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Label Flags

Internally, every Xic text label object has a set of flags which control presentation and other attributes of the label. The flags are visible in the label specifications in native cell files and default extended CIF files (see B.3). It is also used with script functions (GetLabelFlags, SetLabelFlags, Label, LabelH) and the XprpXform pseudo-property (see 10.1.2).

Bits Hex Effect
0-1 0003 text rotation angle
  0000 no rotation
  0001 90 degrees
  0002 180 degrees
  0003 270 degrees
2 0004 mirror Y after rotation
3 0008 mirror X after rotation and mirror Y
4 0010 shift rotations to 45, 135, 225, 315 degrees
5-6 0060 horizontal justification
  0000 left justification
  0020 center horizontal justification
  0040 right justification
  0060 right justification
7-8 0180 vertical justification
  0000 bottom justification
  0080 center vertical justification
  0100 top justification
  0180 top justification
9-10 0600 font selection (unused)
11 0800 unused, reserved
12 1000 show text
13 2000 hide text
14 4000 show only when container is current cell
15 8000 limit number of lines displayed

See the discussion of the XprpXform pseudo-property in 10.1.2 for more information on the effects of these flags.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29