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The Edit Layers Button: Edit Layer Table

The Edit Layers button in the Attributes Menu brings up the Layer Editor pop-up, which contains buttons for adding and removing layers from the layer table, plus a drop-down menu of removed layers which can be added back. When the pop-up first appears, the text area will be blank, or will contain the name of the last removed layer. The text area can be edited to provide the name of a new layer to add, or the name of a removed layer can be selected in the drop-down menu. After pressing the Add Layer button and clicking in the layer table, the new layer will be added at the location of the layer entry clicked on. One can also click beyond the end of the listed layers to put the new layer above the existing layers. With the Remove Layer button pressed, layers clicked on will be removed from the layer table and added to the list in the drop-down menu.

When layers are removed, the geometry on the layer is not affected, however it will be invisible on-screen (after the first redraw) and to all commands, and the geometry will not be included if the cell is updated to disk.

Layers can also be added, removed, and renamed with the !ltab command.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29