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example library file
Library Files
MultiNet keyword
Technology File Layer Block
! command
Keyboard `!' Commands
!addcells command
The !addcells Command: Add
!antenna command
The !antenna Command: Check
!area command
The !area Command: Measure
!array command
The !array Command: Manipulate
!assemble command
The !assemble Command: Merge
!attrvars command
The !attrvars Command: List
!bb command
The !bb Command: Print
!bincnt command
The !bincnt Command: Database
!bloat command
The !bloat Command: Expand
!box2poly command
The !box2poly Command: Object
!calc command
The !calc Command: Calculate
!cd command
The !cd Command: Change
!check command
The !check Command: Database
!check45 command
The !check45 Command: Select
!checkgrid command
The !checkgrid Command: Mark
!checkover command
The !checkover Command: Report
!clearall command
The !clearall Command: Clear
!co command
The !co Command: Copy
!compare command
The !compare Command: Compare
!desel command
The !desel Command: Deselect
!devkeys command
The !devkeys Command: Print
!diffcells command
The !diffcells Command: Create
!display command
The !display Command: Export
!dr command
The !dr Command: Delete
!dumpcds command
The !dumpcds Command: Create
!dups command
The !dups Command: Select
!empties command
The !empties Command: Check
!errlayer command
The !errlayer Command: Create
!errs command
The !errs Command: Regenerate
!exec command
The !exec Command: Execute
!exlayers command
The !exlayers Command: List
!fc command
The !fc Command: Control
!fh command
The !fh Command: Control
!fileinfo command
The !fileinfo Command: Show
!find command
The !find Command: Find
!gunzip command
The !gunzip Command: Uncompress
!gzip command
The !gzip Command: Compress
!help command
The !help Command: Help
!helpfixed command
The !helpfixed Command: Set
!helpfont command
The !helpfont Command: Set
!helpreset command
The !helpreset Command: Clear
!import command
The !import Command: Import
!join command
The !join Command: Join
!jw command
The !jw Command: Join
!kmap command
The !kmap Command: Read
!layer command
The !layer Command: Generate
!ldshared command
The !ldshared Command: Load
!lisp command
The !lisp Command: Execute
!listfuncs command
The !listfuncs Command: List
!lsdb command
The !lsdb Command: List
!ltab command
The !ltab Command: Modify
!ltsort command
The !ltsort Command: Alphanumerically
!manh command
The !manh Command: Convert
!mark command
The !mark Command: Create
!md5 command
The !md5 Command: Print
!mklib command
The !mklib Command: Create
!mkscript command
The !mkscript Command: Create
!mmclear command
The !mmclear Command: Clear
!mmstats command
The !mmstats Command: Show
!mo command
The !mo Command: Move
!netext command
The !netext Command: Batch
!netxp command
The !netxp Command: Check
!noacute command
The !noacute Command: Eliminate
!oabrand command
The !oabrand Command: Permit
!oadebug command
The !oadebug Command: Enable
!oadelete command
The !oadelete Command: Delete
!oaload command
The !oaload Command: Read
!oanewlib command
The !oanewlib Command: Create
!oasave command
The !oasave Command: Save
!oatech command
The !oatech Command: Query
!oaversion command
The !oaversion Command: Print
!origin command
The !origin Command: Move
!path2poly command
The !path2poly Command: Outline
!pcdump command
The !pcdump Command: Dump
!perim command
The !perim Command: Measure
!poly2path command
The !poly2path Command: Polygon
!poly45 command
The !poly45 Command: Select
!polycheck command
The !polycheck Command: Check
!polyfix command
The !polyfix Command: Fix
!polymanh command
The !polymanh Command: Select
!polynum command
The !polynum Command: Number
!polyrev command
The !polyrev Command: Reverse
!preload command
The !preload Command: Pre-Load
!ptrms command
The !ptrms Command: Default
!pwd command
The !pwd Command: Print
!py command
The !py Command: Execute
!rcq command
The !rcq Command: Recall
!regen command
The !regen Command: Regenerate
!rehash command
The !rehash Command: Rebuild
!rename command
The !rename Command: Rename
!rg command
The !rg Command: Set
!rmfunc command
The !rmfunc Command: Remove
!rmpcprops command
The !rmpcprops Command: Remove
!sa command
The !sa Command: Save
!script command
The !script Command: Add
!select command
The !select Command: Select
!set command
The !set Command: Set
!setcolor command
The !setcolor Command: Set
!setdump command
The !setdump Command: Dump
!setflag command
The !setflag Command: Set
!sg command
The !sg Command: Save
!shell command
The !shell Command: Pop
!showz command
The !showz Command: Show
!spcmd command
The !spcmd Command: Run
!spin command
The !spin Command: Rotate
!split command
The !split Command: Atomize
!splwrite command
The !splwrite Command: Split
!sqdump command
The !sqdump Command: Save
!ssh command
The !ssh Command: Connect
!summary command
The !summary Command: Print
!svq command
The !svq Command: Save
!tcl command
The !tcl Command: Execute
!time command
The !time Command: Show
!timedbg command
The !timedbg Command: Show
!tk command
The !tk Command: Execute
!togrid command
The !togrid Command: Move
!tospot command
The !tospot Command: Modify
!unset command
The !unset Command: Unset
!update command
The !update Command: Download/Install
!ushow command
The !ushow Command: Show
!vmem command
The !vmem Command: Windows
!wirecheck command
The !wirecheck Command: Check
!xdepth command
The !xdepth Command: Show
!zs command
The !zs Command: Zoom
-B option
Command Line Options
-C option
Command Line Options
-C1 option
Command Line Options
-E option
Command Line Options
-F option
Command Line Options
-G option
Command Line Options
-H option
Command Line Options
-K option
Command Line Options
-R option
Command Line Options
-S option
Command Line Options
-T option
Command Line Options | Technology File
.filetoolrc file
.model lines
Model Library Files
.spinclude directive
The run Button: Run
.splib directive
The run Button: Run
.xicinit file
Initialization Files
.xicmacros file
Initialization Files
.xicmacros file format
Macro File Format
.xicstart file
Initialization Files
Xic Environment Variables
.xic_ignore file
Model Library Files
ab_class property
PCell Abutment | Physical Mode Property Specifications
ab_copy property
PCell Abutment | Physical Mode Property Specifications
ab_directs property
PCell Abutment | Physical Mode Property Specifications
ab_inst property
PCell Abutment | Physical Mode Property Specifications
ab_pinsize property
PCell Abutment | Physical Mode Property Specifications
ab_prior property
PCell Abutment | Physical Mode Property Specifications
ab_rules property
PCell Abutment | Physical Mode Property Specifications
ab_shapename property
PCell Abutment | Physical Mode Property Specifications
aborting commands
Keyboard Input
About button
The About Button: Program
abs function
Math Functions
PCell Abutment
accelerator keys
Menu Selection and Accelerators
Menu Selection and Accelerators
The XicTools Accessories
acos function
Math Functions
acosh function
Math Functions
AddCellProperty function
Property Management
AddDerivedLayer function
Derived Layers
AddError function
Error Reporting
AddLayer function
Layer Table
AddLayerCvAlias function
Layer Conversion Aliasing
AddLayerGdsInMap function
AddLayerGdsOutMap function
AddLogMessage function
Error Reporting
AddMark function
AddNameToTable function
Named String Tables
AddProperty function
Property Management
AddToBack variable
Input to the Open | Paths and Directories
AdvanceZref function
Trapezoid Lists and Layer
alias file
Cell Name Alias File
All Terminals button
The Views and Operations
Allocation button
The Allocation Button: Show
AltDriver keyword
Hardcopy Driver Parameters
AndBits function
Bitwise Logic
ang function
Math Functions
AntennaTotal variable
Extraction Tech
AnyNoOverlap keyword
AnyNoOverlap Rule
AnyOverlap keyword
AnyOverlap Rule
arc button
The arc Button: Create
Arc function
Other Object Management Functions
ArcH function
Other Object Management Functions
AreaHandle function
Object Management by Handles
ArrayDimension function
ArrayDims function
ASCII text, from layout data
Generating ASCII Output from
asin function
Math Functions
asinh function
Math Functions
AskConsoleReal function
Text Input
AskConsoleString function
Text Input
AskReal function
Text Input
AskSaveNative variable
Editing General
AskString function
Text Input
Assemble button
The Assemble Button: Layout
association operation
The Extraction Operation
atan function
Math Functions
atan2 function
Math Functions
atanh function
Math Functions
Attributes Menu
The Attributes Menu: Set
attributes of window
The Set Attributes Button:
Attributes sub-menu
The Main Window Button:
PCell Abutment
AutoRename variable
Convert Menu
Axes keyword
Grid Presentation
Batch Check button
The Batch Check Button:
batch mode
Batch Mode
start in
Command Line Options
batch mode commands
Batch Mode
blackbg script
Example Scripts in User
Blink keyword
Technology File Layer Block
blinking layers
Button 3 Operations
Bloat function
Other Object Management Functions
bloat layer expression function
Layer Expressions
BloatObjects function
Object Management by Handles
BloatZ function
Trapezoid Lists and Layer
bnode property
Xic-Managed Electrical Property Specifications
Physical Layout Editing
Physical Layout Editing
box button
Physical Layout Editing | The box Button: Create
Box function
Other Object Management Functions
box layer expression function
Layer Expressions
BoxH function
Other Object Management Functions
BoxLineStyle variable
Attribute Menu Commands
BoxZ function
Trapezoid Lists and Layer
branch property
Xic-Managed Electrical Property Specifications
break button
The break Button: Cut
BtnDown function
Menu Buttons
BtnUp function
Menu Buttons
bundle nets
Connectivity Overview
bus connectors
Multi-Contact Connectors
button 1
Pointing Device
button 2
Button 2 Operations
button 3
Button 3 Operations
Pointing Device
BYNAME terminal flag
Electrical Scalar Terminal Editing
Cadence compatibility
CadenceTM Compatibility
Cadence connection
Connecting to Cadence Installations
Cadence importation
Importing a Design from
cap device
Capacitor Device
Cap Extraction panel
The Cap Extraction Panel
capacitance extraction interface
The Capacitance Extraction Interface
Capacitance keyword
Technology File Layer Block
cbrt function
Math Functions
cccs device
Current-Controlled Current Source
ccvs device
Current-Controlled Voltage Source
ceil function
Math Functions
cell arrays
The Place Button: Cell
cell creation
The Create Cell Button:
cell data path
Xic Search Paths
cell flags
Cell Flags
Cell Geometry Digests
The Files List Button: | The Cell Table Listing
Cell Geometry Digests panel
The Cell Table Listing
cell hierarchy
Electrical Schematic Editing
Cell Hierarchy Digests
The Files List Button: | Cell Hierarchy and geometry
Cell Hierarchy Digests panel
Cell Hierarchy and geometry
cell info
Cells Listing Command Buttons
Cell menu
The Cell Menu: Xic
cell name alias file
Cell Name Alias File
cell name filtering
Cell Filtering
cell name mapping
Cell Name Mapping
Cell Name true orient button
The Cell Name True
cell names
Design Data File Formats
cell placement
The Place Button: Cell
Cell Placement Control panel
The Place Button: Cell
Cell Properties button
The Cell Properties Button:
Physical Mode Cell Properties
Cell Table Listing panel
The Cell Table Listing | The Advanced OASIS Export
Cell Terminals Only button
The Views and Operations
CellBB function
Cell Info
CellPrpHandle function
Property Management
Cells List button
The Symbol Tables Button:
cells panel
The Symbol Tables Button:
cell replacement
Cells Listing Command Buttons
Clear button
Cells Listing Command Buttons
Copy button
Cells Listing Command Buttons
Cells Listing Command Buttons
Cells Listing Command Buttons
Cells Listing Command Buttons
Cells Listing Command Buttons
The Cells List Button:
Cells Listing Command Buttons
Cells Listing Command Buttons
Replace button
Cells Listing Command Buttons
Cells Listing Command Buttons
Cells Listing Command Buttons
Cells Listing Command Buttons
CellsHandle function
Cell Info
CellTabAdd function
Cell Table
CellTabCheck function
Cell Table
CellTabClear function
Cell Table
CellTabList function
Cell Table
CellTabRemove function
Cell Table
CellThreshold variable
Attribute Menu Commands
CgdAddCells function
Cell Geometry Digest
CgdChangeName function
Cell Geometry Digest
CgdContents function
Cell Geometry Digest
CgdDestroy function
Cell Geometry Digest
CgdIsCellRemoved function
Cell Geometry Digest
CgdIsValid function
Cell Geometry Digest
CgdIsValidCell function
Cell Geometry Digest
CgdIsValidLayer function
Cell Geometry Digest
CgdList function
Cell Geometry Digest
CgdOpenGeomStream function
Cell Geometry Digest
CgdRemoveCell function
Cell Geometry Digest
CgdRemoveLayer function
Cell Geometry Digest
CGX format
Computer Graphics Exchange (CGX)
Change Layer button
The Change Layer Button:
ChangeLayer function
Other Object Management Functions
ChdCellBB function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
ChdChangeName function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
ChdClearGeometry function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
ChdClearSkipFlags function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
ChdCmpThreshold variable
Cell Hierarchy and geometry | Convert Menu
ChdCompare function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
ChdCompareFlat function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
ChdCreateReferenceCell function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
ChdDefCellName function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
ChdDestroy function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
ChdEdit function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
