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The settype Command

The settype command is used to change the data types of the vectors in a plot.

settype [type] [vector ...]
The command will change the type of the named vectors to type. With no arguments, the list of recognized types and abbreviations is printed. The type field can consist of a single name, or a single token containing a list of abbreviations. The token list can contain a digit power after an abbreviation, and a single `/' for denominator units. Examples are ``F/M2'', ``Wb2/Hz''. Units of vectors generated during analysis are set automatically.

The WRspice numerical input format (see 2.1.2) allows the type to be specified when a value is given to WRspice, either interactively or in an input file.

Type names can also be found in the description of the rawfile format in A.1, or they may be defined with the deftype command. However, only the primitive types listed below propagate through expressions and are recognized by the WRspice type-propagation system.

The primitive built-in types and abbreviations are:

time S
frequency Hz
voltage V
current A
charge Cl
flux Wb
capacitance F
inductance H
resistance O
conductance Si
length M
area M2
temperature C
power W

The codes from the rawfile are:

Name Description SPICE2 Numeric Code
notype Dimensionless value 0
time Time 1
frequency Frequency 2
voltage Voltage 3
current Current 4
output-noise SPICE2 .noise result 5
input-noise SPICE2 .noise result 6
HD2 SPICE2 .disto result 7
HD3 SPICE2 .disto result 8
DIM2 SPICE2 .disto result 9
SIM2 SPICE2 .disto result 10
DIM3 SPICE2 .disto result 11
pole SPICE3 pz result 12
zero SPICE3 pz result 13

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29