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Technology File Global Variables

Also typically appearing near the top of the technology file are the !set commands.

!set arguments
Unlike the Set keyword, this directive assigns variables as if the keyboard !set command, as used interactively from the prompt line, had been given. The arguments are exactly as they would appear on the prompt line. Thus, the command attributes that are controlled with the !set command can be specified in the technology file. The technology file is read after the .xicinit file and before the .xicstart initialization file, which are other options for executing the !set command at program startup.

This form is appropriate for variables that are defined by the user. Variables that are known to Xic can presently be set as keywords (see A.8.9), though the form described here can be used as well.

When a new technology file is written with the Save Tech command, all !set lines from the original technology file (if any) are written as a block, but commented out. This is followed by another block containing all of the currently defined variables, except for those known to Xic that can be set as keywords. These include the path variables, and are written as keyword definitions elsewhere in the file. The present list will contain variables defined by the user. These lines are active. The user can edit these blocks as necessary.

The !attrvars command generates a listing of the variables that can be set as technology file keywords.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29