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Cell, Instance, and Object Properties

A property consists of an integer and a corresponding text string. Every database object, including cells, instances, and geometrical objects, has the native ability to accept properties, though this is enabled selectively. Properties are saved in the design data file along with the item to which it is attached.

The Property Editor, which is brought up with the Properties button in the Edit Menu, provides the primary means of property manipulation of objects found in the current cell. The Cell Property Editor, which is obtained with the Cell Properties button in the same menu, provides the primary means for manipulating properties of the current cell itself.

Properties can be applied to physical objects and cells by the user, using the user's property number and format, to suit tye user's purposes. This is fine, as long as the user's property numbers are outside of the range reserved by Xic. Other properties are set by Xic for internal use such as to store the grid used for the layout, or the GDSII end style for wires. Still others may be set by the user, but have significance to Xic. In schematic layouts, these properties define electrical parameters for devices, and are used when generating SPICE output. In electrical mode, the user is restricted to a small set of properties understood by Xic, whereas in physical mode any non-restricted number and string are allowed. Finally, Xic supports ``pseudo-properties'' which are not actual properties, i.e., they are not stored, but their application modifies or returns some parameter related to the object. These are listed in the Property Editor when in physical mode.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29