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The !origin Command: Move Cell Origin

Syntax: !origin x y | n|s|e|w|nw|ne|sw|se
In physical mode, this will move the cell origin. This applies a translation to every object in the cell, and rebuilds the database. The operation is more efficient than selecting everything and applying a move command, however there is no automatic ``undo'', except by applying the reverse operation.

All instances of the cell will change position if the cell origin is changed.

If the arguments are a coordinate x,y pair, the origin is shifted to that position (in microns) relative to the lower left corner of the cell's bounding box.

Alternatively, the argument can be one of the following compass directions:

n The origin is moved to the top of the bounding box, the left/right position does not change.
s The origin is moved to the bottom of the bounding box, the left/right position does not change.
e The origin is moved to the right side of the bounding box, the up/down position does not change.
w The origin is moved to the left side of the bounding box, the up/down position does not change.
nw The origin is moved to the upper left corner of the bounding box.
ne The origin is moved to the upper right corner of the bounding box.
sw The origin is moved to the lower left corner of the bounding box.
se The origin is moved to the lower right corner of the bounding box.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29