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The !oabrand Command: Permit Save from Xic in OA Lib

Syntax: !oabrand [libname [y|n]]
This command exists only when the OpenAccess plug-in is loaded.

By default, OpenAccess libraries that were not created by Xic are read-only within Xic. This is due to the fact that overwriting Virtuoso views will destroy them for use with Virtuoso, and the same probably applies to files for other tools as well.

If the second argument is not given, the branded status of the named library is reported on the prompt line. Otherwise, this function will apply or remove the brand to a library. The second argument, if affirmative, will cause the brand to be applied. Otherwise, an existing brand will be removed. This argument can be any commonly known name for affirmation such as ``y'', ``yes'', ``true'', ``1'', etc. If not recognized as affirmative, it is taken as non-affirmative.

If no library is given, the variable OaDefLibrary is checked for a library name, which is used if set.

Libraries that are created by Xic are already branded. If needed, this command can be used to remove write permission for Xic by un-branding. This can also be used to brand a library created by another tool, allowing Xic to write into that library. The user must understand the risks involved.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29