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AnyNoOverlap Rule

Syntax: AnyNoOverlap [Region region_expr] expression [string]

The AnyNoOverlap test signals a violation if any source figure is completely covered by the figures associated with the expression. This is illustrated in Figure 15.6, for no Region and an expression consisting of a single layer.

Figure 15.6: The AnyNoOverlap test. The present figure (solid) must be partially uncovered by figures resulting from evaluating the expression argument (dotted).

The returns from the various Overlap tests are summarized in the table below.

rule total coverage partial coverage no coverage
Overlap ok error error
IfOverlap ok error ok
NoOverlap error error ok
AnyOverlap ok ok error
PartOverlap error ok error
AnyNoOverlap error ok ok

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29