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The Cells List Button: Cell Listing Panel

The Cells List button in the Cell Menu is used to bring up the Cells Listing panel, providing a listing of cell names. The cells listed are dependent upon the context, as will be described, and can be filtered for various criteria. The panel can be used to select cells for editing or placement, among other useful features.

If the Display button in the Cell Hierarchy Digests panel is active, i.e., the program is in hierarchy display mode, the cells listing is obtained from the CHD currently being displayed. In this case, filtering (to be described) does not apply. Otherwise, the listing is obtained from the cells presently in memory, in the current symbol table.

To the right of the Dismiss button is a drop-down menu which provides a choice or electrical or physical display mode for the cells list. The initial selection will be the same as the current display mode. The cells listed will have been created in the selected mode.

The display of the cell names is paged. The number of entries displayed per page can be set with the ListPageEntries variable, or defaults to 5000 if this variable is unset (variables can be set with the !set command). If the listing requires multiple pages, a page selection menu will appear to the left of the Dismiss button.

Cell names are listed in columns. The top level cells (those that are not used as subcells of another cell) are shown with an asterisk `*', and a plus sign `+' appears for modified cells.

The listing is a drag source, cell names can be dragged and dropped into drawing windows, to display or edit that cell.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29