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The !oatech Command: Query OA Technology Database

Syntax: !oatech cmd libname [args]
This command exists only when the OpenAccess plug-in is loaded.

This function has a number of forms, corresponding to various actions to perform on the technology database. These forms, and the corresponding actions, are described below. In each case, the first character of the first token indicates the command type. If this is preceded by a hyphen, the hyphen will be ignored. Thus, for example, first arguments ``-p'', ``p'', and ``print'' are all equivalent.

[-]a[ttach] libname fromlib
Attach the technology database from fromlib to libname. This will fail if libname has a local technology database, such must be destroyed first. If fromlib has an attachment, then libname will receive the same attachment, otherwise libname will attach to the local technology database in fromlib.

[-]d[estroy] libname
If libname has an attached technology database, the attachment will be removed. Otherwise, the local technology database will be destroyed.

[-]h[as_attached] libname
This produces a message on the prompt line indicating whether or not libname has an attached technology database, and if so, provides the name of the library supplying the technology database.

[-]p[rint] libname [-o filename] [which [prname]]
If which and prname are not given, a file in the format of a Virtuoso ASCII technology file will be produced, containing all technology information known to Xic from the technology database associated with libname.

If which is given (including ``all''), the file format is not specific and a complete data dump of relevant data. This is intended for debugging and information searching.

Output goes to the console window by default, but the -o option, if given, signals that the following argument is a file name for output.

The which is a code indicating what type of information to print, and prname is a sub-type which applies to particular values of which. The prefixes understood for which are listed below, characters that follow the prefix are ignored. Recognition is case-insensitive.

prefix prname will print
``all''   everything
``u''   units
``an'' * analysis libraries
``l'' * layers
``o'' * operating points
``p'' * purposes
``si'' * site definitions
``va''   values
``viad'' * via definitions
``vias''   via specifications
``viav''   via variables
``co'' * constraint groups
``cg'' * constraint groups (as above)
``cp''   constraint parameters
``d''   derived layer parameters
``ap''   application object definitions
``g'' * groups

For the types marked with an asterisk above, the prname is recognized as the name associated with the records of that type, and only the record with matching name, if any, will be printed. If prname is not given, all records of the selected type are printed.

[-]u[nattach] libname
If libname has an attached technology database, remove the reference.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29