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Technology File Layer Block Keywords: Misc. Attributes

These miscellaneous keywords apply bits of information to the layer, which affects behavior in situations described.

LppName name
This provides an optional alias for the layer/purpose pair that represents the Xic layer name. The Xic layer can be accessed by this alias, in addition to the normal name. If no non-space characters are found after the keyword, the statement is ignored. Any character is allowed in the alias name, but leading and training white space is removed, and inclusion of some characters, for example a colon (':'), can definitely cause trouble.

Description description_string
This will set the description field of the current layer. If no non-space characters are found after the keyword, the statement is ignored. Leading and training white space is removed from the description string.

NoSelect [y| n]
If this keyword appears, and any following argument indicates true, objects on the layer can not be selected. The selectability status of the layers can be changed from the layer table.

NoMerge [y| n]
This keyword indicates that automatic merging of objects is suppressed on the layer. This overrides any merging enabled by the Merge new boxes and polys with existing boxes/polys and Clip and merge new boxes only, not polys check boxes in the Editing Setup panel from the Edit Menu, and the Clip and merge overlapping boxes button in the Set Import Parameters panel from the Convert Menu, and the corresponding variables.

WireActive [y| n]
If this keyword appears, and any following argument indicates true, wires on the layer will be considered for wire connectivity in schematics. This flag is always set implicitly in the SCED layer. The Cadence compatibility system may create a layer named wire with purpose drawing which will have this flag set.

Symbolic [y| n]
This keyword indicates that the layer will not be shown in the display produced by the Cross Section command (in the View Menu). Otherwise, it doesn't have any purpose in Xic, but might be useful to the user as a flag to indicate a non-physical layer.

Invalid [y| n]
If this keyword appears, and any following argument indicates true, the layer will not appear in the layer table, but will exist internally and resolve any references to the layer in a design. Such layers are invisible, as the redisplay involves cycling through layers in the layer table.

This is for compatibility with Cadence Virtuoso, whose layer presentation attributes include a Valid flag. When reading a Virtuoso technology file, if a layer is invisible, not selectable, and is invalid, the Xic Invalid flag will be set.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29