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The deftype Command

The deftype command defines a new data type.

deftype v typename [abbrev]
deftype p plottype [pattern ...]
This is an obscure command that might be useful for exporting rawfile data to other programs. If a vector's value indicates furlongs per fortnight, its type can be so defined. However, user-defined types are not compatible with the internal WRspice type propagation logic. Vectors with user-defined types, or results involving user-defined types, will be treated as untyped in WRspice.

The first form defines a new type for vectors. The typename may then be used as a vector type specification in a rawfile. If an abbrev is given, values of that type can be named abbrev(something) where something is the name given in the rawfile (and something doesn't contain parentheses).

The second form defines a plot type. The (one word) name for a plot with any of the patterns present in its plot type name as given in the rawfile will be plottypeN, where N is a positive integer incremented every time a rawfile is read or a new plot is defined.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29