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The spcmd Button: Execute WRspice Command


This will prompt the user, in the prompt area, for a command that will be sent to WRspice for execution. If the user simply presses Enter without entering a command, or enters the command ``setup'', the WRspice Interface Control Panel will appear, from which the interface to WRspice can be set up. This panel is described in the next section.

Otherwise, a stream to WRspice will be established, if one is not already active, providing a means for running arbitrary WRspice commands. However, commands that cause WRspice to prompt the user for additional input (such as setplot) will not work properly, as the communication is one-way only and not interactive. Text output goes to the console window.

In addition to the WRspice commands, the client-side directive

send filename
is available. The filename is that of a local SPICE input file. The file will have .include and .lib lines expanded locally, and .spinclude, .splib lines will be converted to ``.include'', ``.lib'', as is done for decks created within Xic. The result will be sent to WRspice and sourced.

This operation is basically identical to the !spcmd command.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29