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Status Display

The status area is located below the prompt line. This area provides information about current program modes. It displays the technology name from the technology file, if any, the current cell name, the grid spacing, the snap number if not 1, the number of objects selected if any, and the level of subedit in a Push, if in a subedit. Also displayed is a mode keyword, or ``MAIN'', and a code representing the current transform if set. If the current cell has been modified and not saved to disk, ``Mod'' will appear in the status area in colored text. If the current cell has the IMMUTABLE flag set, ``RO'' (for ``read only'') will appear. If the physical grid origin is not 0,0 (set with the PhysGridOrigin variable), ``PhGridOffs'' will be displayed in colored text.

Dragging over text in the status display with button 1 held down will select the text. Clicking on a word with button 1 will select the word. Selected text is available for export to other windows, as the primary selection in Unix/Linux, or from the clipboard in Windows. Under Windows, the selection is copied to the Windows clipboard automatically.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29