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Proxy Windows

If one presses the Ctrl and Shift keys while clicking with button 1 on a subcell, a sub-window will appear, containing the content of the subcell. This works in electrical and physical mode, while the prompt line editor is active and not.

In electrical mode, the sub-window will display the master as a schematic, whether or not it is set to display symbolically. The sub-window, in this case has the important feature that it is a proxy for the main window for hypertext. When using the prompt line editor, clicking in the sub-window can add hypertext references to the prompt line, just like clicking in the main window.

One can also hold Ctrl and Shift and click on an instance in a proxy window, which will produce a new proxy window showing the master of the clicked-on instance. One can repeat the procedure to any depth, however at present there are only four sub-windows available, and windows will be reused if the depth exceeds four.

When a sub-window is active as a proxy, a label is displayed in the window menu bar. This will give the ``proxy path'' which consists of one or more subcircuit names, separated by periods. These are the subcircuits clicked on, up to the top level. The sub-window otherwise behaves normally, and one can switch to view another cell, or go to physical mode. The proxy label will disappear, and the sub-window will no longer act as a proxy. If one returns to viewing the original cell, the label and capability will return.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29