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Layer Database

(int) GetLayerNum(name)
Return the component layer number given the component layer name. This is the layer part of the general layer[:purpose] layer name used in Xic. Each such name has a corresponding number in the database. If the name is not found, the return value is -1, which is reserved and is not a valid component layer number.

(string) GetLayerName(num)
Return the component layer name given the component layer number. If there is no name associated with the number, a null string is returned.

(int) IsPurposeDefined(name)
This returns 1 if the name matches a known purpose, 0 otherwise.

(int) GetPurposeNum(name)
This will return a purpose number associated with the name. If the name is not recognized, is null or empty, or matches ``drawing'' without case sensitivity, -1 is returned. This is the drawing purpose number.

(string) GetPurposeName(num)
Return a string giving the purpose name corresponding to the passed purpose number. If the purpose number is not recognized, or is the drawing purpose value of -1, a null string is returned.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29