ChdEstFlatMemoryUse function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
ChdFailOnUnresolved variable
Convert Menu
ChdFileName function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
ChdFileType function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
ChdGetGeomName function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
ChdGetZlist function
Trapezoid Lists and Layer
ChdInfo function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
ChdInfoCells function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
ChdInfoCounts function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
ChdInfoLayers function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
ChdInfoMode function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
ChdIsValid function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
ChdIterateOverRegion function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
ChdLayers function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
ChdLinkCgd function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
ChdList function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
ChdListCells function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
ChdLoadCell function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
ChdLoadGeometry function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
ChdLoadTopOnly variable
Convert Menu
ChdOpenFlat function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
ChdRandomGzip variable
Cell Hierarchy and geometry | Convert Menu
ChdSetDefCellName function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
ChdSetFlatReadTransform function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
ChdSetSkipFlag function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
ChdTopCells function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
ChdWrite function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
ChdWriteDensityMaps function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
ChdWriteSplit function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
Check In Region button
The Check In Region
CheckForHoles function
Object Management by Handles
CheckObjectsConnected function
Object Management by Handles
CheckPCellParam function
Cells, PCells, Vias, and
CheckPCellParams function
Cells, PCells, Vias, and
CheckSolitary variable
The deck Button: Save | SPICE Interface
chlyr button
Wiring Devices and Subcircuits
choice constraint
Parameter Constraints
CIF extensions
CIF Format Extensions
cell name
CIF Format Extensions
CIF Format Extensions
layer name
CIF Format Extensions
semicolon hiding
CIF Format Extensions
CIF format
The CIF File Format
The CIF File Format
The CIF File Format
The CIF File Format
The CIF File Format
symbol call
The CIF File Format
symbol definition
The CIF File Format
symbol termination
The CIF File Format
The CIF File Format
The CIF File Format
CifAddBBox variable
Convert Menu
CifLayerMode variable
Convert Menu
CifOutExtensions variable
Convert Menu
CIFoutStyle variable
Convert Menu
Synopsys (Ciranova) PyCell Studio
Clear Errors button
The Clear Errors Button:
Clear function
ClearAll function
ClearCell function
General Editing
ClearDerivedLayers function
Derived Layers
ClearElecTerminalLoc function
ClearLayerCvAliases function
Layer Conversion Aliasing
ClearLayerGdsInMap function
ClearNameTables function
Named String Tables
ClearSPtable function
Spatial Parameter Tables
ClearSymbolTable function
Symbol Tables
ClearTempLayer function
Trapezoid Lists and Layer
ClipAround function
Clipping Functions
ClipAroundCopy function
Clipping Functions
ClipIntersectCopy function
Clipping Functions
ClipObjects function
Clipping Functions
ClipTo function
Clipping Functions
ClipToCopy function
Clipping Functions
ClipToGrid function
Grid and Edge Snapping
Close function
Generic Handle Functions
CloseArray function
Generic Handle Functions
CloseLibrary function
cmplx function
Math Functions
CoarseGridMult keyword
Grid Presentation
color panel
The Set Color Button:
colormap options
Command Line Options
The !setcolor Command: Set
command line
Command Line Options
Command Line Options to Command Line Options
Command Line Options | HTML Viewer and Help
Command Line Options
Command Line Options
Command Line Options
Command Line Options
Command Line Options
Command Line Options
Command Line Options
Command Line Options
Command Line Options
Command Line Options
Command Line Options
Command Line Options
Command Line Options
Command Line Options
Command Line Options
Command Line Options
Command Line Options
Command Line Options
Command Line Options
Command Line Options
Command Line Options
Comment keyword
Technology File Comments
Commit function
General Editing
Compare Layouts button
The Compare Layouts Button:
Strip For Export
The Setup Page
conductor groups
The Views and Operations
Conductor keyword
Technology File Layer Block
Configure Cell Hierarchy Digest panel
The Open Cell Hierarchy
Connect function
Symbolic Mode
Connected keyword
Connected Rule
connecting devices
Wiring Devices and Subcircuits
Connection Dots button
Wiring Devices and Subcircuits
connection points
The Connection Dots Button:
connection rules
Connection Rules
Connectivity Overview
consistency check
The !check Command: Database
The !regen Command: Regenerate
Constrain45 variable
Editing General
Contact keyword
Technology File Layer Block
ContextDarkPcnt variable
Cell Menu Commands
conversion, file format
The Convert Menu: Data
alias file
Cell Name Alias File
cell names
Cell Name Mapping
layer suppression
The Setup Page
Convert Menu
The Convert Menu: Data
ConvertReply function
Socket and Xic Client/Server
coordinate readout area
Coordinates Display
Copy button
The Copy Button: Copy
copy cells
Cells Listing Command Buttons
Copy function
Other Object Management Functions
copy objects
Pointing Device | The Copy Button: Copy
CopyCell function
Cells, PCells, Vias, and
CopyFile function
File System Interface
CopyObjects function
Object Management by Handles
CopyObjectsH function
Object Management by Handles
CopyObjectsToLayer function
Object Management by Handles
CopyToLayer function
Other Object Management Functions
CoreSize function
Memory Management
cos function
Math Functions
cosh function
Math Functions
CountGroupDevContacts function
Physical Conductor Groups
CountGroupObjects function
Physical Conductor Groups
CountGroupPhysTerminals function
Physical Conductor Groups
CountGroupSubcContacts function
Physical Conductor Groups
CountGroupTerminals function
Physical Conductor Groups
CountGroupVias function
Physical Conductor Groups
Abnormal Termination Logging
CrCellOverwrite variable
Edit/Modify Menu Commands
Create Cell button
The Create Cell Button:
Create Layer button
The Create Layer Button:
Create Via button
The Create Via Button:
CreateBak function
File System Interface
CreateCell function
Cells, PCells, Vias, and
CreatePhysTerminal function
Physical Terminals
CreateTerminal function
Cross Section button
The Cross Section Button:
CrossThick keyword
Technology File Layer Block
csw device
Current-Controlled Switch
CurCellBB function
Current Cell
CurCellName function
Current Cell
CurMode function
current directory
The !pwd Command: Print
current layer
Additional Notes | Layer Table
current transform
The Side Menu: Geometry | The xform Button: Current
cursor mode
The Set Attributes Button:
CurSymbolTable function
Symbol Tables
Cut and Export button
The Cut and Export
Cwd function
Current Directory
CxOpenOdb function
Polymorphic Flat Database
CxOpenZbdb function
Polymorphic Flat Database
CxOpenZdb function
Polymorphic Flat Database
DarkField keyword
Technology File Layer Block
DatabaseResolution variable
The Set Grid Button: | Startup
DateString function
Date and Time
Db3ZoidLimit variable
Extraction Tech
decimal format layer names
Layer Names
deck button
Generating Output and Running | The deck Button: Save
Decompose function
Other Object Management Functions
default cell name conflict action
Opening New Cells -
DefaultDriver keyword
Hardcopy Driver Parameters
DefaultNode property
Device Library Global Properties
DefaultPrintCommand variable
File Menu
Define keyword
Technology File Macros
Define Macro button
The Define Macro Button:
Defined function
Script Variables
DefineLayer keyword
Technology File Layer Blocks
DefinePurpose keyword
Technology File Layer Blocks
Delete button
The Delete Button: Delete
delete cells
Cells Listing Command Buttons
Delete Empties function
Cells, PCells, Vias, and
Delete function
Other Object Management Functions
DeleteFile function
File System Interface
DeleteObjects function
Object Management by Handles
deleting objects
Physical Layout Editing
derived layers
Derived Layers
DerivedLayer keyword
Technology File Layer Blocks
Description keyword
Technology File Layer Block
desel button
The desel button: Deselect
Deselect function
deselect objects
The desel button: Deselect
DeselectObjects function
Object Management by Handles
design data path
Xic Search Paths
design rules
Global Rules
AnyNoOverlap Rule
AnyOverlap Rule
Assigning Design Rules
browsing errors
The Show Errors Button:
The Batch Check Button:
check in region
The Check In Region
clear errors
The Clear Errors Button:
Connected Rule
Exist Rule
Layer Expressions
IfOverlap Rule
The Enable Interactive Button:
limitations of tests
Assigning Design Rules
The Setup Button: Set
MaxArea Rule
MaxWidth Rule
MinArea Rule
MinEdgeLength Rule
MinNoOverlap Rule
MinOverlap Rule
MinSpace Rule
MinSpaceFrom Rule
MinSpaceTo Rule
MinWidth Rule
NoHoles Rule
NoOverlap Rule
Overlap Rule
overlap definition
Assigning Design Rules
PartOverlap Rule
print error
The Query Errors Button:
The Setup Button: Set
skip objects
The Set Flags Button:
Assigning Design Rules
DestroyDb function
Polymorphic Flat Database
DestroyPhysTerminal function
Physical Terminals
DestroyTerminal function
device block
Device Blocks
device keys
The !devkeys Command: Print
device library file
Device Library File
comments in
Device Library File
Device Library Devices
example entry
Device Library Devices
Device Library Global Properties
Device Library Devices
device library name
Technology File
device menu
Placement of Devices and | The devs Button: Device | Side Menu Commands
device placement
Placement of Devices and
device properties
Adding Properties to Devices
Device Selections button
The Device Selections Button:
device template
Device Templates
device.lib file
Device Library File
DeviceKey property
Device Library Global Properties
DeviceKeyV2 property
Device Library Global Properties
Semiconductor Devices
DevMenuStyle variable
Side Menu Commands
devref property
The Add Button: Add | User-Specified Electrical Property Specifications
devs button
The devs Button: Device
Dielectric keyword
Technology File Layer Block
dio device
Junction Diode
directory change
The !cd Command: Change
Display function
DisplayAllText keyword
Misc. Presentation
Distance function
Geometry Measurement
DocsDir variable
Paths and Directories
Don't convert invisible layers button
The Setup Page
Don't Show Unexpanded button
The Don't Show Unexpanded
donut button
The donut Button: Create
dots button
The Connection Dots Button:
drag and drop
Main Drawing Window
drawing window
Main Drawing Window
Drc variable
Design Rule Checking
DrcChdCell variable
Design Rule Checking
DRCchdCheckArea function
DrcChdName variable
Design Rule Checking
DRCcheckArea function
DRCcheckObjects function
DRCgetInterMaxErrors function
DRCgetInterMaxObjs function
DRCgetInterMaxTime function
DRCgetInterSkipInst function
DRCgetLevel function
DRCgetLimits function
DRCgetMaxErrors function
DrcInterMaxErrors variable
Design Rule Checking
DrcInterMaxObjs variable
Design Rule Checking
DrcInterMaxTime variable
Design Rule Checking
DrcInterSkipInst variable
Design Rule Checking
DrcLayerList variable
Design Rule Checking
DrcLevel variable
Design Rule Checking
DrcMaxErrors variable
Design Rule Checking
DrcNoPopup variable
Design Rule Checking
DrcPartitionSize variable
Design Rule Checking
DRCregisterExpr function
DrcRuleList variable
Design Rule Checking
DRCsetInterMaxErrors function
DRCsetInterMaxObjs function
DRCsetInterMaxTime function
DRCsetInterSkipInst function
DRCsetLevel function
DRCsetLimits function
DRCsetMaxErrors function
DRCstate function
DRCtestBox function
DRCtestPoly function
DrcUseLayerList variable
Design Rule Checking
DrcUseRuleList variable
Design Rule Checking
DRCzList function
drcZlist layer expression function
Layer Expressions
DRCzListEx function
drcZlistEx layer expression function
Layer Expressions
DrfDebug variable
dual plane colorcells
Command Line Options
Dump Elec Netlist button
The Dump Elec Netlist
Dump Error File button
The Dump Error File
Dump LVS button
The Dump LVS Button:
Dump Phys Netlist button
The Dump Phys Netlist
Dump to File button
The Viewport Button: Create
DumpElecNetlist function
Menu Commands
DumpLayerCvAliases function
Layer Conversion Aliasing
DumpMarks function
DumpPhysNetlist function
Menu Commands
DupArray function
DupCheckMode variable
Convert Menu
EdgeObjects function
Object Management by Handles
edges layer expression function
Layer Expressions
EdgeSnapping keyword
Grid and Edge Snapping
EdgesZ function
Trapezoid Lists and Layer
Edit function
Current Cell
edit layer table
The Edit Layers Button:
Edit Layers button
The Edit Layers Button:
Edit Menu
The Edit Menu: Edit
Edit Rules button
The Edit Rules Button:
Edit Tech Params button
The Edit Tech Params
Edit Terminals button
The Views and Operations
editing cells
The Open Button: Open | Cells Listing Command Buttons
editing context
The Pop Button: Pop
editing files
The Files List Button:
editing properties
The Properties Button: Property
editing subcells
The Push Button: Push | The Pop Button: Pop
editing terminals
Electrical Scalar Terminal Editing
EDITOR feature set
The EDITOR Feature Set
ElecAltDriver keyword
