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File Name Encoding

Running mmjco can generate three types of files: a file containing values of the tunnel current amplitudes (TCA files), a file containing the fitting parameters used to represent the tunnel current amplitues in a compact form, and files that contain collections of fitting parameter sets, as for a temperature sweep. The ``model'' files use the same format as the TCA files. By default, these files are given a name that encodes the various parameter values used in creation.

Tunnel current amplitude files, including model files, are by default given an internally-generated file name in the forms below.

The ``tca'' and ``.data''/``.raw'' and similar are literal. All fields are fixed width and zero padded. Real numbers are converted to integers by multiplying by a scale factor and rounding to integer.

A six-digit integer equal to 1e4*temperature.
A 5-digit integer equal to 1e7*d1, where d1 is the side 1 gap potential in volts.
A 5-digit integer equal to 1e7*d2, where d2 is the side 2 gap potential in volts.
A two digit integer equal to 1e3*sf, where sf is the smoothing parameter.
The number of points used (-x option).

In WRspice, a rawfile (.raw extension) can be loaded with the load command, and the amplitudes can then be plotted with ``plot all''.

The fitting parameter file name has the following form.

The first part, ahead of the `-', is as described above. Following the hyphen:

The two-digit fitting table size.
A three digit integer equal to 1e3*thr, where thr is the compression threshold.

Sweep file names have the following form.


The part following the hyphen is the same as for the fit file.

A three digit integer giving the number of records in the file.
A six digit integer equal to 1e4*Tstart, where Tstart is the starting temperature in Kelvin.
A six digit integer equal to 1e4*Tdelta, where Tdelta is the temperature spacing.
A two digit integer equal to 1e3*sf, where sf is the smoothing parameter.
The number of points used (-x option).

The fit parameter table format is similar to that used by MiTMoJCo, identical if the header is ignored. Note that the table values do not match those found in the MiTMoJCo distribution. It seems that these values are not unique, and the various programs can converge to different sets. It was found that the original and present versions of gave different values, and neither matched the values provided in the amplitudes folder.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29