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The Show Errors Button: Show Next Error

After batch rule checking (using the operations initiated from the DRC Run Control panel) is performed, or in any case when a compatible DRC error log file is present in the current directory, errors from the file may be graphically viewed sequentially with the Show Errors button in the DRC Menu.

When the Show Errors button is pressed, if there is only one error log file for the current cell, it is loaded, otherwise a list of files is presented and the user must make a selection, then press the Apply button. If a file is successfully loaded, the Show Errors button in the menu will be shown active, and a message will appear in the prompt area. The search for error files extends only to the current directory, and only to files with a name beginning with ``drcerror.log''. The file must have been generated from a cell with the same name as the current cell.

This sets a mode where pressing the PageDown key will display the first and subsequent errors in a sub-window. The PageUp key can be used to view previously displayed errors. The Ctrl-f key performs the same operation as PageDown, and the Ctrl-b and Ctrl-p keys are equivalent to PageUp.

The PageDown or Ctrl-f keys can be used to access the errors randomly, by number. Entering a number followed by PageDown or Ctrl-f will display the corresponding error. One can also enter + or - ahead of the number, in which case PageDown and Ctrl-f will move backward or forward in the list by the number.

The functionality is maintained until the Show Errors button is selected a second time, making it inactive, or the sub-window is dismissed. The mode cannot be exited with the Esc key. Any command can be executed when the Show Errors button is active, making it possible to interactively fix the errors without leaving Show Errors mode.

If a DRC background run terminates when the Show Errors mode is active, and the checked cell is the same as the current cell, the error display window will be popped down, and the mode exited. The mode can be restarted to view the errors from the new file.

Note that in the sub-window, only the current error is highlighted, whereas in other windows, all errors may be highlighted, if a highlighting list exists. The highlighting list can be created or rebuilt from the file with the Update Highlighting button.

Show Errors mode is terminated if a new cell is opened for editing, including Push and Pop, and upon switching to electrical mode.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29