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View Menu Commands

The following !set variables affect commands found in the View Menu.

Value: boolean.
When set, the Info command in the View Menu and the Info command in the Cells Listing panel will print dimensions using internal database units (default is 1000 per micron) rather than in microns.

Value: integer >= 0.
This sets the delay time in milliseconds to wait after a layer is drawn in the Peek command. The default is 400.

Value: boolean.
This variable, when set, locks the current mode (physical or electrical). In addition, while reading any type of file, only the information for the present mode is read. All features which apply to the other mode are disabled, and no data are stored for the other mode. By not storing stubs for the electrical data, for example, more memory space is available for a large physical-only file.

As files written from this mode have only one type of data, it is possible to overwrite files that originally contained both types of data. The user should be aware of this possibility.

Value: boolean.
By default, the cross-section display is shown with a vertical scale adjusted such that the entire layer stack occupies most of the window. This is maintained independent of the window magnification, which consequently changes only the X-scale. If this boolean variable is set, the auto-scaling will not be done.

This variable is set by the Auto Y-Scale check box that appears in the Set Display Window pop-up that is called by the Zoom button in the View menu of the cross-section display window. The setting is done only when the user presses the Apply button.

Value: real 1e-3 - 1e3.
This variable supplies a Y-scale to the cross-section display. If the auto-scaling is enabled, the scale factor determines how much of the vertical window dimension is occupied by the layer stack. Without auto-scaling, this scale is applied directly to the vertical axis.

The horizontal grid lines and ruler gradations take into account the scale. The scaling allows easy visualization when the thickness is much larger or much smaller than typical line widths.

This variable is set from the Y-Scale numerical entry area that appears in the Set Display Window pop-up that is called by the Zoom button in the View menu of the cross-section display window. The setting is done only when the user presses the Apply button, and the value has been set to something other than unity.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29