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Fit file format

A fit file contains a compacted digest of a TCA table, as prescribed by the Odintsov, Semenov and Zorin (OSZ) algorithm. These can be generated with the cf command. Fit files can be used as input to simulators that contain a compatible tunnel junction model (TJM). Presently, WRspice and Synopsys HSPICE can use these files.

An example fit file is shown below.

tcafit  4.2000e+00  1.3696e-03  1.3696e-03 0.008 500  8  0.200 3.9580e-2
-5.55136e+00, 7.35249e-02, 1.28573e+00, 1.08362e+01,-1.58776e-01, 2.87279e+01
-1.24623e-02, 1.00032e+00, 5.84894e-03,-4.50828e-04, 5.81876e-03,-2.11396e-04
-3.83312e-02, 1.00112e+00, 2.10779e-02,-3.09528e-04, 2.13882e-02, 1.13197e-03
-1.18261e-01, 9.98252e-01, 6.29481e-02, 1.95061e-03, 6.04875e-02, 1.68472e-02
-5.41049e-02, 7.52572e-07,-2.72420e-04, 5.67468e+00, 5.43002e-04, 2.37802e+00
-9.94491e-01, 6.50936e-01, 7.80341e-01, 1.14849e-01,-2.36003e-01, 9.49693e-01
-3.42835e-01, 9.60836e-01, 1.75970e-01, 1.81214e-02, 1.47672e-01, 1.40112e-01
-2.80018e-01, 6.49039e-03, 6.26863e-03, 1.81423e-01, 9.20013e-03, 3.23103e-02

The first line is a header, the first word of which is ``tcafit''. The numbers that follow in this line are:

Following the header line are six columns of real numbers. The number of rows is equal to the ``terms'', which is the -n option to the cf command. The columns are the OSZ parameters P.real, P.imag, A.real, A.imag, B.real, B.imag.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29