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Terminal Device

The tbar, tblk, ttri, and txbox are ``terminal devices'' from the default device library. These devices behave identically, and differ only in appearance. Each device has an associated label (with text defaulting to the device name) which can be changed by the user by selecting the label and pressing the label button in the side menu. The label will supply a name, which will be applied to a connected net. All nets connected to a terminal device with the same name are taken as being connected together.

This will not tie nets between the main circuit and subcircuits, or between subcircuits, unless the terminal name is also a global net name. If not global, the scope is within the cell only. See 7.11 for more information about net name assignments.

Internally, the device will reconfigure itself as a scalar or multi-contact device according to the label. Older Xic releases provided a tbus terminal, which is no longer compatible.

The name applied to a net via a terminal device is handled identically to a name obtained from a wire label.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29