Hardcopy Driver Parameters
ElecCoarseGridMult keyword
Grid Presentation
ElecDefaultDriver keyword
Hardcopy Driver Parameters
ElecDisplayAllText keyword
Misc. Presentation
ElecExpand keyword
Misc. Presentation
ElecGridOnBottom keyword
Grid Presentation
ElecGridReg keyword
Grid Registers
ElecGridStyle keyword
Grid Presentation
ElecLabelAllInstances keyword
Misc. Presentation
ElecLayer keyword
Technology File Layer Blocks | Technology File Layer Blocks
ElecLayerPalette keyword
Layer Palette Registers
ElecPrpFltCell variable
Custom Property Filtering
ElecPrpFltInst variable
Custom Property Filtering
ElecPrpFltObj variable
Custom Property Filtering
ElecRoundFlashSides variable
Side Menu Commands
ElecShowContext keyword
Misc. Presentation
ElecShowGrid keyword
Grid Presentation
ElecShowTinyBB keyword
Misc. Presentation
Electrical button
The Electrical Button: Show
Native Cell File Format
electrical layers
Wiring Devices and Subcircuits
electrical mode
Using Xic
start in
Command Line Options
electrical mode editing
Electrical Schematic Editing
electrical netlist
The Dump Elec Netlist
empty cell filtering
Empty Cell Filtering
Enable Editing button
The Enable Editing Button:
EnetBottomUp variable
Extraction Menu Commands
EnetNet variable
Extraction Menu Commands
EnetSpice variable
Extraction Menu Commands
Xic Environment Variables
XicTools Environment Variables
Command Line Options
Xic Environment Variables
Xic Environment Variables
Xic Environment Variables
Xic Environment Variables
Xic Environment Variables
Xic Environment Variables
Xic Environment Variables
Xic Environment Variables
Xic Environment Variables
Xic Environment Variables | Xic Search Paths
Xic Environment Variables
Xic Environment Variables
Xic Environment Variables | Xic Search Paths
Xic Environment Variables
Xic Environment Variables
Xic Environment Variables
Xic Environment Variables
Xic Environment Variables
Xic Environment Variables
Xic Environment Variables | Xic Search Paths
Xic Environment Variables
Xic Environment Variables | Xic Search Paths
Xic Environment Variables
Xic Environment Variables
Xic Environment Variables
Xic Environment Variables
XicTools Environment Variables
XicTools Environment Variables
XicTools Environment Variables
XicTools Environment Variables
XicTools Environment Variables
XicTools Environment Variables
Xic Environment Variables
erase button
Physical Layout Editing | The erase Button: Erase
Erase function
Other Object Management Functions
Erase Under button
The Erase Under Button:
EraseBehindProps variable
Attribute Menu Commands
EraseBehindTerms variable
Attribute Menu Commands
EraseMark function
EraseUnder function
Other Object Management Functions
erf function
Math Functions
erfc function
Math Functions
ErrorMsg function
Text Output
eval keyword
The eval Keyword: Expression
EvalDerivedLayers function
Derived Layers
EvalLayerExpr function
Trapezoid Lists and Layer
EvalOaPCells variable
Convert Menu
Exec function
exec keyword in scripts
The exec Keyword
Exist keyword
Exist Rule
exit command
Xic Environment Variables
Exit function
exiting Xic
The Quit Button: Exit
exp function
Math Functions
Keyboard Input
Expand button
The Expand Button: Expand
Expand function
Expand keyword
Misc. Presentation
expanded view
The Expand Button: Expand
Export Cell Data button
The Export Cell Data
Export function
Export Layout File
exporting designs
Strip For Export
The Setup Page
ExsetClear variable
Extraction Menu Commands
ExsetIncludeWireCap variable
Extraction Menu Commands
ExsetNoLabels variable
Extraction Menu Commands
extent layer expression function
Layer Expressions
ExtentZ function
Trapezoid Lists and Layer
Extract C button
The Extract C Button:
Extract LR button
The Extract LR Button:
ExtractAndSet function
Menu Commands
The Extract Menu: Extraction
ground plane
Technology File Layer Block
Extraction System: Methodology and
extraction algorithm
Extraction System: Operations and
extraction flattening
Extraction System: Cell Hierarchy
extraction ground plane
Extraction System: Ground Plane
extraction grouping
Extraction System: Operations and
extraction logging
Extraction System: Logging and
extraction measurement cache
Extraction System: Measurement Caching
extraction name labels
Extraction System: Group/Net Naming
extraction net names
Extraction System: Group/Net Naming
extraction operation
The Grouping Operation
Extraction View button
The Views and Operations
extractNetResistance function
Resistance/Inductance Extraction
ExtractOpaque variable
Extraction General
extractRL function
Resistance/Inductance Extraction
FN keyword
Function Key Assignments
FastCap program
The Capacitance Extraction Interface
FasterCap program
The Capacitance Extraction Interface
FastHenry program
The Inductance/Resistance Extraction Interface
FcArgs variable
Capacitance Extraction Interface
FcForeg variable
Capacitance Extraction Interface
FcLayerName variable
Capacitance Extraction Interface
FcMonitor variable
Capacitance Extraction Interface
FcPanelTarget variable
Capacitance Extraction Interface
FcPath variable
Capacitance Extraction Interface
FcPlaneBloat variable
Capacitance Extraction Interface
fcpp utility
The FastCap Post-Processor: fcpp
FcUnits variable
Capacitance Extraction Interface
FhArgs variable
Inductance/Resistance Extraction Interface
FhDefaults variable
The Params page | Inductance/Resistance Extraction Interface
FhDefNhinc variable
The Params page | Inductance/Resistance Extraction Interface
FhDefRh variable
The Params page | Inductance/Resistance Extraction Interface
FhForeg variable
Inductance/Resistance Extraction Interface
FhFreq variable
Inductance/Resistance Extraction Interface
FhLayerName variable
Inductance/Resistance Extraction Interface
FhManhGridCnt variable
The Params page | Inductance/Resistance Extraction Interface
FhMonitor variable
Inductance/Resistance Extraction Interface
FhOverride variable
The Params page | Inductance/Resistance Extraction Interface
FhPath variable
Inductance/Resistance Extraction Interface
FhUnits variable
Inductance/Resistance Extraction Interface
FhUseFilament variable
The Params page
FhUseFillament variable
Inductance/Resistance Extraction Interface
FhVolElMin variable
Inductance/Resistance Extraction Interface
FhVolElTarget variable
Inductance/Resistance Extraction Interface
FhVolEnable variable
Inductance/Resistance Extraction Interface
file compression
The !gzip Command: Compress
file manager
The File Selection Panel
File menu
The File Menu: Xic
File Select button
The File Menu: Xic
file selection
The File Selection Panel
FileInfo function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
FileName function
Current Cell
Files List button
The Format Menu: Hardcopy
files panel
The Format Menu: Hardcopy
The Files List Button:
The Files List Button:
The Files List Button:
FileStat function
File System Interface
filetool arguments
Command Line Options
filetool CHD file generation
FileTool: CHD File Generation
filetool file info
FileTool: Obtaining File Information
filetool file merging
FileTool: Layout File Merging
filetool file splitting
FileTool: Layout File Splitting
filetool layout comparison
FileTool: Layout File Comparison
filetool option
Command Line Options
filetool scripts
FileTool: Assemble Script File
filetool startup file
filetool text conversion
FileTool: ASCII Text Representation
filetool utility
The FileTool Utility
filetool variables
FileTool: Setting Variables
fill panel
The Set Fill Button:
fill patter editing
The Set Fill Button:
Filled keyword
Technology File Layer Block
Filt function
filt layer expression function
Layer Expressions
FilterObjects function
Object Management by Handles
FilterObjectsA function
Object Management by Handles
find cells
Cells Listing Command Buttons
Find Terminal button
The Views and Operations
FindNameInTable function
Named String Tables
FindNameTable function
Named String Tables
FindOldTermLabels variable
Extraction General
FindPath function
Menu Commands
FindPathOfGroup function
Menu Commands
FindPhysTerminal function
Physical Terminals
FindSPtable function
Spatial Parameter Tables
FindTerminal function
FIXED terminal flag
Electrical Scalar Terminal Editing
flags property
The Cell Properties Button: | Physical Mode Property Specifications
FlatGenCount function
Pseudo-Flat Generator
FlatGenNext function
Pseudo-Flat Generator
FlatObjGen function
Pseudo-Flat Generator
FlatObjGenLayers function
Pseudo-Flat Generator
FlatObjList function
Pseudo-Flat Generator
FlatOverlapList function
Pseudo-Flat Generator
Flatten button
The Flatten Button: Flatten
Flatten function
Other Object Management Functions
flatten hierarchy
The Flatten Button: Flatten | Other Object Management Functions
flatten property
The Add Button: Add | The Cell Properties Button: | The Cell Properties Button: | Physical Mode Property Specifications | User-Specified Electrical Property Specifications
FlattenPrefix variable
The Cell Properties Button: | Extraction General
floor function
Math Functions
The Set Font Button:
font file
Label Font File Format
Font keywords
Font Assignments
FORCE_XICII environment variable
Xic Environment Variables
FORCE_XIV environment variable
Xic Environment Variables
Format Conversion
The Format Conversion Button:
Format Conversion button
The Format Conversion Button:
format library
Format Library File
FreeArray function
Memory Management
Freeze Display button
The Freeze Display Button:
FreezeDisplay function
FromArchive function
layout File Format Conversion
FromNative function
layout File Format Conversion
FromTxt function
layout File Format Conversion
frozen window
The Freeze Display Button:
fullcursor script
Example Scripts in User
FullWinCursor variable
Attribute Menu Commands
function keys
Function Key Assignments
function keys assignment
Function Key Assignments
function library
Script Libraries: Code Sharing
The !lisp Command: Execute | The !listfuncs Command: List | The !rmfunc Command: Remove
gauss function
Math Functions
GDSII cell names
The Write File Page,
GDSII extensions
GDSII Format and Extensions
GDSII file format
GDSII Format and Extensions
GDSII layer mapping
GDSII Layer Mapping | Technology File Layer Block | Convert Menu
GDSII version number setting
GDSII Settings
GdsMunit variable
Convert Menu
GdsOutLevel variable
Convert Menu
GdsTruncateLongStrings variable
Convert Menu
GenCells function
Cell Info
GenLayers function
Layer Table
GeomAnd function
geomAnd layer expression function
Layer Expressions
GeomAndNot function
geomAndNot layer expression function
Layer Expressions
GeomCat function
geomCat layer expression function
Layer Expressions
Geometry Digests button
The Cell Table Listing
GeomNot function
geomNot layer expression function
Layer Expressions
GeomOr function
geomOr layer expression function
Layer Expressions
geomXor layer expression function
Layer Expressions
Get function
GetButtonStatus function
Menu Buttons
GetCellFlag function
Current Cell
GetCellPropertyString function
Property Management
GetCellPrpHandle function
Property Management
GetCurAngle function
Current Transform
GetCurLayer function
Current Layer
GetCurLayerAlias function
Current Layer
GetCurLayerDescr function
Current Layer
GetCurLayerIndex function
Current Layer
GetCurMagn function
Current Transform
GetCurMX function
Current Transform
GetCurMY function
Current Transform
GetDerivedLayerExpString function
Derived Layers
GetDerivedLayerIndex function
Derived Layers
GetDerivedLayerLexpr function
Derived Layers
GetDims function
GetEdevObj function
Electrical Devices
GetEdevProperty function
Electrical Devices
GetEdgeNonManh function
Grid and Edge Snapping
GetEdgeOffGrid function
Grid and Edge Snapping
GetEdgeSnappingMode function
Grid and Edge Snapping
GetEdgeWireEdge function
Grid and Edge Snapping
GetEdgeWirePath function
Grid and Edge Snapping
GetElecTerminalLoc function
GetError function
Error Reporting
GetGlobalVariable function
GetGridCoarseMult function
Grid Style
GetGridCrossSize function
Grid Style
GetGridInterval function
Grid and Edge Snapping
GetGridOnTop function
Grid Style
GetGridSnap function
Grid and Edge Snapping
GetGridStyle function
Grid Style
GetGroupBB function
Physical Conductor Groups
Physical Conductor Groups
GetGroupName function
Physical Conductor Groups
GetGroupNetName function
Physical Conductor Groups
GetGroupNode function
Physical Conductor Groups
GetInstanceAltIdNum function
Object Management by Handles
GetInstanceAltName function
Object Management by Handles
GetInstanceArray function
Object Management by Handles
GetInstanceIdNum function
Object Management by Handles
GetInstanceMaster function
Object Management by Handles
GetInstanceName function
Object Management by Handles
GetInstanceType function
Object Management by Handles
GetInstanceXform function
Object Management by Handles
GetInstanceXformA function
Object Management by Handles
GetKey function
Text Input
GetLabelFlags function
Object Management by Handles
GetLabelText function
Object Management by Handles
GetLastPrompt function
Prompt Line
GetLayerAlias function
GetLayerCap function
Layers - Extraction Support
GetLayerCapPerim function
Layers - Extraction Support
GetLayerCvAlias function
Layer Conversion Aliasing
GetLayerDescr function
GetLayerEps function
Layers - Extraction Support
GetLayerLambda function
Layers - Extraction Support
GetLayerLayerNum function
GetLayerMinDimension function
GetLayerName function
Layer Database
GetLayerNum function
Layer Database
GetLayerPalette function
Layer Table
GetLayerPurposeNum function
GetLayerResis function
Layers - Extraction Support
GetLayerRho function
Layers - Extraction Support
GetLayerTau function
Layers - Extraction Support
GetLayerThickness function
Layers - Extraction Support
GetLayerWireWidth function
GetLogMessage function
Error Reporting
GetLogNumber function
Error Reporting
GetMfgGrid function
Grid and Edge Snapping
GetNodeContactInstance function
