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Extraction Menu Commands

The !set variables below affect the commands found in the Extract Menu.

Value: integer 0-2.
This variable controls how the "Quick" Path command in the extraction Path Selection Control panel uses the inverted ground plane. Normally, during extraction, if the GroundPlaneClear keyword has been given, an inverted ground plane is created on a temporary layer for internal use. Since the "Quick" Path mode operates outside of the extraction system, the inverted ground plane may or may not be available. The choices are:

Use the inverted ground plane if available. This is the default. If an inverted ground plane has already been created and is current, it will be used when determining paths. If the ground plane does not have a current inversion, the absence of the layer will imply a ground contact, as in extraction without the MultiNet keyword. This choice avoids the sometimes lengthly inversion computation, but makes use of the inversion if it has already been done.

Create the inverted ground plane if necessary, and use it. If the extraction system would use an inverted ground plane, it will be created if not already present and current. The path selection will include the inverted layer.

The "Quick" Path mode will never use the inverted ground plane.

This variable tracks the state of the "Quick" Path ground plane handling menu in the Path Selection Control panel.

Value: boolean.
By default, when this variable is not set, only objects on layers with the Routing attribute applied will be considered for inclusion in the path extracted with the "Quick" Path button in the Path Selection Control panel, which is obtained from the Net Selections button in the Extract Menu. If this variable is set, objects on layers with the Conductor attribute will be allowed. The Routing attribute implies Conductor, but may be more restrictive.

This variable tracks the state of the "Quick" Path use Conductor check box in the Path Selection Control panel.

Value: boolean.
If set, the netlist in internal format is incuded when writing output in the Dump Elec Netlist command. This variable corresponds to the net check box available in that command.

Value: boolean.
If set, SPICE output is included in the file produced from the Dump Elec Netlist command. This variable corresponds to the spice check box available in that command.

Value: boolean.
When set, the electrical netlist file (produced by the Dump Elec Netlist command) order will be leaf-to-root, i.e., subcells will be listed first. If not set, the reverse order is used.

Value: boolean.
If set, the extracted netlist listing in the internal format is included in output from the Dump Phys Netlist command. This variable corresponds to the net check box available in that command.

Value: boolean.
If set, the extracted device listing in internal format is included in output from the Dump Phys Netlist command. This variable corresponds to the devs check box available in that command.

Value: boolean.
If set, the SPICE listing of extracted devices is included in output from the Dump Phys Netlist command. This variable corresponds to the spice check box available in that command.

Value: boolean.
When set, the physical netlist file (produced by the Dump Phys Netlist command) order will be leaf-to-root, i.e., subcells will be listed first. If not set, the reverse order is used.

Value: boolean.
If set, the net field (if activated) in the file produced from the Dump Phys Netlist command will include a listing of the objects that comprise the wire net. The listing is in modified CIF syntax where 1000 units per micron is used. This variable corresponds to the show geometry check box available in that command.

Value: boolean.
If set, the spice field (if activated) in the file produced from the Dump Phys Netlist command will include capacitors representing the computed wire net capacitance to ground. The Routing layers must have the Capacitance keyword applied in the technology file. The added capacitors have a special prefix ``C@NET'' which allows them to be subsequently recognized as wire net capacitors by Xic. This variable corresponds to the include wire cap check box available in that command.

Value: boolean.
In files produced with the Dump Phys Netlist command, references to subcells that are flattened or wire-only are normally not listed. If this variable is set, these cells are included in the listing, which may be useful for debugging. This variable corresponds to the include all devs check box available in that command.

Value: boolean.
When set, output from the Dump Phys Netlist command will use group numbers to designate non-global nets. When not set, output will use group names as provided by net name labels (see 16.5) where found. This variable mirrors the state of the ignore labels check box in the Dump Phys Netlist panel.

Value: boolean.
This boolean variable is intended to enable additional information when printing output from the Dump Phys Netlist command. Presently, it only applies when printing the device table (PnetDevs is set). It will print additional information about multi-component (merged) devices. This variable mirrors the state of the devs verbose check box in the Dump Phys Netlist panel, available from the button in the Extract Menu.

Value: boolean.
In the Source SPICE command, ordinarily only devices which have fixed (user-specified) device names will have properties updated. This is to avoid errors, since the internally generated names can change, and may not match those in the SPICE file. If this variable is set, the default action is to update all devices. This variable corresponds to the all devs check box available in that command.

Value: boolean.
In the Source SPICE command, if this variable is set, the default action is to create missing devices. Otherwise, device parameters may be updated, but no new devices are created. This variable corresponds to the create check box available in that command.

Value: boolean.
In the Source SPICE command, if this variable is set the default action is to discard the existing contents of the electrical part of the cell before updating. This variable corresponds to the clear check box available in that command.

Value: string.
This variable specifies the name of the ground terminal device to use when devices are created and placed in the Source SPICE and (consequently) the Source Physical extraction commands. If not set, the name ``gnd'' will be assumed. If this variable is set to a name, a ground device of that name must appear in the device library file.

Value: string.
This variable specifies the name of the terminal device to use when devices are created and placed in the Source SPICE and (consequently) the Source Physical extraction commands. If not set, the name ``tbar'' will be assumed, if that name is found for a terminal device in the device library. If not found, the name ``vcc'' will be assumed. If this variable is set to a name, that name must match the name of a terminal device in the device library file.

Value: boolean.
In the Source Physical command, if this variable is set, only devices that have a permanent (user-supplied) name will be updated. If not set, all devices will be updated. This variable corresponds to the all devs check box available in that command, with inverse logic.

Value: boolean.
The default behavior of the Source Physical command is to create missing devices. Setting this variable will change the default action to no device creation. This variable corresponds to the create check box available in that command, with inverse logic.

Value: boolean.
When set, the electrical cells are cleared before updating with the Source Physical command. This implies create, i.e., new devices will be created since the cell is empty. This variable corresponds to the clear check box available in that command.

Value: boolean.
When set, computed routing capacitors will be updated or created in the electrical database when using the Source Physical command. These capacitors have a name prefix of ``C@NET''. This variable corresponds to the include wire cap check box available in that command.

Value: boolean.
When set, output from the Source Physical command will use group numbers to designate non-global nets. When not set, output will use group names as provided by net name labels (see 16.5) where found.

Value: boolean.
During LVS analysis, the electrical (schematic) part of the design is used as the basis for recursion through the hierarchy. Thus, physical subcells that have no connection to the circuit will not be detected, and are basically ignored. However, an explicit test is performed for such cells, and those found will be listed in the LVS report. If this variable is set, the presence of such cells will force LVS failure, otherwise they are ignored for comparison purposes.

This variable tracks the state of the fail if unconnected physical subcells check box in the panel brought up by the Dump LVS button in the Extract Menu.

Value: boolean or string.
This variable determines whether and how vias are included in the files produced with the Save path to file button in the Path Selection Control panel from the Net Selections button in the Extract Menu. It tracks (and sets) the state of the Path file contains vias and Path file contains check layers check boxes in the panel.

If not set, via layers will not be included in the file, only the conductors will appear. If set as a boolean (i.e., to no value), the via layers will be included, but not the check layers. If set to any text, the check layers will also be included.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29