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The Connection Dots Button: Show Connections

The Connection Dots button in the Attributes Menu brings up the Connection Points dialog, which contains three ``radio'' buttons which specify how connection points are to be indicated in schematics shown in electrical mode windows. This appears in Xic only.

If Don't show dots is selected, there will not be any indication of connection points.

If the Show dots normally button is selected, a ``dot'' will be shown at ambiguous connections points. These are wire vertices common to two or more wires (except for common end vertices of two wires), non-endpoint wire vertices common with device or subcircuit terminals, and any point common to three or more terminals or wire vertices. This selection is the default.

A dot will also be shown if a cell connection point lies on an internal (non-endpoint) wire vertex. In instances, this marks the connection location, and also ensures that a dot will be shown at this location, as one likely would not appear otherwise due to the logic used.

If the Show dot at every connection button is selected, a dot will be shown at every intersection recognized as a connection by Xic. This can sometimes be useful for debugging connection problems in drawings.

The Connection Points choices track and set the state of the ShowDots variable. This variable can be set in the technology file or a startup file to initialize the connection point indication mode.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29