Electrical Nodes
GetNodeGroup function
Electrical Nodes
GetNodeName function
Electrical Nodes
GetNodeNumber function
Electrical Nodes
GetNumberGroups function
Physical Conductor Groups
GetNumberNodes function
Electrical Nodes
GetObjectArea function
Object Management by Handles
GetObjectBB function
Object Management by Handles
GetObjectCentroid function
Object Management by Handles
GetObjectCoords function
Object Management by Handles
GetObjectFlags function
Object Management by Handles
GetObjectGroup function
Object Management by Handles
GetObjectID function
Object Management by Handles
GetObjectLayer function
Object Management by Handles
GetObjectListBB function
Object Management by Handles
GetObjectMagn function
Object Management by Handles
GetObjectPerim function
Object Management by Handles
GetObjectsOdb function
Polymorphic Flat Database
GetObjectState function
Object Management by Handles
GetObjectType function
Object Management by Handles
GetObjectXY function
Object Management by Handles
GetPdevBB function
Physical Devices
GetPdevContactBB function
Physical Devices
GetPdevContactDev function
Physical Devices
GetPdevContactDevIndex function
Physical Devices
GetPdevContactDevName function
Physical Devices
GetPdevContactGroup function
Physical Devices
GetPdevContactLayer function
Physical Devices
GetPdevContactName function
Physical Devices
GetPdevDual function
Physical Devices
GetPdevIndex function
Physical Devices
GetPdevMeasure function
Physical Devices
GetPdevName function
Physical Devices
GetPhysTerminalGroup function
Physical Terminals
GetPhysTerminalLayer function
Physical Terminals
GetPhysTerminalLoc function
Physical Terminals
GetPhysTerminalObject function
Physical Terminals
getPID function
System Command Interface
GetPropertyString function
Property Management
GetPrpHandle function
Property Management
GetPscBB function
Physical Subcircuits
GetPscContactGroup function
Physical Subcircuits
GetPscContactName function
Physical Subcircuits
GetPscContactSubc function
Physical Subcircuits
GetPscContactSubcGroup function
Physical Subcircuits
GetPscContactSubcIdNum function
Physical Subcircuits
GetPscContactSubcIndex function
Physical Subcircuits
GetPscContactSubcInstName function
Physical Subcircuits
GetPscContactSubcName function
Physical Subcircuits
GetPscDual function
Physical Subcircuits
GetPscIdNum function
Physical Subcircuits
GetPscIndex function
Physical Subcircuits
GetPscInstName function
Physical Subcircuits
GetPscLoc function
Physical Subcircuits
GetPscName function
Physical Subcircuits
GetPscTransform function
Physical Subcircuits
GetPurposeName function
Layer Database
GetPurposeNum function
Layer Database
GetRulerEdgeNonManh function
Grid and Edge Snapping
GetRulerEdgeOffGrid function
Grid and Edge Snapping
GetRulerEdgeSnappingMode function
Grid and Edge Snapping
GetRulerEdgeWireEdge function
Grid and Edge Snapping
GetRulerEdgeWirePath function
Grid and Edge Snapping
GetRulerSnapToGrid function
Grid and Edge Snapping
GetSnapInterval function
Grid and Edge Snapping
GetSPdata function
Spatial Parameter Tables
GetSqZlist function
Trapezoid Lists and Layer
GetTechExt function
Technology File
GetTechName function
Technology File
GetTerminalFlags function
GetTerminalName function
GetTerminalType function
GetTransformString function
Current Transform
GetWindow function
GetWindowMode function
GetWindowView function
GetWirePoly function
Object Management by Handles
GetWireStyle function
Object Management by Handles
GetWireWidth function
Object Management by Handles
GetZlist function
Trapezoid Lists and Layer
GetZlistDb function
Polymorphic Flat Database
GetZlistZbdb function
Polymorphic Flat Database
GetZref function
Trapezoid Lists and Layer
GetZrefBB function
Trapezoid Lists and Layer
Glob function
File System Interface
global keyword
Static and Global Variables
global properties
Device Library Global Properties
global variables
Static and Global Variables
GlobalExclude variable
Extraction General
gnd device
Wiring Devices and Subcircuits | Ground Device
gnde device
Alternative Ground Device
GRarc function
GRbox function
GRboxes function
GRcheckError function
GRclear function
GRcopyDrawable function
GRcreatePixmap function
GRdefineColor function
GRdefineFillpattern function
GRdefineLinestyle function
GRdestroyPixmap function
GRdraw function
GRgetDrawableSize function
Keyboard Input | The !sg Command: Save
grid property
Physical Mode Property Specifications
grid registers
The !rg Command: Set | Grid Registers
Grid Setup panel
The Set Grid Button:
grid style
The Set Grid Button:
GridNoCoarseOnly variable
Attribute Menu Commands
GridOnBottom keyword
Grid Presentation
GridPerSnap keyword
Grid and Edge Snapping
GridStyle keyword
Grid Presentation
GridThreshold variable
Attribute Menu Commands
PCell Stretch Handles
grip property
PCell Stretch Handles | Physical Mode Property Specifications
GRline function
GRlines function
GRopen function
ground plane handling
Ground Plane Handling
GroundPlane keyword
Technology File Layer Block
GroundPlaneClear keyword
Technology File Layer Block
GroundPlaneDark keyword
Technology File Layer Block
GroundPlaneGlobal variable
Extraction General
GroundPlaneMethod variable
Technology File Layer Block | Extraction General
GroundPlaneMulti variable
Technology File Layer Block | Extraction General
Group function
Physical Conductor Groups
group number
Extraction System: Methodology and
grouping operation
Extraction System: Operations and
GroupObjects function
Object Management by Handles
Groups button
The Views and Operations
GRpixel function
GRpixels function
GRpolygon function
GRpolyLine function
GRresetDrawable function
GRsetBackground function
GRsetColor function
GRsetFillpattern function
GRsetLinestyle function
GRsetMode function
GRsetWindowBackground function
GRtext function
GRtextExtent function
GRupdate function
GsDumpOasisText function
Cell Geometry Digest
GsReadObject function
Cell Geometry Digest
H function
Generic Handle Functions
HalfRound function
Other Object Management Functions
HalfRoundH function
Other Object Management Functions
Halt function
HandleArray function
Generic Handle Functions
HandleCat function
Generic Handle Functions
HandleContent function
Generic Handle Functions
HandleDup function
Generic Handle Functions
HandleDupNitems function
Generic Handle Functions
HandleNext function
Generic Handle Functions
HandlePurgeList function
Generic Handle Functions
HandleReverse function
Generic Handle Functions
HandleTruncate function
Generic Handle Functions
hard copy driver names
Hardcopy Driver Parameters
hard copy driver parameters
Hardcopy Driver Parameters
hardcopy panel
Print Control Panel
Best Fit
Print Control Panel
The Format Menu: Hardcopy
hardcopy plots
The Print Button: Print
HardCopyCommand keyword
Hardcopy Driver Parameters
HardCopyDefHeight keyword
Hardcopy Driver Parameters
HardCopyDefResol keyword
Hardcopy Driver Parameters
HardCopyDefWidth keyword
Hardcopy Driver Parameters
HardCopyDefXoff keyword
Hardcopy Driver Parameters
HardCopyDefYoff keyword
Hardcopy Driver Parameters
HardCopyDevice keyword
Hardcopy Driver Parameters
HardCopyLegend keyword
Hardcopy Driver Parameters
HardCopyMaxHeight keyword
Hardcopy Driver Parameters
HardCopyMaxWidth keyword
Hardcopy Driver Parameters
HardCopyMaxXoff keyword
Hardcopy Driver Parameters
HardCopyMaxYoff keyword
Hardcopy Driver Parameters
HardCopyMinHeight keyword
Hardcopy Driver Parameters
HardCopyMinWidth keyword
Hardcopy Driver Parameters
HardCopyMinXoff keyword
Hardcopy Driver Parameters
HardCopyMinYoff keyword
Hardcopy Driver Parameters
HardCopyOrient keyword
Hardcopy Driver Parameters
HardCopyResol keyword
Hardcopy Driver Parameters
HasGlobalVariable function
hash tables
Named String Tables
HasPhysTerminal function
Physical Terminals
HasPython function
HasTcl function
HasTk function
HCdump function
Hard Copy
HCerrorString function
Hard Copy
HCgetBestFit function
Hard Copy
HCgetDriver function
Hard Copy
HCgetLandscape function
Hard Copy
HCgetLegend function
Hard Copy
HCgetMetric function
Hard Copy
HCgetResol function
Hard Copy
HCgetResols function
Hard Copy
HCgetSize function
Hard Copy
HClistDrivers function
Hard Copy
HClistPrinters function
Hard Copy
HCmedia function
Hard Copy
hcopy button
The Print Button: Print
HCsetBestFit function
Hard Copy
HCsetDriver function
Hard Copy
HCsetGridCrossSize function
Hard Copy
HCsetGridInterval function
Hard Copy
HCsetGridOnTop function
Hard Copy
HCsetGridStyle function
Hard Copy
HCsetLandscape function
Hard Copy
HCsetLegend function
Hard Copy
HCsetMetric function
Hard Copy
HCsetResol function
Hard Copy
HCsetSize function
Hard Copy
HCshowAxes function
Hard Copy
HCshowGrid function
Hard Copy
clear cache
The !helpreset Command: Clear
fixed font
The !helpfixed Command: Set
The !helpfont Command: Set
Help button
The Help Button: Obtain
help database
The Help Database
help escape
Keyboard Input
Help Menu
The Help Menu: Obtain
help mode
The Help Button: Obtain
Xic Search Paths
file format
Help Database Files
keyword input
The !help Command: Help
help path
Xic Search Paths
help viewer
The Help Button: Obtain
.mozyrc file
The HTML Viewer
Anchor Buttons
The HTML Viewer
Anchor Highlight
The HTML Viewer
Anchor Plain
The HTML Viewer
anchor styles
The HTML Viewer
Anchor Underline
The HTML Viewer | The HTML Viewer
The HTML Viewer
Bad HTML Warnings
The HTML Viewer
Clear Cache
The HTML Viewer
The HTML Viewer
Default Colors
The HTML Viewer
Delayed Images
The HTML Viewer
disk cache
The HTML Viewer
Don't Cache
The HTML Viewer
Find Text
The HTML Viewer
The HTML Viewer
Freeze Animations
The HTML Viewer
image formats
The HTML Viewer
Log Transactions
The HTML Viewer
The HTML Viewer
No Cookies
The HTML Viewer
No Images
The HTML Viewer
Old Charset
The HTML Viewer
The HTML Viewer
Open File
The HTML Viewer
The HTML Viewer
Progressive Images
The HTML Viewer
The HTML Viewer
The HTML Viewer
Reload Cache
The HTML Viewer
The HTML Viewer
Save Config
The HTML Viewer
Search Database
The HTML Viewer
Set Font
The HTML Viewer
Set Proxy
The HTML Viewer
Show Cache
The HTML Viewer
The HTML Viewer
Sync Images
The HTML Viewer
HelpDefaultTopic variable
The Help Button: Obtain | Help System
HelpMultiWin variable
The Help Button: Obtain | Help System
HelpPath variable
Paths and Directories
hex format layer names
Layer Names
Hierarchy Digests button
Cell Hierarchy and geometry
hierarchy of cells
Using Xic | Other Object Management Functions
hlp2html utility
Help to HTML Conversion
HlpPath keyword
Technology File Path Definitions
hlpsrv utility
Web Server Bridge to
HPGLfilled keyword
The Print Button: Print | Hardcopy Driver Parameters
HTML forms
HTML Forms and Scripts
httpget utility
File Transfer Utility: httpget
Hypertext | Generating Output and Running | The plot Button: Generate
hypertext reference format
Special Escapes
Keyboard Input
IfOverlap keyword
IfOverlap Rule
IgnoreNetLabels variable
Extraction General
imag function
Math Functions
immediate execution
The exec Keyword
Import Cell Data button
The Import Cell Data
IMSAVE_PATH environment variable
Xic Environment Variables | The Format Menu: Hardcopy
InCellNamePrefix variable
Convert Menu
InCellNameSuffix variable
Convert Menu
IncludeNoPhys function
Electrical Nodes
ind device
Inductor Device
inductance extraction interface
The Inductance/Resistance Extraction Interface
Predefined Constants
Info button
The Info Button: Display
InfoInternal variable
Cells Listing Command Buttons | The Info Button: Display | View Menu Commands
initc property
User-Specified Electrical Property Specifications
InitGen function
Cell Info
initialization files
Initialization Files
InPath function
Path Manipulation and Query
int function
Math Functions
interactive plotting
The iplot Button: Interactive
interactive rule checking
The Enable Interactive Button:
Intersect function
Geometry Measurement
InToLower variable
Convert Menu
InToUpper variable
Convert Menu
InUseAlias variable
Convert Menu
Invalid keyword
Technology File Layer Block
inverting polarity
The xor Button: Exclusive-OR
Invisible keyword
Technology File Layer Block
iplot button
The iplot Button: Interactive
iplot property
Xic-Managed Electrical Property Specifications
IsCellInMem function
IsDerivedLayer function
Derived Layers
IsFileInMem function
IsLayerConductor function
Layers - Extraction Support
IsLayerContact function
Layers - Extraction Support
IsLayerDarkField function
Layers - Extraction Support
IsLayerDefined function
IsLayerDielectric function
Layers - Extraction Support
IsLayerGround function
Layers - Extraction Support
IsLayerNoMerge function
IsLayerRouting function
Layers - Extraction Support
IsLayerSelectable function
IsLayerSymbolic function
IsLayerVia function
Layers - Extraction Support
IsLayerViaCut function
Layers - Extraction Support
IsLayerVisible function
IsPscContactIgnorable function
Physical Subcircuits
IsPurposeDefined function
Layer Database
isrc device
Current Source
IsShowSymbolic function
Symbolic Mode
j0 function
Math Functions
j1 function
Math Functions
jj device
Josephson Junction
jn function
Math Functions
Join function
Other Object Management Functions
Join/Split button
The Join/Split Button: Join
JoinBreakClean variable
Edit/Modify Menu Commands
JoinLimits function
JoinMaxPolyGroup variable
Edit/Modify Menu Commands
JoinMaxPolyQueue variable
Edit/Modify Menu Commands
JoinMaxPolyVerts variable
Edit/Modify Menu Commands
JoinObjects function
Object Management by Handles
JoinSplitWires variable
Edit/Modify Menu Commands
Justify function
Other Object Management Functions
KeepBadArchive variable
Convert Menu
KeepLibMasters variable
Convert Menu
KeepShortedDevs variable
Extraction General
Key Map button
The Key Map Button:
key mapping
The Key Map Button:
Keyboard Input
Keyboard Input
Keyboard Input
arrow keys
Keyboard Input | The label Button: Create/Edit
Prompt Line Editing | Keyboard Input
