the Vectors button in the Tools menu of the Tool Control window. It provides a listing of the vectors in the current plot. The current plot can be selected with the Plots button in the Tools menu.

A vector can be selected by clicking on the text, and selection is indicated by a `>' symbol in the first column. Any number of vectors can be selected. Click on the vector entry a second time to deselect it. The selected vectors are used by the buttons described below.

Bring up help on this panel.
Desel All
Desselect all selected vectors.
Print the values of the selected vectors in the console window, as with the print command.
Plot the values of the selected vectors, as with the plot command.
Delete the selected vectors from the plot.
Remove the vectors panel from the screen.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29