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List File Pack/Unpack Utilities: lstpack, lstunpack

Utilities are provided to convert between different formats of list files, which are input files to the FastCap family of capacitance extraction programs. The capacitance extraction interface (see 16.17.1) generates this file format.

The original list file format, specified by MIT for the original FastCap program, actually used multiple files to describe the geometry. The list file references the other files.

The Whiteley Research revision of FastCap and the FasterCap program from can make use of a ``unified'' list file format, where the geometry ``files'' are actually tacked onto the end of the list file itself, so that all input is provided in a single file. This can be much more convenient in cases where the input would otherwise require a large collection of files.

Whiteley Research provides two simple utilities to convert between formats.

lstpack listfile
The listfile is an old-style (unpacked) list file, which references geometry files found in the same directory as the listfile. The utility will create, in the current directory, an equivalent unified list file. The base name of the file will be that of the input file, but with ``_p'' appended. The new file will have a ``.lst'' extension.

lstunpack listfile
The listfile is a new-style (packed, or unified) list file. The utility will create, in the current directory, a new old-style unpacked list file, and all of the referenced geometry files. It would usually be wise to run this in a previously clear directory. The new file will have the same base name as the input file, but with ``_unp'' appended, and will be given a ``.lst'' extension.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29