Keyboard Input
clear buffer
Keyboard Input
coordinate entry
Keyboard Input
Keyboard Input
Prompt Line Editing | Keyboard Input
The Show Errors Button:
Keyboard Input | The Batch Check Button:
Prompt Line Editing | Keyboard Input
The Show Errors Button:
Keyboard Input | The Set Grid Button:
Prompt Line Editing | Keyboard Input
Keyboard Input
Prompt Line Editing | Keyboard Input | The Show Errors Button:
Keyboard Input
Prompt Line Editing | Keyboard Input | Keyboard Input
Prompt Line Editing | Keyboard Input
Keyboard Input
Keyboard Input
Keyboard Input
Prompt Line Editing | Keyboard Input
Keyboard Input | Keyboard Input
function keys
Keyboard Input
Keyboard Input
Keyboard Input
numeric +
Keyboard Input
numeric -
Keyboard Input
Page Down
Keyboard Input | The Show Errors Button:
Page Up
Keyboard Input | The Show Errors Button:
Keyboard Input
Keyboard Input
Keyboard Input
KeyDown function
Menu Buttons
keypress buffer
Keypress Buffer
KeyUp function
Menu Buttons
label button
Generating Output and Running | The label Button: Create/Edit
label editing
The label Button: Create/Edit
label flags
Label Flags
label font
Label Font File Format
Label function
Other Object Management Functions
Label True Orient button
The Label True Orient
LabelAllInstances keyword
Misc. Presentation
LabelDefHeight variable
Side Menu Commands
LabelH function
Other Object Management Functions
LabelHiddenMode variable
Side Menu Commands
LabelMaxLen variable
Label Size Issues | Side Menu Commands
LabelMaxLines variable
Side Menu Commands
labelsize property
Physical Mode Property Specifications
labloc property
Xic-Managed Electrical Property Specifications
labrf property
Xic-Managed Electrical Property Specifications
The eval Keyword: Expression
layer aliasing
Layer Filtering and Aliasing
layer change of object
The Change Layer Button: | The Set Layer Chg
Layer Expression button
The Layer Expression Button:
layer expressions
Layer Expressions
Layer expressions, functions
Layer Expressions
layer filtering
Layer Filtering and Aliasing
Layer function
Other Object Management Functions
layer names
Layer Names
layer search order
The selcp Button: Show/Hide
layer sequence generator
Three-Dimensional Layer Sequence Generator
layer table
Layer Table
layer visibility
Button 2 Operations
LayerAlias variable
Convert Menu
LayerChangeMode variable
Edit/Modify Menu Commands
LayerHandle function
Layer Table
LayerList variable
Convert Menu
LayerReorderMode variable
Extraction Tech
LayersUsed function
Layer Table
layout vs. schematic
The Dump LVS Button:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable
Tcl/Tk Support
LibPath keyword
Technology File Path Definitions
LibPath variable
Paths and Directories
Libraries List button
The Libraries List Button:
library file
Script Libraries: Code Sharing
library files
Library Files
library path
Xic Search Paths | Technology File
Lisp language
The Lisp Parser
Lisp parser
The Lisp Parser
ListAddBack function
String List Handles
ListAddFront function
String List Handles
ListAlphaSort function
String List Handles
ListCellsInMem function
ListConcat function
String List Handles
ListContent function
String List Handles
ListDirectory function
File System Interface
ListElecDevs function
Electrical Devices
ListElecInstances function
Object Management by Handles
ListFormatCols function
String List Handles
ListFunctions function
ListGroupDevContacts function
Physical Conductor Groups
ListGroupObjects function
Physical Conductor Groups
ListGroupPhysTerminals function
Physical Conductor Groups
ListGroupSubcContacts function
Physical Conductor Groups
ListGroupTerminalNames function
Physical Conductor Groups
ListGroupTerminals function
Physical Conductor Groups
ListGroupVias function
Physical Conductor Groups
ListHandle function
String List Handles
ListIncluded function
String List Handles
listing cells
The Symbol Tables Button:
listing files
The Format Menu: Hardcopy
listing libraries
The Libraries List Button: | The OpenAccess Libs Button:
ListLayersDb function
Polymorphic Flat Database
ListModCellsInMem function
ListNamesInTable function
Named String Tables
ListNameTables function
Named String Tables
ListNext function
String List Handles
ListNodeContactNames function
Electrical Nodes
ListNodeContacts function
Electrical Nodes
ListNodePinNames function
Electrical Nodes
ListNodePins function
Electrical Nodes
ListNodeTerminalNames function
Electrical Nodes
ListNodeTerminals function
Electrical Nodes
ListPageEntries variable
General Visual
ListParents function
Cell Info
ListPdevContacts function
Physical Devices
ListPdevMeasures function
Physical Devices
ListPhysDevs function
Physical Devices
ListPhysInstances function
Object Management by Handles
ListPhysSubckts function
Physical Subcircuits
ListPhysTerminals function
Physical Terminals
ListPscContacts function
Physical Subcircuits
ListReverse function
String List Handles
ListSubcells function
Cell Info
ListTerminals function
ListTopCellsInMem function
ListTopFilesInMem function
ListUnique function
String List Handles
ln function
Math Functions
Load New button
The Viewport Button: Create
loading rawfiles
The run Button: Run
LockMode variable
View Menu Commands
log files
Xic Environment Variables | Extraction System: Logging and
Log Files button
The Log Files Button:
log function
Math Functions
log10 function
Math Functions
Log Files
Logging button
The Logging Button: Set
LogIsLog10 variable
Math Functions | Scripts
logo button
The logo Button: Create
use file
Side Menu Commands
Logo FontSetup panel
The Logo Font Setup
Logo function
Other Object Management Functions
LogoAltFont variable
Side Menu Commands
LogoEndStyle variable
Side Menu Commands
LogoPathWidth variable
Side Menu Commands
LogoPixelSize variable
Side Menu Commands
LogoPrettyFont variable
Side Menu Commands
LogoToFile variable
Side Menu Commands
long text labels
``Long Text'' Capability
LowerWinOffset variable
General Visual
LppName keyword
Technology File Layer Block
LR Extraction Panel
The LR Extraction Panel
lsrch button
The lsrch Button and
lstpack utility
List File Pack/Unpack Utilities:
lstunpack utility
List File Pack/Unpack Utilities:
ltra device
Transmission Line (LTRA compatibility)
ltvis button
The ltvis Button: Show/Hide
The Dump LVS Button:
LvsFailNoConnect variable
Extraction Menu Commands
macro property
User-Specified Electrical Property Specifications
The Define Macro Button: | The Macro Preprocessor
generic keywords
Generic Macro Keywords
Predefined Macros
mag function
Math Functions
mail client
The WR Button: Email
Main Window button
The Main Window Button:
MakeDir function
File System Interface
MakeObjectCopy function
Object Management by Handles
MakeSymbolic function
Symbolic Mode
MakeTime function
Date and Time
Manhattanize function
Other Object Management Functions
manhattanize layer expression function
Layer Expressions
ManhattanizeObjects function
Object Management by Handles
ManhattanizeZ function
Trapezoid Lists and Layer
MarkInstanceOrigin variable
MarkObjectCentroid variable
master cells
Cells Listing Command Buttons
master menu length
Side Menu Commands
MasterMenuLength variable
The Place Button: Cell | Side Menu Commands
max function
Math Functions
MaxArea keyword
MaxArea Rule
MaxAssocIters variable
Extraction General
MaxAssocLoops variable
Extraction General
MaxBlinkingObjects variable
MaxDistObjToObj function
Geometry Measurement
MaxDistPointToObj function
Geometry Measurement
MaxGhostDepth variable
Edit/Modify Menu Commands
MaxGhostObjects variable
Edit/Modify Menu Commands
MaxWidth keyword
MaxWidth Rule
Md5Digest function
File System Interface
The Allocation Button: Show
memory management
XicTools Environment Variables
buttons on top
Xic Environment Variables
right side placement
Xic Environment Variables
Merge Control pop-up
Opening New Cells -
MergeInput variable
Convert Menu
MergeMatchingNamed variable
Extraction General
MergePhysContacts variable
Extraction General
Message function
Text Output
MfgGrid keyword
The Set Grid Button: | Grid and Edge Snapping
MilliSec function
Date and Time
min function
Math Functions
MinArea keyword
MinArea Rule
MinDistObjToObj function
Geometry Measurement
MinDistPointToObj function
Geometry Measurement
MinDistPointToSeg function
Geometry Measurement
MinDistSegToObj function
Geometry Measurement
MinEdgeLength keyword
MinEdgeLength Rule
MinNoOverlap keyword
MinNoOverlap Rule
MinOverlap keyword
MinOverlap Rule
MinSpace keyword
MinSpace Rule
MinSpaceFrom keyword
MinSpaceFrom Rule
MinSpaceTo keyword
MinSpaceTo Rule
MinWidth and logo text
The logo Button: Create
MinWidth keyword
MinWidth Rule
Misc Config button
The Misc Config Button:
MIT-SHM extension
Command Line Options
Mode function
mode switch
The Electrical Button: Show
model library file
Semiconductor Devices | Model Library Files
model library name
Technology File
model property
The Add Button: Add | User-Specified Electrical Property Specifications
model subdirectory name
Technology File
model.lib file
Model Library Files
models subdirectories
Model Library Files
Modify Menu
The Modify Menu: Modify
mos devices
Semiconductor Devices
MOS model binning
MOS Model Spatial Binning
mos substrate bias
Semiconductor Devices
MouseWheel variable
General Visual
Move button
The Move Button: Move
Move function
Other Object Management Functions
move objects
Pointing Device | The Move Button: Move
MoveFile function
File System Interface
MoveObjects function
Object Management by Handles
MoveObjectsToLayer function
Object Management by Handles
MoveToLayer function
Other Object Management Functions
mozy utility
HTML Viewer and Help
multi-contact connectors
Multi-Contact Connectors
Multi-Window Mode button
The Multi-Window Button: Set
MultiMapOk variable
Technology File Layer Block | Convert Menu
mut device
Mutual Inductor
mut property
Xic-Managed Electrical Property Specifications
mutlrf property
Xic-Managed Electrical Property Specifications
mutual inductors
Mutual Inductor
name property
Node and Device Naming | The Add Button: Add | Xic-Managed Electrical Property Specifications
named string tables
Named String Tables
native file format
Native Cell File Format
archive reference
CIF Format Extensions
CIF extensions
CIF Format Extensions
Property extension
CIF Format Extensions
native pcell
Xic Native PCells
NDRC layer
The Set Flags Button:
net expression
Net and Vector Expressions
net name label
Device Property Labels | Wire Vertex Editor
Net Selections button
The Net Selections Button:
The Dump Elec Netlist
The Dump Elec Netlist
The Dump Phys Netlist
netlist extraction
The Extract Menu: Extraction | The !netext Command: Batch
NetNamesCaseSens variable
NewCellGeomDigest function
Cell Geometry Digest
NewCellName function
Current Cell
NewCurLayer function
Current Layer
NewSPtable function
Spatial Parameter Tables
njf device
N-Channel Junction FET
nmes device
N-Channel MESFET
nmos device
N-Channel MOSFET, 3 Nodes
nmos1 device
N-Channel MOSFET, 4 Nodes
No Pop Up errors button
The No Pop Up
No Top Symbolic button
The No Top Symbolic
NoAltSelection variable
Basic Selection Operation | Selections
NoAskFileAction variable
File Menu
NoAskOverwrite variable
Opening New Cells - | Convert Menu
NoCheckEmpties variable
Reading Input With the | The !empties Command: Check | Convert Menu
NoCompressContext variable
Convert Menu
NoConstrainRound variable
Side Menu Commands
NoCreateLayer variable
Convert Menu
node mapping
The nodmp Button: Node
node mapping editor
Node and Device Naming
node naming
Node and Device Naming
node property
Xic-Managed Electrical Property Specifications
nodemap property
Xic-Managed Electrical Property Specifications
Nodes button
The Views and Operations
NoDisplayCache variable
General Visual
nodmp button
Node and Device Naming | The nodmp Button: Node
NoDRC flag
The logo Button: Create
NoDrcDataType keyword
Technology File Layer Block
NoDriverLabels variable
File Menu
NoEvalNativePCells variable
Convert Menu
NoExsetAllDevs variable
Extraction Menu Commands
NoExsetCreate variable
Extraction Menu Commands
NoFixRot45 variable
Editing General
NoFlattenLabels variable
Convert Menu
NoFlattenPCells variable
Convert Menu
NoFlattenStdVias variable
Convert Menu
NoGdsMapOk variable
The Write File Page, | Convert Menu
NoHoles keyword
NoHoles Rule
NoInstnameLabels variable
General Visual
NoInstView keyword
Technology File Layer Block
NoLocalImage variable
General Visual
NoMapDatatypes variable
Convert Menu
NoMeasure variable
Extraction General
NoMerge keyword
The Join/Split Button: Join | The !join Command: Join | Technology File Layer Block
nomerge property
The Add Button: Add | Physical Mode Property Specifications
NoMergeObjects variable
Editing General
NoMergeParallel variable
Device Blocks | Extraction General
NoMergePolys variable
Editing General
NoMergeSeries variable
Device Blocks | Extraction General
NoMergeShorted variable
Extraction General
NoOverlap keyword
NoOverlap Rule
NoOverwriteElec variable
Opening New Cells - | Convert Menu
NoOverwriteLibCells variable
Convert Menu
NoOverwritePhys variable
Opening New Cells - | Convert Menu
NoPermute variable
Extraction General
nophys property
The Add Button: Add | Using the nophys Property | User-Specified Electrical Property Specifications
NoPhysRedraw variable
General Visual
NoPixmapStore variable
General Visual
NoPlanarize variable
Extraction Tech
NoPolyCheck variable
Convert Menu
NoPopUpLog variable
Convert Menu
NoReadExclusive variable
Input to the Open | Paths and Directories
NoReadLabels variable
Convert Menu | Cell Hierarchy Digest
NoReadMeasurePrpty variable
Extraction General
NoSelect keyword
Technology File Layer Block
NoSpiceTools variable
SPICE Interface
NoStrictCellnames variable
Convert Menu
nosymb property
The Add Button: Add | Xic-Managed Electrical Property Specifications
NotBits function
Bitwise Logic
NoToTop variable
General Visual
NoWireWidthMag variable
Edit/Modify Menu Commands
npn device
NPN Bipolar Transistor
Predefined Constants
NumCellsInMem function
numericStep constraint
Parameter Constraints
NumHandles function
Generic Handle Functions
oa_cstmvia property
Representing Xic Cells in | Physical Mode Property Specifications
oa_orig property
Representing Xic Cells in | Physical Mode Property Specifications
OaAttachTech function
OaBrandLibrary function
OaCloseLibrary function
OaCreateLibrary function
OaCreateLocalTech function
OaDefDevPropView variable
OpenAccess Interface
OaDefLayoutView variable
OpenAccess Interface
OaDefLibrary variable
OpenAccess Interface
OaDefSchematicView variable
OpenAccess Interface
OaDefSymbolView variable
OpenAccess Interface
OaDefTechLibrary variable
OpenAccess Interface
OaDestroy function
OaDestroyTech function
OaDmSystem variable
OpenAccess Interface
OaDumpCdfFiles variable
OpenAccess Interface
OaGetAttachedTech function
OaHasLocalTech function
OaIsCellInLib function
OaIsCellView function
OaIsCellViewInLib function
OaIsLibBranded function
OaIsLibOpen function
OaIsLibrary function
OaIsOaCell function
OaLibraryPath variable
OpenAccess Interface
OaListCellViews function
OaListLibCells function
OaListLibraries function
OaLoad function
OaOpenLibrary function
OaReset function
OaSave function
OasPrintNoWrap variable
Convert Menu
OasPrintOffset variable
Convert Menu
OasReadNoChecksum variable
Convert Menu
OasWriteChecksum variable
Convert Menu
OasWriteCompressed variable
Convert Menu
OasWriteNameTab variable
Convert Menu
OasWriteNoGCDcheck variable
Convert Menu
OasWriteNoTrapezoids variable
Convert Menu
OasWritePrptyMask variable
Convert Menu
OasWriteRep variable
Convert Menu
OasWriteRndWireToPoly variable
Convert Menu
OasWriteUseFastSort variable
Convert Menu
OasWriteWireToBox variable
Convert Menu
OaUseOnly variable
OpenAccess Interface
OaVersion function
object breaking
The break Button: Cut
object copy
Other Object Management Functions
object copying
The Copy Button: Copy
object creation
The arc Button: Create
The box Button: Create | Other Object Management Functions | Other Object Management Functions
disks and ellipses
The round Button: Create
The donut Button: Create
The label Button: Create/Edit | Other Object Management Functions | Other Object Management Functions
The polyg Button: Create/Edit | Other Object Management Functions | Other Object Management Functions
shapes templates
The shapes Button: Add
The wire Button: Create/Edit | Other Object Management Functions | Other Object Management Functions
object deletion
Keyboard Input | Physical Layout Editing | The Delete Button: Delete | Other Object Management Functions
object erasing
The erase Button: Erase | Other Object Management Functions
object info
The Info Button: Display
object invert
Other Object Management Functions
object move
Other Object Management Functions
object movement
The Move Button: Move
object polarity inversion
The xor Button: Exclusive-OR
object rotation
The spin Button: Rotate | Other Object Management Functions
object stretching
The Stretch Button: Stretch
ObjectCopyFromString function
Object Management by Handles
ObjectHandleDup function
Object Management by Handles
ObjectHandlePurge function
Object Management by Handles
ObjectNext function
Object Management by Handles
Objects Shown button
The Objects Shown Button:
ObjectString function
Object Management by Handles
ObjectZ function
Trapezoid Lists and Layer
oldmut property
Xic-Managed Electrical Property Specifications
opamp device
Example Opamp Macro
Open button
The Open Button: Open
Open Cell Geometry Digest panel
The Geometry Digests Button:
Open Cell Hierarchy Digest panel
The Hierarchy Digests Button:
open file dialog
The File Selection Panel
Open function
File System Interface
OpenAccess Support
OpenAccess libraries
The OpenAccess Libs Button:
OpenAccess Libs button
The OpenAccess Libs Button:
OpenCell function
Current Cell
OpenCellGeomDigest function
Cell Geometry Digest
OpenCellHierDigest function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
OpenLibrary function
OpenViaSubMaster function
Cells, PCells, Vias, and
OrBits function
Bitwise Logic
other property
The Add Button: Add | The Cell Properties Button: | User-Specified Electrical Property Specifications
Out32nodes variable
Convert Menu
OutAllCells variable
Convert Menu
OutCellNamePrefix variable
Convert Menu
OutCellNameSuffix variable
Convert Menu
OutToLower variable
Convert Menu
OutToUpper variable
Convert Menu
OutUseAlias variable
Convert Menu
Overlap keyword
Overlap Rule
palette registers
Layer Palette Registers
Abnormal Termination Logging
Keyboard Input | Button 2 Operations
param property
The Add Button: Add | The Cell Properties Button: | User-Specified Electrical Property Specifications
parameter constraints
Parameter Constraints
parameter entry
Parameters Panel: Set PCell
parameter setting
Special Constructs
parameterized cells
Parameterized Cells and Vias
Parameters panel
Parameters Panel: Set PCell
ParseLayerExpr function
Trapezoid Lists and Layer
PartitionSize variable
Edit/Modify Menu Commands
PartOverlap keyword
PartOverlap Rule
Path keyword
Technology File Path Definitions
Path variable
Paths and Directories
PathFileVias variable
Extraction Menu Commands
Xic Search Paths
cell data
Xic Search Paths
design data
Xic Search Paths
Xic Search Paths
Xic Search Paths
Xic Search Paths
paths script
Example Scripts in User
PathToEnd function
Path Manipulation and Query
PathToFront function
Path Manipulation and Query
pathtype property
Physical Mode Property Specifications
pc_name property
Xic Native PCells | Physical Mode Property Specifications
pc_params property
Xic Native PCells | The Cell Properties Button: | Physical Mode Property Specifications
pc_script property
Xic Native PCells | The Cell Properties Button: | Physical Mode Property Specifications
How PCells Work
PCell Control button
The PCell Control Button:
PCell Control panel
The PCell Control Button:
pcell options
The PCell Control Button:
PCellAbutMode variable
Parameterized Cells
PCellGripInstSize variable
Parameterized Cells
PCellHideGrips variable
Parameterized Cells
PCellKeepSubMasters variable
Parameterized Cells
PCellListSubMasters variable
Parameterized Cells
PCellScriptPath variable
Parameterized Cells
PCellShowAllWarnings variable
Parameterized Cells
How PCells Work
The Format Menu: Hardcopy
PcListSubMasters variable
The Save Button: Save
Peek button
The Peek Button: Show
peek mode
Peek Mode
PeekSleepMsec variable
The Peek Button: Show | View Menu Commands
PhysAltDriver keyword
Hardcopy Driver Parameters
PhysCoarseGridMult keyword
Grid Presentation
PhysDefaultDriver keyword
Hardcopy Driver Parameters
PhysDisplayAllText keyword
Misc. Presentation
PhysExpand keyword
Misc. Presentation
PhysGridOnBottom keyword
Grid Presentation
PhysGridOrigin variable
General Visual
PhysGridReg keyword
Grid Registers
PhysGridStyle keyword
Grid Presentation
Physical button
The Physical Button: Show
PHYSICAL keyword
Native Cell File Format
physical mode
Using Xic
switch to
The Physical Button: Show
physical netlist
The Dump Phys Netlist
physical text
The logo Button: Create
PhysLabelAllInstances keyword
Misc. Presentation
PhysLayer keyword
Technology File Layer Blocks | Technology File Layer Blocks
PhysLayerPalette keyword
Layer Palette Registers
PhysPropTextSize variable
Attribute Menu Commands
PhysPrpFltCell variable
Custom Property Filtering
PhysPrpFltInst variable
Custom Property Filtering
PhysPrpFltObj variable
Custom Property Filtering
PhysShowContext keyword
Misc. Presentation
PhysShowGrid keyword
Grid Presentation
PhysShowTinyBB keyword
Misc. Presentation
PictorialDevs variable
The devs Button: Device
PinLayer variable
Extraction General
PinPurpose variable
Extraction General
PixelDelta variable
General Visual
pjf device
P-Channel Junction FET
Place button
Placement of Devices and | The Place Button: Cell
place cells
The Place Button: Cell
Place function
Cells, PCells, Vias, and
place panel
editing array parameters
The Place Button: Cell
The Place Button: Cell
Use Array
The Place Button: Cell
PlaceH function
Cells, PCells, Vias, and
PlaceSetArrayParams function
Cells, PCells, Vias, and
PlaceSetPCellParams function
Cells, PCells, Vias, and
Planarize keyword
Technology File Layer Block
PLEX record
Physical Mode Cell Properties
plot button
Generating Output and Running | The plot Button: Generate
plot property
Xic-Managed Electrical Property Specifications
plot to file
Print Control Panel
pmes device
P-Channel MESFET
pmos device
P-Channel MOSFET, 3 Nodes
pmos1 device
P-Channel MOSFET, 4 Nodes
PnetBottomUp variable
Extraction Menu Commands
PnetDevs variable
Extraction Menu Commands
PnetIncludeWireCap variable
Extraction Menu Commands
PnetListAll variable
Extraction Menu Commands
PnetNet variable
Extraction Menu Commands
PnetNoLabels variable
Extraction Menu Commands
PnetShowGeometry variable
Extraction Menu Commands
PnetSpice variable
Extraction Menu Commands
PnetVerbose variable
Extraction Menu Commands
pnp device
PNP Bipolar Transistor
Point function
Mouse Input
point operation
Pointing Device
polyg button
Physical Layout Editing | The polyg Button: Create/Edit
Polygon function
Other Object Management Functions
polygon vertex editor
Polygon Vertex Editing
PolygonH function
Other Object Management Functions
Physical Layout Editing
pop button
The Pop Button: Pop
Pop function
Current Cell
Popen function
File System Interface
PopGhost function
Ghost Rendering
PopSet function
PopUpAffirm function
Graphical Input
PopUpInput function
Graphical Input
PopUpNumeric function
Graphical Input
The Format Menu: Hardcopy
pow function
Math Functions
predefined macros
Predefined Macros
PressButton function
Menu Buttons
Print function
Text Output
print help text
The HTML Viewer
PrintLog function
Text Output
PrintString function
Text Output
PrintStringEsc function
Text Output
ProgramRoot variable
Paths and Directories
prompt line
Prompt Line
Cell, Instance, and Object | The Properties Button: Property | Anchor Text
PCell Abutment | Physical Mode Property Specifications
PCell Abutment | Physical Mode Property Specifications
PCell Abutment | Physical Mode Property Specifications
PCell Abutment | Physical Mode Property Specifications
PCell Abutment | Physical Mode Property Specifications
PCell Abutment | Physical Mode Property Specifications
PCell Abutment | Physical Mode Property Specifications
PCell Abutment | Physical Mode Property Specifications
Adding Properties to Devices
addition of
The Add Button: Add
Xic-Managed Electrical Property Specifications
Xic-Managed Electrical Property Specifications
Generating Output and Running
User-Specified Electrical Property Specifications
User-Specified Electrical Property Specifications | Xic-Managed Electrical Property Specifications
Physical Mode Property Specifications
Physical Mode Property Specifications | User-Specified Electrical Property Specifications
Physical Mode Property Specifications
PCell Stretch Handles | Physical Mode Property Specifications
Xic-Managed Electrical Property Specifications
Physical Mode Property Specifications
Xic-Managed Electrical Property Specifications
Xic-Managed Electrical Property Specifications
User-Specified Electrical Property Specifications
User-Specified Electrical Property Specifications
Xic-Managed Electrical Property Specifications
Xic-Managed Electrical Property Specifications
Xic-Managed Electrical Property Specifications
Xic-Managed Electrical Property Specifications
Xic-Managed Electrical Property Specifications
Physical Mode Property Specifications
User-Specified Electrical Property Specifications
Xic-Managed Electrical Property Specifications
Representing Xic Cells in | Physical Mode Property Specifications
Representing Xic Cells in | Physical Mode Property Specifications
Xic-Managed Electrical Property Specifications
User-Specified Electrical Property Specifications
User-Specified Electrical Property Specifications
Physical Mode Property Specifications
Xic Native PCells | Physical Mode Property Specifications
Xic Native PCells | Physical Mode Property Specifications
Xic Native PCells | Physical Mode Property Specifications
Physical Mode Property Specifications
Xic-Managed Electrical Property Specifications
User-Specified Electrical Property Specifications
Physical Mode Property Specifications
Xic-Managed Electrical Property Specifications
Physical Mode Property Specifications
Representing Xic Cells in | Physical Mode Property Specifications
Xic-Managed Electrical Property Specifications
Physical Mode Property Specifications
Physical Mode Property Specifications
User-Specified Electrical Property Specifications
User-Specified Electrical Property Specifications
Properties button
The Properties Button: Property
properties panel
The Delete Button: Delete
The Properties Button: Property
property deletion
The Delete Button: Delete
Property Editor
Adding Properties to Devices
Property Editor window
The Properties Button: Property
Property Info window
The Properties Button: Property
proxy windows
Proxy Windows
PrpHandle function
Property Management
PrpNext function
Property Management
PrpNumber function
Property Management
PrpString function
Property Management
prpty button
Adding Properties to Devices
PrptyAdd function
Property Management
PrptyRemove function
Property Management
PrptyString function
Property Management
pseudo-flat representation
Built-In Design Rules
Push button
The Push Button: Push
Push function
Current Cell
PushElement function
Current Cell
PushGhost function
Ghost Rendering
PushGhostBox function
Ghost Rendering
PushGhostH function
Ghost Rendering
PushSet function
put button
The put Button: Extract
Put function
Other Object Management Functions
Pwd function
Current Directory
Synopsys (Ciranova) PyCell Studio
Python Support | The !py Command: Execute
QpathGroundPlane variable
Extraction Menu Commands
QpathUseConductor variable
Extraction Menu Commands
Query Errors button
The Query Errors Button:
Quit button
The Quit Button: Exit
random function
Math Functions
range constraint
Parameter Constraints
range property
The Add Button: Add | User-Specified Electrical Property Specifications
ReadCdsLmap keyword
The ReadCdsLmap keyword
ReadCdsTech keyword
The ReadCdsTech keyword
ReadCellHierDigest function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
ReadChar function
File System Interface
ReadData function
Socket and Xic Client/Server
ReadDRF keyword
The ReadDRF keyword
ReadLayerCvAliases function
Layer Conversion Aliasing
ReadLine function
File System Interface
ReadMapfile function
ReadMarks function
ReadOaTech keyword
The ReadOaTech keyword
ReadReply function
Socket and Xic Client/Server
ReadSPtable function
Spatial Parameter Tables
ReadZfile function
Trapezoid Lists and Layer
real function
Math Functions
RecallGrid function
Grid Style
RecallTransform function
Current Transform
redirect files
Redirect Files
Keyboard Input | Physical Layout Editing | General Editing
redo button
Physical Layout Editing | The Redo Button: Redo
Redo function
General Editing
redraw button
The rdraw button: Redraw
Redraw function
redraw screen
Keyboard Input
redraw windows
The rdraw button: Redraw
refcell property
Physical Mode Property Specifications
RefCellAutoRename variable
Convert Menu
reference cells
Reference Cells
RegCompare function
Regular Expressions
RegCompile function
Regular Expressions
RegError function
Regular Expressions
RegisterSubMasters function
Current Cell
Release Notes button
The Release Notes Button:
RemDerivedLayer function
Derived Layers
RemoveCellProperty function
Property Management
RemoveCurLayerExKeyword function
Layers - Extraction Support
RemoveLayer function
Layer Table
RemoveLayerCvAlias function
Layer Conversion Aliasing
RemoveLayerExKeyword function
Layers - Extraction Support
RemoveLayerGdsOutMap function
RemoveNameFromTable function
Named String Tables
RemoveNameTable function
Named String Tables
RemovePath function
Path Manipulation and Query
RemoveProperty function
Property Management
rename cells
Cells Listing Command Buttons
RenameCell function
Cells, PCells, Vias, and
RenameLayer function
Layer Table
renaming cells
The !rename Command: Rename
RepartitionZ function
Trapezoid Lists and Layer
replace cells
The Place Button: Cell | Cells Listing Command Buttons
Replace function
Cells, PCells, Vias, and
res device
Resistor Device
ResetPython function
ResetTcl function
resistance measurement
Resistance Measurement
Native Cell File Format
The !setcolor Command: Set
RGB keyword
Technology File Layer Block
Rho keyword
Technology File Layer Block | Technology File Layer Block
rint function
Math Functions
RLSolverDelta variable
Device Blocks | Extraction General
RLSolverGridPoints variable
Device Blocks | Extraction General
RLSolverMaxPoints variable
Device Blocks | Extraction General
RLSolverTryTile variable
Device Blocks | Extraction General
RmTempFileMinutes variable
File Menu
Rotate function
Other Object Management Functions
RotateToLayer function
Other Object Management Functions
round button
The round Button: Create
round figure sides
The sides Button: Set
Round function
Other Object Management Functions
RoundFlashSides variable
Side Menu Commands
RoundH function
Other Object Management Functions
RulerEdgeSnapping keyword
Grid and Edge Snapping
Rulers button
The Rulers Button: Create
RulerSnapToGrid keyword
Grid and Edge Snapping
run button
Generating Output and Running | The run Button: Run
run property
Xic-Managed Electrical Property Specifications
running SPICE
The run Button: Run
output to file
The run Button: Run
RunPython function
RunPythonModuleFunc function
RunTcl function
Save As button
The Save As Button:
Save As Device button
The Save As Device
Save button
The Save Button: Save
save file dialog
The File Selection Panel
Save function
Current Cell
save help text
The HTML Viewer
Save Tech button
The Save Tech Button: | Technology File
SaveCellAsNative function
Export Layout File
SaveGrid function
Grid Style
saving cells
The Save Button: Save | The Save As Button:
SCED layer
Wiring Devices and Subcircuits | Technology File Layer Blocks
SCINVIS terminal flag
Electrical Scalar Terminal Editing
screen layout
Graphical Interface, Commands and
ScreenCoords variable
General Visual
script labels
Script Labels
script path
Xic Search Paths
ScriptPath keyword
Technology File Path Definitions
ScriptPath variable
Paths and Directories
Introduction to Xic Scripts
``Preprocessor'' Directives
char constants
data types
Data Types
The Debug Button: Enter
The Debug Button: Enter
Edit menu
The Debug Button: Enter
Execute menu
The Debug Button: Enter
The Debug Button: Enter
File menu
The Debug Button: Enter
The Debug Button: Enter
The Debug Button: Enter
The Debug Button: Enter
The Debug Button: Enter
The Debug Button: Enter
The Debug Button: Enter
if, elif, else
error reporting
Error Reporting
forms interface
Introduction to HTML Forms
goto label
goto, label
hex constants
if elif else end
if, elif, else
math functions
Math Functions
new script
The Debug Button: Enter
Math Operators
predefined constants
Predefined Constants
The Rehash Button: Rebuild
string subscripts
variable types
Data Types
scripts, from prompt line
Keyboard `!' Commands
search help database
The HTML Viewer
search paths
Xic Search Paths
seed function
Math Functions
Select function
SelectHandle function
Object Management by Handles
SelectHandleTypes function
Object Management by Handles
Selection function
Mouse Input
Pointing Device | Basic Selection Operation | Physical Layout Editing
!select command
The !select Command: Select
associated labels
Keyboard Input | Keyboard Input
Basic Selection Operation
SelectLast function
General Editing
SelectObjects function
Object Management by Handles
SelectTime variable
SepString function
Text Output
server mode
Server Mode
The Response Message Format
start in
Command Line Options
Set Attributes button
The Set Attributes Button:
Set Color button
The Set Color Button:
Set Cursor button
The Set Attributes Button:
Set Fill button
The Set Fill Button:
Set Flags button
The Set Flags Button:
Set Font button
The Set Font Button:
Set function
Set Grid button
The Set Grid Button:
Set Interactive button
The Enable Interactive Button:
Set keyword
The Set Keyword: Variable
Set Layer Chg Mode button
The Set Layer Chg
set layer colors
The Set Color Button:
SetButtonStatus function
Menu Buttons
SetCellFlag function
Current Cell
SetConvertArea function
Windowing and Flattening
SetConvertFlags function
Windowing and Flattening
SetConvertScale function
Scale Factor
SetCurLayer function
Current Layer
SetCurLayerAlias function
Current Layer
SetCurLayerDescr function
Current Layer
SetCurLayerExKeyword function
Layers - Extraction Support
SetCurLayerFast function
Current Layer
SetEdevProperty function
Electrical Devices
SetEdgeNonManh function
Grid and Edge Snapping
SetEdgeOffGrid function
Grid and Edge Snapping
SetEdgeSnappingMode function
Grid and Edge Snapping
SetEdgeWireEdge function
Grid and Edge Snapping
SetEdgeWirePath function
Grid and Edge Snapping
SetElecTerminalLoc function
SetExpand function
SetGlobalVariable function
SetGrid function
Grid and Edge Snapping
SetGridCoarseMult function
Grid Style
SetGridCrossSize function
Grid Style
SetGridOnTop function
Grid Style
SetGridStyle function
Grid Style
SetIndent function
Text Output
SetInstanceArray function
Object Management by Handles
SetInstanceMaster function
Object Management by Handles
SetInstanceName function
Object Management by Handles
SetInstanceXform function
Object Management by Handles
SetInstanceXformA function
Object Management by Handles
SetKey function
SetLabelFlags function
Object Management by Handles
SetLabelText function
Object Management by Handles
SetLayerAlias function
SetLayerDescr function
SetLayerExKeyword function
Layers - Extraction Support
SetLayerNoDRCdatatype function
SetLayerNoMerge function
SetLayerPalette function
Layer Table
SetLayerSearchUp function
SetLayerSelectable function
SetLayerSpecific function
SetLayerSymbolic function
SetLayerVisible function
SetMapToLower function
Cell Name Mapping
SetMapToUpper function
Cell Name Mapping
SetMergeInRead function
Import Flags
SetMfgGrid function
Grid and Edge Snapping
SetNodeName function
Electrical Nodes
SetObjectBB function
Object Management by Handles
SetObjectCoords function
Object Management by Handles
SetObjectGroup function
Object Management by Handles
SetObjectLayer function
Object Management by Handles
SetObjectMagn function
Object Management by Handles
SetObjectMark1Flag function
Object Management by Handles
SetObjectMark2Flag function
Object Management by Handles
SetObjectNoDrcFlag function
Object Management by Handles
SetObjectXY function
Object Management by Handles
SetPhysTerminalLayer function
Physical Terminals
SetPhysTerminalLoc function
Physical Terminals
SetPrintLimits function
Text Output
SetRulerEdgeNonManh function
Grid and Edge Snapping
SetRulerEdgeOffGrid function
Grid and Edge Snapping
SetRulerEdgeSnappingMode function
Grid and Edge Snapping
SetRulerEdgeWireEdge function
Grid and Edge Snapping
SetRulerEdgeWirePath function
Grid and Edge Snapping
SetRulerSnapToGrid function
Grid and Edge Snapping
SetSelectMode function
SetSelectTypes function
SetSkipInvisLayers function
Export Flags
SetSPdata function
Spatial Parameter Tables
SetStripForExport function
Export Flags
SetSymbolicFast function
Symbolic Mode
SetSymbolTable function
Symbol Tables
SetTechExt function
Technology File
SetTerminalFlags function
SetTerminalName function
SetTerminalType function
SetTransform function
Current Transform
Setup button
The Setup Button: Set
Setup button (Edit Menu)
The Setup Button: Show
SetWireStyle function
Object Management by Handles
SetWireToPoly function
Object Management by Handles
SetWireWidth function
Object Management by Handles
SetZref function
Trapezoid Lists and Layer
sgn function
Math Functions
shape templates
The shapes Button: Add
The shapes Button: Add
The shapes Button: Add
The shapes Button: Add
The shapes Button: Add
The shapes Button: Add
The shapes Button: Add
The shapes Button: Add
shapes button
The shapes Button: Add
shapes templates
The shapes Button: Add
shell escape
Keyboard `!' Commands
Shell function
System Command Interface
Shell variable
Keyboard `!' Commands
ShiftBits function
Bitwise Logic
Show cell Names button
The Show Cell Names
Show Context in Push button
The Show Context in
Show Errors button
The Show Errors Button:
Show Labels button
The Show Labels Button:
Show Location button
The Viewport Button: Create
Show Phys Properties button
The Show Phys Properties
show rulers
The Rulers Button: Create
show terminals
The terms Button: Show
Show Tree button
The Show Tree Button:
ShowAxes function
Grid Style
ShowContext keyword
Misc. Presentation
ShowDb function
Polymorphic Flat Database
ShowDots variable
Attribute Menu Commands
ShowGhost function
Ghost Rendering
ShowGrid function
Grid Style
ShowGrid keyword
Grid Presentation
ShowPhysProps keyword
Misc. Presentation
ShowPrompt function
Text Output
ShowSymbolic function
Symbolic Mode
ShowTinyBB keyword
Misc. Presentation
side menu
The Side Menu: Geometry
sides button
The sides Button: Set
Sides function
Other Object Management Functions
sin function
Math Functions
sinh function
Math Functions
Sizeof function
String Manipulation and Conversion
Skip layers button
GDSII Settings
skipdrc property
Physical Mode Property Specifications
SkipInvisible variable
Convert Menu
SkipOverrideCells variable
Convert Menu
snap grid
The Set Grid Button:
SnapGridSpacing keyword
Grid and Edge Snapping
Physical Mode Cell Properties
SnapPerGrid keyword
Grid and Edge Snapping
Sopen function
File System Interface
SortArray function
Source Physical button
The Source Physical Button:
Source SPICE button
The Source SPICE Button:
SourceAllDevs variable
Extraction Menu Commands
SourceClear variable
Extraction Menu Commands
SourceCreate variable
Extraction Menu Commands
SourceGndDevName variable
Extraction Menu Commands
SourceSpice function
Menu Commands
SourceTermDevName variable
Extraction Menu Commands
spcmd button
The spcmd Button: Execute
spice analysis
Generating Output and Running
SPICE command
The spcmd Button: Execute
SPICE deck creation
The deck Button: Save
spice device line
Xic-Managed Electrical Property Specifications
spice key mapping
SPICE Interface
SPICE output
Generating Output and Running
SPICE plots
The plot Button: Generate
SPICE_EXEC_DIR environment variable
Xic Environment Variables
SPICE_EXEC_NAME environment variable
Xic Environment Variables
SPICE_HOST environment variable
Xic Environment Variables
SpiceAlias variable
SPICE Interface
SpiceDotSave property
Device Library Global Properties
SpiceExecDir variable
SPICE Interface
SpiceExecName variable
SPICE Interface
SpiceHost variable
SPICE Interface
SpiceHostDisplay variable
SPICE Interface
SpiceInclude variable
SPICE Interface
SpiceListAll variable
SPICE Interface
SpiceProg variable
SPICE Interface
SpiceSubcCatchar variable
SPICE Interface
SpiceSubcCatmode variable
SPICE Interface
spicetext label
Generating Output and Running | Spicetext Labels
spin button
The spin Button: Rotate
spiral script
Example Scripts in User
spiralform script
Example Scripts in User
Split function
Other Object Management Functions
SplitObjects function
Object Management by Handles
spot size
The !tospot Command: Modify | Side Menu Commands
SpotSize variable
The donut Button: Create | The round Button: Create | Side Menu Commands
sqrt function
Math Functions
sqz layer expression function
Layer Expressions
standard via
Standard Vias | The Create Via Button:
starting Xic
no technology file
Technology File
StartTiming function
Date and Time
static keyword
Static and Global Variables
static variables
Static and Global Variables
status area
Status Display
stdvia property
Representing Xic Cells in | Physical Mode Property Specifications
step constraint
Parameter Constraints
StopTiming function
Date and Time
StoreTransform function
Current Transform
Strcasecmp function
String Manipulation and Conversion
Strcat function
String Manipulation and Conversion
strch button
Physical Layout Editing
Strchr function
String Manipulation and Conversion
Strcmp function
String Manipulation and Conversion
Strdup function
String Manipulation and Conversion
StreamData keyword
Technology File Layer Block
StreamIn keyword
Technology File Layer Block
StreamInstance function
Assembly Stream
StreamOpen function
Assembly Stream
StreamOut keyword
Technology File Layer Block
StreamRun function
Assembly Stream
StreamSource function
Assembly Stream
StreamTopCell function
Assembly Stream
Stretch button
The Stretch Button: Stretch
stretch handles
PCell Stretch Handles
StringHandle function
String List Handles
strip button
Design Data File Formats
Strip For Export button
GDSII Format and Extensions
StripForExport button
The Setup Page
StripForExport variable
Convert Menu
Strlen function
String Manipulation and Conversion
Strncasecmp function
String Manipulation and Conversion
Strncmp function
String Manipulation and Conversion
Strpath function
String Manipulation and Conversion
Strrchr function
String Manipulation and Conversion
Strstr function
String Manipulation and Conversion
Strtok function
String Manipulation and Conversion
StuffText function
Prompt Line
style button
The style Button: Set/Change
How PCells Work
The Viewport Button: Create
subcircuit creation
Creating Subcircuits
subcircuit placement
Placement of Devices and
subcircuit terminals
Creating Subcircuits | The subct Button: Set
SubcPermutationFix variable
Extraction General
subct button
The subct Button: Set
Subscripting variable
SubstrateEps variable
Extraction Tech
SubstrateThickness variable
Extraction Tech
Subthreshold Boxes button
The Subthreshold Boxes Button:
How PCells Work
sw device
Voltage-Controlled Switch
Swap With Main button
The Viewport Button: Create
SYINVIS terminal flag
Electrical Scalar Terminal Editing
symbl button
Creating Subcircuits | The symbl Button: Symbolic
symbol tables
The Pop Button: Pop
Symbol Tables button
The Pop Button: Pop
symbolic cells
expanded view
Peek Mode
Symbolic keyword
Technology File Layer Block
symbolic mode
The symbl Button: Symbolic
symbolic property
Xic-Managed Electrical Property Specifications
symbolic representation
Creating Subcircuits
Synopsys (Ciranova) PyCell Studio
System function
System Command Interface
tan function
Math Functions
tanh function
Math Functions
tap wires
Tap Wires
Tau keyword
Technology File Layer Block
tbar device
Wiring Devices and Subcircuits | Terminal Device
tbus device
Bus Terminal Device
Tcl/Tk Support
The !tcl Command: Execute | The !tk Command: Execute
tech directory
Xic Environment Variables
techfiles directory
Technology File
TechGetFkeyString function
Technology File
technology file
Initialization Files | Technology File
Technology File Global Variables
backslash continuation
Technology File
The eval Keyword: Expression
Command Line Options | Technology File
Technology File Macros
scripts in
Technology File Scripts
technology name
Technology File
TechNoPrintPatMap variable
Attribute Menu Commands
TechParseLine function
Technology File
TechPrintDefaults variable
Attribute Menu Commands
TechSetFkeyString function
Technology File
TeePrompt variable
Paths and Directories
temp directory
Xic Environment Variables
TempFile function
File System Interface
template cells
Parameterized Cells and Vias
TermDefault keyword
Technology File Layer Block
Terminal Edit panel
The Terminal Edit Pop-Up:
terminal naming
Terminal Naming and Editing
terminal order
Terminal Ordering
TermMarkSize variable
Attribute Menu Commands
termorder property
Physical Mode Property Specifications
terms button
The terms Button: Show
TermTextSize variable
Attribute Menu Commands
ternary conditional operator
ternary conditional
TestCoverage function
Trapezoid Lists and Layer
TestCoverageFull function
Trapezoid Lists and Layer
TestCoverageNone function
Trapezoid Lists and Layer
TestCoveragePartial function
Trapezoid Lists and Layer
text editor
The Text Editor
Text Editor button
The Text Editor Button:
text entry windows
Text Entry Windows
text property
Physical Mode Property Specifications
TextCmd function
Prompt Line
TextWindow function
Text Output
Thickness keyword
Technology File Layer Block
Threads variable
Edit/Modify Menu Commands
Time function
Date and Time
TimeToString function
Date and Time
TimeToVals function
Date and Time
Tcl/Tk Support
Tline keyword
Technology File Layer Block
ToCGX function
Export Layout File
ToChar function
String Manipulation and Conversion
ToCIF function
Export Layout File
ToFormat function
String Manipulation and Conversion
ToGDS function
Export Layout File
ToGdsLibrary function
Export Layout File
ToOASIS function
Export Layout File
toolbar menus
Menu Selection and Accelerators
top button menu
Top Button Menu
TopCellName function
Current Cell
ToReal function
String Manipulation and Conversion
ToSpice function
Symbolic Mode
ToString function
String Manipulation and Conversion
ToStringA function
String Manipulation and Conversion
ToTxt function
Export Layout File
TouchCell function
Current Cell
ToXIC function
Export Layout File
tra device
Transmission Line
TransformZ function
Trapezoid Lists and Layer
tree diagram
Cells Listing Command Buttons | The Show Tree Button:
TypeOf function
Script Variables
Keyboard Input | Physical Layout Editing | The Undo Button: Undo | General Editing
list length
The Undo Button: Undo
undo button
Physical Layout Editing | The Undo Button: Undo
Undo function
General Editing
UndoListLength variable
Edit/Modify Menu Commands
The put Button: Extract
Prompt Line Editing | GTK Text Input Key
UnknownGdsDatatype variable
Convert Menu
UnknownGdsLayerBase variable
Convert Menu
Unset function
UnsetTerminalFlags function
Update Highlighting button
The Update Highlighting Button:
UpdateNative function
Current Cell
UpdateNetLabels variable
Extraction General
updating technology file
The Save Tech Button:
urc device
Uniform RC Line
UseCellTab variable
Convert Menu | Cell Table
UseLayerAlias variable
Convert Menu
UseLayerList variable
Convert Menu
UseMeasurePrpty variable
Extraction General
user-definable commands
Introduction to Xic Scripts
UseTransform function
Current Transform
value property
The Add Button: Add | User-Specified Electrical Property Specifications
The !set Command: Set
Attributes Menu commands
Attribute Menu Commands
capacitance etraction
Capacitance Extraction Interface
Cell Menu commands
Cell Menu Commands
design rule checking
Design Rule Checking
Design Rule Checking
Edit Menu commands
Edit/Modify Menu Commands
Editing General
Editing General
extraction general
Extraction General
extraction menu commands
Extraction Menu Commands
extraction tech
Extraction Tech
Inductance/Resistance Extraction Interface
general visual
General Visual
Help System
OpenAccess Interface
Paths and Directories
Parameterized Cells
File Menu
property filtering
Custom Property Filtering
The !set Command: Set
side menu commands
Side Menu Commands
special constructs
Special Constructs
SPICE interface
SPICE Interface
strandard vias
Standard Vias
The !unset Command: Unset
View Menu commands
View Menu Commands
variables¡!' commands
Keyboard `!' Commands
vccs device
Voltage-Controlled Current Source
vcvs device
Voltage-Controlled Voltage Source
vector expression
Net and Vector Expressions
vector font
Label Font File Format
vector nets
Connectivity Overview
vectored instance
Vectored Instances
VerbosePromptline variable
Extraction General
Keyboard Input
VersionString function
Xic Version
vertex editor
Wiring Devices and Subcircuits
via detection
Via Detection
via expression
Technology File Layer Block
Via keyword
Technology File Layer Block
ViaCheckBtwnSubs variable
Via Detection | Extraction General
ViaConvex variable
Via Detection | Extraction General
ViaCut keyword
Technology File Layer Block
ViaKeepSubMasters variable
Standard Vias
ViaListSubMasters variable
Standard Vias
ViaSearchDepth variable
Via Detection | Extraction General
Keyboard Input | Keyboard Input | The View Button: Select
Keyboard Input
View button
The View Button: Select
View Menu
The View Menu: Alter
VIEWER feature set
The VIEWER Feature Set
viewing huge cells
The Freeze Display Button:
Viewport button
The Viewport Button: Create
The Viewport Button: Create
virtual property
The Cell Properties Button: | User-Specified Electrical Property Specifications
virtual terminals
Virtual Terminals
vp device
Current Meter
vsrc device
Voltage Source
whitebg script
Example Scripts in User
whitebw script
Example Scripts in User
window attributes
The Set Attributes Button:
Window function
wire button
Physical Layout Editing | The wire Button: Create/Edit
wire connections
Wiring Devices and Subcircuits
wire end style setting
The style Button: Set/Change
Wire function
Other Object Management Functions
wire label
Device Property Labels | Wire Vertex Editor
wire vertex editor
Wire Vertex Editor
wire width setting
The style Button: Set/Change
WireActive keyword
Technology File Layer Block
WireH function
Other Object Management Functions
Physical Layout Editing
convert to polygons
Wire to Polygon Conversion
WireWidth keyword
Technology File Layer Block
WR button
The WR Button: Email
WriteCellGeomDigest function
Cell Geometry Digest
WriteCellHierDigest function
Cell Hierarchy Digest
WriteChar function
File System Interface
WriteLine function
File System Interface
WriteMacroProps variable
Convert Menu
WriteMsg function
Socket and Xic Client/Server
WriteSPtable function
Spatial Parameter Tables
WRspice command
The spcmd Button: Execute
WRspice interface control panel
The WRspice Interface Control
X display
Command Line Options
XfigFilled keyword
The Print Button: Print | Hardcopy Driver Parameters
xform button
The xform Button: Current
XIC_DOCS_DIR environment variable
Xic Environment Variables
xic_error.log file
Log Files
XIC_EXIT_CMD environment variable
Xic Environment Variables
xic_font file
Initialization Files
XIC_GEOMETRY environment variable
Xic Environment Variables
Help Database Files
XIC_HLP_PATH environment variable
Xic Environment Variables
XIC_HOME environment variable
Xic Environment Variables
XIC_HORIZ_BUTTONS environment variable
Xic Environment Variables
xic_keymap file
Key Mapping File
Technology File Path Definitions
XIC_LIB_PATH environment variable
Xic Environment Variables
XIC_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable
Xic Environment Variables
XIC_LOGDIR environment variable
Xic Environment Variables
xic_logofont file
Initialization Files
xic_mem_errors.log file
Log Files
XIC_MENU_RIGHT environment variable
Xic Environment Variables
xic_mesg file
Initialization Files
XIC_NO_MAC_MENU environment variable
Xic Environment Variables
XIC_OASO_PATH environment variable
Xic Environment Variables
XIC_PLUGIN_DBG environment variable
Xic Environment Variables
XIC_PYSO_PATH environment variable
Xic Environment Variables
xic_run.log file
Log Files
XIC_SCR_PATH environment variable
Xic Environment Variables
XIC_START_DIR environment variable
Xic Environment Variables
xic_stipples file
Initialization Files
XIC_SYM_PATH environment variable
Xic Environment Variables
XIC_TCLSO_PATH environment variable
Xic Environment Variables
xic_tech file
Command Line Options | Technology File
XIC_TECH_DIR environment variable
Xic Environment Variables
XIC_TMP_DIR environment variable
Xic Environment Variables | The Print Button: Print
XicII program
The EDITOR Feature Set
XICNOMAIL environment variable
Xic Environment Variables
Xiv program
The VIEWER Feature Set
xor button
The xor Button: Exclusive-OR
Xor function
Other Object Management Functions
XorBits function
Bitwise Logic
XprpArray pseudo-property
XprpBB pseudo-property
XprpCoords pseudo-property
XprpFlags pseudo-property
XprpGroup pseudo-property
XprpHeight pseudo-property
XprpLayer pseudo-property
XprpMagn pseudo-property
XprpName pseudo-property
XprpState pseudo-property
XprpText pseudo-property
XprpTransf pseudo-property
XprpType pseudo-property
XprpWidth pseudo-property
XprpWstyle pseudo-property
XprpWwidth pseudo-property
XprpXform pseudo-property
XprpXY pseudo-property
XSectNoAutoY variable
View Menu Commands
XSectYScale variable
View Menu Commands
XT_GUI_COMPACT environment variable
XicTools Environment Variables
XT_HOMEDIR environment variable
XicTools Environment Variables
XT_LOCAL_MALLOC environment variable
XicTools Environment Variables
XT_PREFIX environment variable
XicTools Environment Variables
xt_redirect file
Redirect Files
XT_SYSTEM_MALLOC environment variable
XicTools Environment Variables
XTNETDEBUG environment variable
XicTools Environment Variables
XTNOMAIL environment variable
Xic Environment Variables
y0 function
Math Functions
y1 function
Math Functions
Yank function
Other Object Management Functions
yank script
Example Scripts in User
The put Button: Extract
yn function
Math Functions
Zarea function
Trapezoid Lists and Layer
ZBDB database
Polymorphic Flat Database
ZDB database
Polymorphic Flat Database
ZfromFile function
Trapezoid Lists and Layer
Zhead function
Trapezoid Lists and Layer
Zlength function
Trapezoid Lists and Layer
zoid layer expression function
Layer Expressions
ZoidZ function
Trapezoid Lists and Layer
Zoom button
The Zoom Button: Zoom
Keyboard Input | Button 3 Operations | The Zoom Button: Zoom
ZtoFile function
Trapezoid Lists and Layer
ZtoObjects function
Trapezoid Lists and Layer
ZtoTempLayer function
Trapezoid Lists and Layer
Zvalues function
Trapezoid Lists and Layer

Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29